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  • 《洛克》完整中英文对照剧本

    时间:2020-11-23 12:04:49 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站

    相关热词搜索:洛克 剧本 中英文对照


     我是贝珊 Hi, this is Bethan. 我现在无法接听电♥话♥

     请留言 I can"t get to the phone right now. Please leave a message. 我是伊凡

     你的留言我收到了 Hi, it"s Ivan. I got your message. 现在正赶去那里 I"m on my way and I"ll get there. 已经在车上了 I"m in the car now and, uh... 不堵车的话大概要一个半小时 It will be about an hour and a half, unless there"s traffic. 如果护士或其他人要找我 Now, if the nurses or anybody wants to talk to me, 让他们打这个电♥话♥ I"m only on this number. 或者医生还是其他任何人 Or if the doctors or anybody at all, 如果想找我

     让他们打这个号♥码 if they need to talk to me, I"ll be on this number. 洛克 不会有事的 Now, it"ll be okay. 我会及时赶到

     应该不会堵车 I will get there and the traffic should be okay. 混♥蛋♥

     拨号♥中 喂

     麻烦请找加雷斯 Hello, can I speak to Gareth, please? 他还没回家

     请问您哪位 He"s not back yet. Um, can I ask who"s calling? 我是伊凡·洛克 It"s Ivan Locke. 能请问有什么事吗 Can I say what it"s regarding? 当然

     关于混凝土的事 Uh, yes, concrete. 你能

     能告诉他是急事吗 Can you, uh... Can you tell him that it"s urgent? 能让他回给我吗 Can you tell him to call me back? 好的


     Yep. Does he have your number? 是的


     他知道 Uh, yes. Yes, he does. 抱歉

     您叫什么来着 Sorry, what was your name again? 伊凡·洛克 Ivan Locke. 是混凝土的事对吗 Something about concrete? 没错

     你能不能 That"s right, yes. Can you, uh... 他知道是什么事吧 Will he know what? 不

     他不知道 No, no, he won"t. 突然出了些事情 Uh, something has come up and I need to tell people. 我得通知他

     很紧急 It"s urgent. 抱歉

     你说什么 Sorry, what? 我说

     我说是急事 I said... I said it"s urgent. 非常紧急

     谢谢你 Very urgent. Thank you. 家 喂 Hello? 艾迪


     妈妈在家吗 Eddie, it"s your dad. Is your mother there? 不在

     出去买♥♥东西了 Uh, no, she"s not back from the shops yet. 她去买♥♥你看球时候喜欢喝的德国啤酒了 Um, she"s getting that German beer that you like for the match. 好的


     我不回去看球了 Okay. Listen, I won"t be back for that. 什么 What? 出了点事情

     我没法脱身 Uh, something"s come up. I can"t get out of it. 我穿上球衣了


     I"m wearing the shirt. Mum"s getting sausages. 对了


     她也穿球衣了 Oh, yeah, and guess what? She"s wearing the shirt as well. 爸

     超级搞笑的 Dad, it is so embarrassing. 你刚才说什么回家的事来着 Um, yeah, what did you say about coming home? 我不回去看球赛了 I won"t be back for the match. 我只能听广播了 I"ll have to listen to it on the radio. 爸

     你说过要回来的 Dad, you said you"d be back. 听广播根本没意思 It"s rubbish on the radio. 妈还要做香肠什么的呢 Mum"s doing sausages and all. 你哥哥在吗 Is your brother there? 在

     要跟他说话吗 Yeah. Do you want a word? 不用了

     告诉 No. Uh, just tell... 你妈回来的时候让她回给我好吗 Can you just tell your mother to call me when she gets back? 谢谢 Thank you. -没问题


     快来 - Yeah, sure. - Eddie, come on. -我爱你

     -开始了 - I love you. - It"s started. 什么 What? 没事

     就这样 Uh... It"s okay. Do you know what? 等她回来让她打给我 Just get her to call me when she gets back. -好的



     拜拜 - Yeah. All right. Bye, Dad. - Thank you. Bye, bye. 多纳尔

     来电 我是伊凡·洛克

     Ivan Locke. 我刚听到你的留言

     你开玩笑的吧 I just got your message. It"s a joke, is it? 我知道事发突然 Look, I know it"s a shock, 但不会有事的 but it will be okay. 不会有事 Okay. 是的

     我会跟你把所有事过一遍 Yes, well, I will go through everything with you 不会有事的 and it"ll be okay. 你知道我在哪儿吗伊凡

     我在加油站 You know where I am, Ivan? I"m at the service station. 我他妈正给货车掉头呢 I"m turning the fucking van around. 我刚把其他几辆停在临时停车带上 I put a few other lads on the hard shoulder. 都快到家了 I was halfway home. -是吗

