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  • 中国电视剧输出美国ChineseDramawasBoughtbyNetflix 美国输出

    时间:2019-09-26 10:09:29 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站


    Hollywood movies are famous around the world that many good films are produced every year and the audiences are willing to buy tickets. People lose faith in the homemade movies, because they are weak in both plots and actors. But the situation starts to change, for the famous American channel Netflix bought Chinese detective drama recently.

    Chinese culture is barely recognized by the western people. They only know the superstars like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chen, both of whom are famous for Kongfu actors. In foreigners’ eyes, it seems that China only produces Kongfu movies. This is wrong idea, many excellent dramas only popular in home but are less popular in the western, because of the culture difference.

    Now as the world gets globalized and the cooperation between countries has raised, many good movies have been made in China. The famous American channel Netflix buying Chinese hit detective drama is the example to show the successful export of Chinese culture. As Chinese economy develops very fast in the last decades, more cooperation will be happen between China and other countries. The world will know more about Chinese culture.
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