     -到底出什么事了 - Yeah. - What the fuck"s happened? -家里有事

     -好吧 - It"s a family thing. - Right. 是有人


     是丧事吗 Is someone... Has... Is it a bereavement? 我没得选 I don"t have a choice. 是孩子的事吗 Is it one of the kids? 多纳尔

     我需要你 Donal, look, I just need you 稳住局面不要慌乱

     好吗 to fix this up and be all right, okay? 还要做得滴水不漏 And solid. 你一向如此


     好吗 Which you are. Which you are, okay? 从明天太阳升起 Just from when the sun comes up tomorrow morning

     直到工程结束 until when it"s all been pumped. 我需要你帮我掌控局面

     好吗 I need you to hold it together for me, okay? 你不是孤军奋战

     我们随时电♥话♥联♥系♥ You won"t be alone. I will be on the phone. 每五分钟就和你沟通

     直到工程结束 I will talk to you every five minutes until the pump is finished. -怎么沟通


     -打电♥话♥ - Talk to me, what, on the phone? - On the phone. 什么

     你疯了吗 What? Have you gone mad? 我可没有 No, I don"t think so. 伊凡

     明天早上 5 点 45 分 Ivan, at 5:45 tomorrow morning, 会有 350 吨♥塑性混凝土 we have 350 metric tons of wet concrete 被送到工地 being delivered to the site. 还有来自全国各地的 200 辆搅拌车 We"ve got 200 trucks from all over the fucking country 5 点 45 分在这里汇合 descending on us at 5:45. 是 355 吨♥和 218 辆搅拌车 355 metric tons and 218 trucks. 好吧

     你绝对是在开玩笑吧 Okay, this is a joke, is it? 我没得选 I have no choice. 伊凡

     我非常不想这么说 Ivan, look, I hate myself even hearing myself saying this, 可是如果有人死了

     比如你妈 but if someone has died, like your mother or... 没人死了

     多纳尔 No one is dead, Donal. 能不能等到中午 12 点再走 ...just go where you have to go tomorrow after 12:00. 听着


     好吗 Hey, listen, I need you to just do this, okay? 我需要你在太阳升起的时候

     I need you to be there with enough stuff 带着足够的材料和清醒的头脑开工 就这样 and the right heads when the sun comes up. That"s it. 老天啊

     我做不到 Holy fucking Mary! I can"t. 我他妈就是个混凝土工人 I"m a fucking concrete farmer. 你见我读过任何有文字的东西吗 You"ve never seen me read anything written down on paper. 我不行 I can"t... 你可以的


     你可以的 You"re okay. Listen, you"re okay. 你知道怎么用混凝土泵吧 You know how to run a pump, don"t you? 你知道怎么开搅拌车吧 You know how to run trucks back to back, 会给搅拌车掉头

     也会做坍落试验吧 and turn trucks back, and you know how to test for slumps. 我从来没操作过这么大的泵 I"ve never even shoveled on a pump this big! 没什么不同

     只是大一点而已 Well, it"s the same. It"s just there"s more of it. 你只要

     只要用相同的操作 You just... You just do the same 时间长一点而已 but for longer. 先检查

     做坍落试验 You check it, slump it, 如果不行就送回去 send it back if it"s piss 要是没问题就开始泵

     就这样 and pump it if it"s right. That"s it. 加雷斯同意了吗 What does Gareth say about this? 我还没告诉他 I haven"t spoken to him yet. 好吧


     他绝对 Oh, well, he"s gonna fucking... He"s gonna... 他绝对要急得满房♥子跑 He"ll go fucking sideways around the houses...

     我知道 I know. 就跟屁♥股♥着火了一样 ...like his arse is on fire. 我知道

     我知道 I know. I know. -我都知道


     你会被炒掉的 - I know. - Ivan, you"re gonna get the sack. 我知道

     多纳尔 I know, Donal. 天啊

     你♥他♥妈♥是我遇过的最好的工头了 Jesus, you"re the best foreman I"ve ever fucking worked with! 最棒的施工经理

     到底是什么事 The best site manager. What the hell is it 让你冒上

     冒上被炒的风险 that"s gonna make you go and risk... You"re gonna risk the sack? 我需要你帮我


     多纳尔 Look, I need you to do this for me, Donal, right? 所以着手找人干活吧

     然后再打给我 So, start rounding up some cowboys and then call me back. 我就在路上 I"ll be on the road. 贝珊

     来电 -我是伊凡·洛克

     -伊凡 - Ivan Locke. - Ivan? 你在哪儿 Where are you? 我刚进来 Um, I just got admitted. 在产房♥里

     这间叫贝莉产房♥ I"m in the labor ward. It"s called Bailey Ward. 他们说要多久 Did they say how long? -已经五厘米宽了

     -这是什么意思 - I"m five centimeters. - What does that mean? 阴♥道♥扩张 Dilated. 这个我知道

     还有多久啊 I know what that means, but how long? 我


     他们把我丢这儿了 I...They just...They just left me.

     就我一个人 I"m on my own. -有铃吗

     -什么 - Is there a bell? - A what? 不知道

     呼叫护士的铃之类的 I don"t know, a buzzer or something to get a nurse. 他们偶尔来看一眼 They just put their head round 说可能得耗上几个小时 and they said it could be hours. 你还好吗 Are you okay? -我想上厕所

     -那就告诉他们 - Um, I need the loo. - Well, tell them. Tell them. -可是这儿没人

     -那有铃吗 - Well, there"s no one here. - Well, is there a bell? 没有铃啊

     到底什么意思 They don"t have bells. What do you mean? 等他们来看你情况的时候 When they put their head around the door, 告诉他们你要去卫生间 you tell them that you need the lavatory. 我的体内前所未有的疼 It"s like a pain I"ve never had right inside, 一直疼到胸口 all the way up to my chest. 你跟别人说过你疼吗 Have you talked to anyone about the pain? 没有


     这话什么意思 No, what... What do you mean? 伊凡

     你这话是什么意思啊 Ivan, what do you mean? 我是说

     你叫别人帮你止痛了吗 I"m saying, have you talked to anybody about stopping the pain? -你决定好了吗

     -他们说先看看情况 - Have you decided? - Well, they said let"s see. 说真的

     随便找个法子都行 Well, just have whatever there is, seriously. -什么


     止痛啊 - What? - I don"t know. For the pain. 因为真是太他妈



     Because it"s fucking... Jesus, it"s... 这儿好冷

     窗子都没关 It"s cold and all the windows are open. 叫他们把窗子关上 Tell them to close the windows. 路况不错

     你先去卫生间 And the traffic is okay. Go to the lavatory. 我很快就到 I"ll be there. 你告诉你老婆别人怀了你的孩子了吗 Have you even told your wife that someone"s having your baby? 正准备说呢 I"m about to do that. 我

     我今晚开车的时候 I have, uh... I have a list of things 有一大堆事要处理 that I have to do tonight while I"m driving. -也包括我对吧


     当然 - So, am I on a list? - Yes. Tonight, yes. 你爱我吗 Do you love me? 你问这个问题 That"s a question you"re asking 大概是因为你太疼了之类的 probably because of the pain or something. 我怎么会爱你 How could I love you? 我 I... 见鬼 Hell. 喂

     亲爱的 Hi, love. 喂

     卡特里娜 Hello, Katrina. 你好啊

     亲爱的 Hi, love. 我给你买♥♥了六瓶德国拉格啤酒 Look, I got you, um, six of the German lagers 还买♥♥了香肠 and I got sausages.


     哦对了对了 I thought we could have hot dogs again. Oh, oh, oh. 你猜怎么着 And guess what? 我终于穿上球衣了 I am finally wearing the shirt. 伊凡 Ivan? 艾迪没跟你说吗 Did Eddie not give you the message? -说什么

     -我不回家了 - What message? - I"m not coming home. 什么 What? 这是什么意思 What do you mean? 这可是球赛啊

     我还穿了球衣 It"s the match. I"m wearing the shirt. 你用的哪部电♥话♥ Which phone are you on? -什么意思

     -我能听到电视的声音 - What do you mean? - I can hear the TV. 你能上楼去

     用楼上的电♥话♥吗 Can you take this call upstairs, on the phone upstairs? 楼上

     为什么 Upstairs? Why? 我

      我有些事 I have... I have something... 我有些事要讲 I have something to say. 就不能等你回家再说吗 Well, can"t it wait until you get home? 我不回家了 I won"t be home. 到底怎么了 What"s happened? 你能先

     先去楼上接电♥话♥好吗 Will you just... Will you get to the phone upstairs? 出什么事了 What"s happened? 先去卧室接电♥话♥

     Just go to the phone in the bedroom 我再告诉你出什么事了 and I"ll tell you what"s happened. 好吧 Okay. 肖恩

     等我叫你就把电♥话♥挂了 Sean, when I shout, put the phone down, please. -喂



     -艾迪 - Hey, Dad, are you coming back? - Eddie. 我在跟你妈说话呢 Yeah, I"m talking to your mother. 他居然不上边锋

     还又让卡德维尔首发 He hasn"t put any wingers on and he"s put Caldwell back on again. 喂 Hello? 艾迪

     把电♥话♥挂掉好吗 Eddie, will you put the phone down, please? 爸

     真不敢相信他会用这种阵容 Dad, I can"t believe the team he"s picked. 艾迪

     拜托把电♥话♥挂掉好吗 Eddie, please, can you put the phone down, please? 艾迪 Eddie. 好了


     怎么了 So, go on, tell me. What is it? 去年那个工程

     克罗伊登那个 Last year, this job... You know, the job in Croydon. 记得吗 Do you remember? 我来回跑了三个月 I was up and down there for three months. Remember? 记得 Yes. 我住在一个旅店里

     就是那个 I stayed in the guesthouse, the one that had, uh... 很潮湿那个

     我说过的 It had bad damp, I said. 记得吗

     那个 Remember? The, uh... 记得 Yeah.

     他们给我安排了一个助手 They gave me an assistant. 她和我一起负责砌块建设 She worked with me on the block construction. -她


     不小了 - She? - She was a secretary, quite old. 我们

     我们一起工作 We, uh... We worked together. 她老大不小了

     还是单身 She"s quite old and she lives on her own. 好像有 43 岁了 She"s 43 or something. 她 She"s, uh... 你为什么要跟我讲别的女人 Why are you telling me about some woman? 这事我只做过一次

     卡特里娜 This is the only time I ever did this, Katrina. 就这一次 The only time. 砌块装填好以后 Look, after the block was settled in, 大家喝酒庆功 there were some drinks to celebrate. 砌块完成是件大事 Now, the block going in is a big thing 因为这是整座楼的基础 because it"s the base of a whole building. 她也回到了旅店 And she came back to the guesthouse. 她显然不是什么绝世美女 She isn"t what you would call an oil painting, 但当时又潮又冷

     她又说自己很寂寞 but it was wet and cold, and she talked about being lonely 我则说自己很幸福 and I talked about being happy. 但也不时感到寂寞

     比如出差的时候 But I"m lonely sometimes, you know, when I was away, and... 我们又喝了点酒 And there was this wine and, um... 这 15 年里我就做过这一次

     This was the only time I did this in all our 15 years. 今晚她要生产了 And now tonight she"s giving birth. 而孩子是我的 Tonight she"s giving birth and it"s mine. 混♥蛋♥

     来电 我是伊凡·洛克 Ivan Locke. 我是加雷斯

     伊凡 Yeah, it"s Gareth, Ivan. 我刚跟多纳尔通过话了 I just spoke to Donal. 你最好有够充分的理由 This had better be more than good! 你好啊

     加雷斯 Hello, Gareth. 咱们只说明早的事

     伊凡 Speak to me only about tomorrow morning, Ivan. 好的

     那个 Right, well... 明天泵送的时候我不会在场 I won"t be on site for the pump tomorrow. 苍天啊

     绝对不允许 Oh! Sweet monkey Jesus! This is not happening. 事实是

     我今晚要当爸爸了 Uh, the truth is, tonight I"m going to become a father. 孩子他妈在伦敦

     我得赶过去 And she"s in London, so I have to be there. 好吧

     好吧 Okay, Okay. 天啊


     伊凡 Jesus! I"m just gonna read you something, Ivan. -你在听吗

     -在听 - Are you listening? - Yes. 祝明天灌注顺利 "Good luck tomorrow with the pour. 我们的政♥府♥关系总监刚刚确认 "We just had it confirmed by CGO 这将是欧洲历史上除军用核设施以外 "That this will be the biggest single concrete pour 最大规模的混凝土灌注

     "Ever made in Europe outside of nuclear military projects. 有你们负责工程我非常放心 "I know the day is in the safest of hands. 祝好运

     米切尔 Best wishes, Mitchell." 那可是米切尔·迪恩 That is Mitchell Dean himself, 他妈的公♥司♥总裁 the president of the whole fucking company. 听到了吗伊凡

     从美国芝加哥发来的 Did you hear that, Ivan? From Chicago, USA. 听到了 Yes. 你得说大点声


     我听不见 You"re gonna have to speak up, Ivan. I can"t hear you. 我听到了 Yes, I heard. 你是整个工程的负责人 And so, you"re the man in charge of the entire operation, 但现在还剩 10 小时不到 but with 10 hours to go, 你却决定不去了 you"ve decided you ain"t gonna be there! 多纳尔会负责的

     他人很好 Well, Donal will handle it and he"s a good man. 你♥他♥妈♥怎么敢这么说 Don"t you fucking dare say that to me! 你别他妈在这时候评价我的员工 Don"t you fucking dare give qualitative appraisals on my staff 还说什么"人很好" and say "Good man." 说得好像让他去买♥♥个冰淇淋那么简单 Like he"s going off to buy a fucking ice cream! 老天啊

     这可他妈的是混凝土啊 Jesus, this is fucking concrete. 就跟你的排泄物一样

     伊凡 Like shit, Ivan. Like piss. 要出来了就得压一下 When it comes, you pump it. 和婴儿一样 Like babies.


     你把这当笑话是吧 Shit. This is a joke to you. 不


     现在已经没什么好笑的了 No, no. Right now nothing is a joke anymore. 天啊 Oh, God! 所以

     生孩子的不是你老婆 And so, it"s not your wife giving birth? 不是 No. -天啊

     -是别人 - Oh, Jesus! - It"s someone else. 伊凡

     你是全世界最不可能 Ivan! You"re the last person on earth... 我知道

     我确实是最不可能干这种事的 Yes, I know, I am the last person on earth, 但事实已经如此了 but it happened. 而且这个女人

     她就不能 And this woman, she can"t just... 她就不能自己把孩子生下来吗 she can"t give birth on her own? 我已经决定了 I have made a decision. 没人能陪着她了

     好吗 There is nobody else who could be with her, okay? 她在伦敦没有朋友

     而且她很脆弱 She has no friends in London and is quite a fragile person. 脆弱 Fragile! 你要抛弃欧洲最大规模的混凝土灌注 You"re gonna abandon the biggest fucking concrete pour in Europe 去牵某人的手就因为她脆弱 to hold someone"s fucking hand because she"s fragile? 还因为孩子的事是因我而起 And because the baby was caused by me. 这就是我做出的决定 That is my decision I have made. 我对这个女人的所作所为是不对的 I have not behaved in the right way with this woman at all. 我的行为完全不像我自己了

     I have behaved in a way that isn"t like me. 但我现在要做我该做的事 But now I am going to do the right thing. 所以呢

     芝加哥就抛到脑后置之不理了 What, and Chicago can go to fucking hell? 这是我做出的决定

     我没打算回头 It is a decision that I have made. I"m not gonna turn back. 你知道明天的工程关乎着几百万镑吗 Do you know how many millions of pounds are riding on tomorrow? 只要其中任何一个泵出问题

     伊凡 If any one of those pumps fucks up, Ivan, 不用 15 分钟我们就会损失一千万镑 we are facing 10 million pounds worth of losses in 15 minutes. 所以如果一早上都是这样 So if we get that 15 minutes for the whole morning, 那就全面停工 a total shutdown, 也就是一亿美元 $100 million. -你还在吗



     在 - Are you still there, Ivan? - Yes, yes. 我无法辩驳 Look, I have no explanation. 除了我刚说过的原因外 Apart from the one that I"ve given you. 但是


     听我说 But, Gareth, listen... 我对自己发了誓 I have made a pledge to myself 绝不会让灌注出岔子的 that I will not allow the pour to fuck up. 你是在开玩笑吧 Oh! This is a joke! 你♥他♥妈♥是不是还戴着一个小丑的红鼻子呢 Are you wearing a fucking red nose? 这简直是个国际玩笑

     伊凡 This is a fucking joke, Ivan. 我会给芝加哥那边打电♥话♥

     知道了吗 I"m gonna call Chicago, right? 要不是看在 If it weren"t for the fact that

     你为我们忠心耿耿干了这么多年的份上 you"ve been so solid for us for so many years, 我电♥话♥里就把你开了 I"d fire you down the phone. 伊凡

     你♥他♥妈♥是疯了吗 Oh, Ivan, have you lost your fucking mind? 我已经决定了 I have made my decision. 你♥他♥妈♥在看什么看 What the fuck are you looking at? 这下你笑了

     是吗 You"re laughing, aren"t you? 笑我现在的窘境 Laughing at my predicament. 这样的窘境你可不陌生吧

     爸爸 It"s a familiar predicament to a man like you, isn"t it, Dad, eh? 你在想


     有其父必有其子 You think, "There he is, look. Like father, like son. 这才是我儿子

     那句话怎么说的来着 "There"s the man I made." What is it they say? 上梁不正下梁歪 "The apple doesn"t fall far from the tree." 你错就错在这儿了 Well, that"s where you"re wrong. 给我听好

     你这人♥渣♥ Listen to me, you fucking piece of worthless shit. 我就希望你看着呢 I want you to watch. 知道吗

     我甚至都想拿把铁锹 Do you know, in fact, I would like to take a fucking shovel 把你从土里挖出来 and dig you up out of the fucking ground 让你好好看看今晚的我 and make you watch me tonight. 我要扒开你的眼睛 I would pull open your eyes 把土和虫子从你的烂耳朵里倒出来 and kick the mud and worms and shit out of your fucking ears 好让你享受今晚的旅途 just for the duration of this journey. 因为开车的是我



     Because it"s me driving. Me, not you. 我和你不一样 And, unlike you, 我会直接开往我该去的地方 I will drive straight to the place where I should be, 而且我会在那照顾我的 and I will be there to take care of my... 处理我惹的麻烦 to take care of my fuck-up. 来电 多纳尔 Yes, Donal. 我已经往回开了

     马上就到 Okay, okay, I"m driving back now so I"m gonna be quick. 我给瑞恩打了电♥话♥

     找他要了 6 个弟兄 Um, I called Ryan and I got half a dozen pals of him, 还从帕特里克那找了几个匈牙利人 and I got some Hungarians from Patrick. 我拿到了混凝土工的早餐券 I"ve got breakfast tickets for the concrete farmers, 模板工也都完工了 and the shutter boys are done, 包括打钉也弄好了 apart from the fucking-about with the clips. 我已经让那个阿尔巴尼亚人奥尔比 I"ve asked Albanian Alby 去检查阿盖尔那边的泵了 to test the pumps on the Argyll side, 他说一切正常 and he said that they"re pissing it out. 不


     停停停 No, listen... Okay, stop, stop, stop. 等你回去了

     亲自检查每一台泵 Listen, when you get back on site, you check every pump yourself, 每一个的开关都要亲手检查一遍 individually and with your own hand on the turner. 不要让别人检查签字 You don"t ask anybody else to check and sign off. 你去走一遍场地

     自己检查 You go around the whole site and you check each one yourself. 而且 5 点之后不能把奥尔比的话当真

     And you don"t trust Alby after 5:00 因为他酗酒

     明白了吗 because he drinks, okay? -好的好的

     -跟我说说混凝土 - Okay, okay. - Now, will you talk to me about the mix? 混凝土


     混凝土是用 C6 的吧 The mix... Um, yeah, the mix. Did we say C6? 别说的跟在问问题一样 Oh, don"t say that like it"s a question. 好吧


     好了吧 Okay, yes, okay. 有时候我说话 Sometimes I say things 像是在提问但其实不是 and it sounds like a question and it"s not a question. 所有泵的混凝土都是用 C6 的 Well, all the mixes for the pump will be C6. 这有什么好问的 Why do you even ask? -白板上用大字

     -我没问 - It"s written on the whiteboard... - I"m not asking. 写得清清楚楚 ... in fucking giant letters. 我到处都用红色大字写上 C6 了 I put "C6" all over the cabin in big red letters. -坍落度 1 英寸


     -好 - Slump of one inch, C6. - Okay. 别再问我这样的问题了 Don"t ask me questions like that. 我没有在提问

     我知道你不喜欢问题 I"m not asking a question. I know you don"t like questions. 倒霉催的 Fucking hell! 你打算什么时候去场地 All right, what time are you unlocking? 不知道

     我打算今晚在这儿过夜了 I don"t know. I"m gonna sleep here tonight. 很好


     把一切都检查一遍 Good, good, except you don"t sleep, okay? Check everything. 许可书拿到了吗 You"ve got the client sign-off?


     大门的出入许可 Yeah, yeah, and the client sign-off on the gates. 我说的就是这个

     大门的出入许可 That"s what I mean, the gate sign-off. 多纳尔

     施工许可应该已经批复了 Donal, the construction sign-off should already be filed. 是的是的

     已经 Yes, it is, it is. It"s already... 已经批复了


     我就是这意思 It"s already filed, it"s okay. That"s what I meant. 好的 Okay, right. 你有那些工厂的电♥话♥对吧 Well, you have the phone numbers of the plants, don"t you? -有


     多纳尔 - Yeah. - Call them now, Donal. 给每个家伙都打个电♥话♥ Call every one of those bastards, 让他们复查一遍订单 get them to repeat the order. 必须是 C6

     否则我们就拒收 C6 on the nose or we send those trucks back. 说真的

     如果明天下雨 Seriously, those fuckers will fuck you up 冲沟里的水就够你受的了 with the water in the gullies if it rains tomorrow. 明天不会下雨的

     是个晴天 Well, it"s not gonna rain tomorrow. It"s gonna be dry. 我已经问过上帝了 I"ve got a direct line to God up in heaven, you know. 多纳尔

     关于混凝土千万别指望运气 Donal, you don"t trust God when it comes to concrete. 给工厂打电♥话♥

     多纳尔 You call the plants, Donal, -每家都要打


     我打 - every one of them. - I will, okay. 让他们把订单传真过来你仔细检查一遍 And get them to fax the order back so you can check it. 好的


     马上就去办 I will. I"ll do that. I"ll do that now. 你和加雷斯谈了吗

     Did you speak to Gareth? 谈了

     他说会联♥系♥芝加哥那边 Yes, I did, actually. He"s calling Chicago. 我觉得他们应该会开了我 I"m guessing Chicago"s going to fire me 然后他再派个毛头小子接手 and he"ll put some fucking kid on it, so... -别



     -别接他电♥话♥ - Oh, no, no, no. - Don"t take his calls. 别接他电♥话♥就行了 Just don"t take his calls. 别理其他任何人 Don"t listen to anybody else. 我不能不接他电♥话♥啊 Well, I can"t not take his calls. 别接他的电♥话♥ Don"t take his calls. 明早之前不要听任何人的 Don"t listen to anybody else until the morning. 这事只有你和我负责

     懂吗 This is me and you, okay? 所以我就直接别理他的电♥话♥吗 So, I"m not gonna answer his calls? 对


     明白吗 No. Just me and you till the morning, okay? -好吧

     -好的 - Okay. - Cool. 倒霉催的

     我答应 Fucking hell, okay. 你好

     我是贝珊 Hello. This is Bethan. 我现在无法接听电♥话♥ I"m afraid I can"t get to the phone. -你给我打电♥话♥啦

     -你还好吗 - Did you call? - Are you okay? 还好

     有人把窗户关了 Uh, yeah. Someone closed the windows. 你有跟医生说觉得疼吗 Did you talk to anyone about the pain? -没


     -那一切都还好吧 - No, no one"s been in. - But is everything all right?


     疼得要死 No. It hurts like nothing ever. 好吧

     我已经在 M6 高速上了 Okay, well, I"m on the M6. 路况好的话再有一小时一刻钟就到了 Uh, an hour and a quarter if the traffic stays okay. 你得告诉他们你觉得疼啊 You must speak to someone about the pain. 我刚才简直觉得恨透了你 Um... Just then I felt like I hate you. 我们根本不了解对方

     贝珊 Well, we don"t know each other, Bethan. 事实很简单 That"s the simple truth. -这事刚好发生了而已

     -这事 - This thing just happened. - Thing? 所以我们对对方也谈不上爱恨对吗 So we can"t really love each other or hate each other, can we? 这事发生了

     仅此而已 This thing just happened and that"s it. 将来可能会有些波折 And it will go up and down, 但至少此刻我在往你那边赶了好吗 I suppose, but at least I"m coming, okay? 你

     你会不会因为这事恨我 Do you... Do you hate me for going through with it? 我都不了解你

     所以 I don"t know you, so... 我怎么恨你啊

     明白吗 I don"t hate you, do I? I mean... 我根本不了解你

     所以 I don"t know you, so... 他们怎么说你就怎么做 Look, do what they tell you to do. 我还有好多电♥话♥要打 I have a lot of calls to make. 路况很好

     别担心 The traffic is fine so it"ll be okay. -你快点来


     但高速有限速 - Please be quick. - Yes, but there"s a speed limit. -你好



     - Hello, Gareth. - Yeah, look. 如我所料

     芝加哥那边大发雷霆 Chicago is having a predictable meltdown. 是吗

     好吧 Is it? Okay. 我跟他们说了

     说你十年来勤恳工作 Yeah, I gave them, uh... I gave them the whole 10-year thing 说你为帕克工作十年 从没出过差错 about your 10 years working for Park without a foot wrong. 是九年

     我跟你共事九年了 Nine years. Um, I"ve been with you nine years. -什么

     -是九年啊 - What? - Nine years. 我能说的都说了

     伊凡 Yeah, the whole thing, Ivan. 他说感情上他理解 He said he goes on emotion. 但他又说这次是欧洲最大的一次灌注 He said the stuff about the biggest pour in Europe. 除了核电和军用设施外

     我知道 Outside the nuclear and military, I know, I know. 我实话告诉你吧

     伊凡 Well, I"ll tell you what, Ivan... 你被开除了

     就是这样 You"re fired, is what it is. 他们说公&arts;司♥别无选择 They said they had no choice. 我说

     我说了你这十年的勤恳 I said... Um, I told them about the 10 years. -九年

     -但他们说公♥司♥别无选择 - Nine years. - But they said they had no choice. 九年十年的不重要 Yeah. Nine, ten, whatever. 没事的

     没事 So it"s okay. It"s okay. 我从来没在电♥话♥里开除过谁

     伊凡 I never do this on the phone, Ivan. 没事的

     我理解 It"s okay. It"s okay. 我还是会确保灌注顺利的 I will still make sure the pour is all right.



     这事没的商量了 No, Ivan, it"s... It"s not a matter for negotiation. 他们已经决定开除你了 They"ve decided you"re fired, 正式地

     即刻生效 completely, as of right this second. 我知道


     我不怪他们 I know, I heard you, and I don"t blame them, okay? 我不是为了保住自己的工作

     我只想 But I"m not trying to keep my job. I just... 我只想确保明天的灌注顺利 I just want the pour to go okay tomorrow. -伊凡


     你听我说 - Ivan... - Listen to me. You listen to me. 我希望灌注顺利不是为了钱 I want the pour to go okay, not because of the money. 是为了我自己

     为了大楼 I want it to go right for myself and for the building. 好吗

     为了那些混凝土 Alright? And for the concrete. 我不会让它灌到错的地方去

     听懂了吗 I won"t let it be pumped into the wrong place. Do you understand? 今晚和明天

     我会全程负责此事 Tonight and tomorrow, I will stay on this and stay on this 确保混凝土灌注顺利 and make sure the concrete gets poured right. 伊凡

     我跟他们说了你十年的功劳 Ivan, listen, I told them about the 10 years. -去你♥妈♥的♥十年吧

     -他们不听 - Fuck your 10 years. - They weren"t having any of it. 听着


     听我说 Listen to me, Gareth... Listen, Gareth. 混凝土会如期到达 The concrete will come 并且我会安排好大小事务

     行吗 and I will take care of it, okay? 我知道我已经被开了

     但我还会负责的 I know I don"t have a job anymore, but I will do this anyway 就算是为了大楼和混凝土吧 as a favor to the building and to the concrete. 伊凡


     Ivan, you sound different. 我没变 I am the same. 你干嘛不说生病了呢 Why didn"t you just say you were sick? 因为我没病啊

     而且我会确保灌注顺利 Because I"m not sick, and I"ll make sure the pour is okay. 我知道

     但我已经把项目交给 Yeah, but I"ve already handed it over 另一个土建主管了 to another construction director. 伊凡

     他会从你那儿接 Ivan, he"s gonna pick it up from... 卡特里娜 Katrina? 这不是真的

     我不信 That didn"t happen. I"m not believing it. 卡特里娜

     我希望我们可以 Katrina, I want to move to 讨论一个切实可行的将来计划 a practical next step. 我在卧室

     四周漆黑一片 I"m here in the dark in our bedroom and... 天啊

     一切都不一样了 Oh, God, nothing looks the same. 伊凡 Ivan? 我不

     我不知道该怎么说 I can"t... I can"t speak very well. I... 几个月来我也一直不知所措 I have felt scraped-out for months. 她打来电♥话♥说怀了孩子 She phoned and said that she was having a baby 还说要留下 and keeping it 因为这是她能拥有幸福的最后机会了 because it was her last chance to be happy. 然后今晚她又来了电♥话♥ And then tonight she phoned 说羊水破了

     比预产期早了两个月 and said the waters broke and it"s two months early.


     我本打算在生下来之前告诉你的 I was... I was going to tell you before, 但是她的产期提前了 but the waters broke early, 所以我不得不在车里跟你说了 so I have to do this now in the car. 每晚我都

     我都挣扎着想告诉你 Every night I was... I was going to tell you. 天啊

     我没法 God, I can"t... 我不能呼吸了 I can"t really breathe. 卡特里娜

     你知道我父亲的事吧 Katrina, listen. You know what happened with my dad, right? 也知道那个混♥蛋♥怎样抛弃了我 And how that bastard wasn"t around for me. -连名字都没给我起


     你错了 - Didn"t even give me a fucking name. - No, no, you"re confused. 伊凡

     你才是混♥蛋♥ Ivan, it"s you that"s the bastard. 他的儿子才是个混♥蛋♥ It"s the baby that"s the bastard. 拜托你

     伊凡 For God"s sake, Ivan, 先把这点弄清楚了 at least get the word right. 卡特里娜

     听着 Katrina, listen. 我会让孩子姓我的姓

     还会陪他成长 No, I will give the baby my name and it will see my face. 他会知道有人爱他

     而不会一辈子都 It will know and it won"t spend its life thinking... 都认为没有人 You know, thinking that nobody... 我关上了门

     坐在黑暗里 I"ve closed the door and I"m in the dark, 我几乎说服自己这不是你干的了 and I"m almost sure this isn"t you. 求你告诉我你没这么做 Please don"t be you. 我知道


     I know, I should have said all this a long time ago. 我太 I"m so... 我最近都不像我自己了 I have behaved not at all like myself. 我得坐起来了 I suppose I gotta get up. 卡特里娜


     别挂 Katrina, please, don"t go. -我又要吐了


     别 - I have to throw up again. - Please, don"t... -多纳尔

     -伊凡 - Donal? - Okay. Uh, Ivan? 接下来这不是问题 This isn"t a question. 我不是在问问题

     好吗 This isn"t a question, okay? 但我刚和斯塔福郡的工厂通完电♥话♥ But I just got off the phone with the plant in Stafford, 他们知道订单上要的是 C6 and they said they know that it"s a C6 mix, 但是换成 C5 行不行 but how far towards C5 can it go? 就是说

     如果有一辆搅拌车运的是 C5 In other words, if one truck had some C5, 会有什么后果 how bad would that be taken? 你还在听吗 Are you still there? 多纳尔

     白板上是怎么写的 Donal, what does it say on the whiteboard? 白板上

     写的是 C6 On the... It says C6. 每一张签过字的订单和文件上 What does it say on every piece of paperwork 又是怎么写的 and on every sign-off sheet? -写的是 C6

     -写着 C6 - It says C6. - It says C6. 你知道为什么吗 And you know why?


     最终 Because, eventually, 当我的大楼完工时

     它会有 55 层高 when my building is complete, it will be 55 floors high. 重达 222.3 万吨♥ It will weigh 2,223,000 metric tons. 我的大...

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