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  • 英语试析地理环境影响下中英成语文化差异

    时间:2021-05-08 20:07:30 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站

    相关热词搜索:文化差异 地理环境 英语


     目录 Contents ...................................................................................................0

     Chinese Abstract .....................................................................................2

     English Abstract .....................................................................................3

     1. The Relationship Between Language and Culture ..........................4 2. English Idioms and Chinese Idioms ..................................................3 2.1 Chinese Idioms ..................................................................... 错误! 未定义书签。

     2.2 English Idioms ..................................................................................................... 5 3. The Correspondence Between English and Chinese Idioms ...........5 3.1 The Basic Corresponding English and Chinese Idioms ....... 错误! 未定义书签。

     3.2 Semi-basic Corresponding English and Chinese Idioms .................................... 7 3.3 Non-corresponding English and Chinese Idioms ................................................ 8 4. Geographical Environment Affecting Factors .................................9 4.1 Different Terrains ................................................................................................ 9 4.2 Different Climates ............................................................................................... 9 4.3 Different Mode of Productions ......................................................................... 10 4.4 Different Meaning of Directions ....................................................................... 11 4.5 Different Natural Resources .............................................................................. 11 5. Conclusion .........................................................................................12 References .............................................................................................13







      An Analysis of Cultural Differences Between Chinese and English Idioms under the Influence of Geographical Environment

      Abstract There are ample idioms in both English and Chinese. Idioms are highly condensed in language and culture, which highlight the characteristics of national culture. Chinese and English idioms originate from various geographical environments and national cultures, so they differ greatly in structure, style and meaning. This paper selects English and Chinese idioms with rich cultural connotations, and explores the cultural differences between them through the comparative analysis of different geographical environments. Starting from the characteristics of English and Chinese idioms and their corresponding relations, this paper focuses on the analysis of the five factors affecting the geographical environment: topography, climatic condition, mode of production, meaning of direction and natural resources, subsequently sums up the cultural differences between Chinese and English idioms under the influence of diverse geographic environment, so that readers can understand the deep meaning of the two idioms. Key words: geographical environment; idioms; cultural differences

      1. The Relationship Between Language and Culture

      Edward Burnett Tylor defines culture in his Primitive Culture (1871): Culture is a complex whole, including knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, customs and any other abilities and habits acquired by human beings as members of society. Language, as an essential part of culture, is also a prerequisite for the formation and development of culture. On the other hand, cultural development also promotes linguistic richness and perfection. It can be said that language indicates the characteristics of a country, for the reason that it includes not only the historical and cultural background of the country, but also the way of life and thinking of the nation. Language and culture bear each other and they are inseparably. The development of language and culture promotes and influences each other, they do not restrict each other, on the contrary, they influence and integrate each other in parallel development.

      The natural geographical environment influences the formation of culture and creates specific cultures and expressions. Due to the different geographical conditions, the terrain climate and economic production methods in various regions are also distinct from each other, therefore the language vocabulary and its connotative meaning generated on this basis will also differ in expression.

     Idioms are the condensation and crystallization of language. Learning idioms which is considered a very essential part of learning and using language (Sridhar & Karunakaran, 2013). What’s more they are an indispensable part of language, which reflecting the national culture. These idioms reflect the cultural characteristics, living habits, customs of the nation from all aspects. Chinese and English national culture is deeply influenced by their respective history, geography and customs. The degree of this influence is also engraved in the language, so a large number of idioms have rich cultural characteristics.


     English Idioms and Chinese Idioms

     2.1 Chinese Idioms What is a Chinese idiom? The New Modern Chinese Dictionary defines idioms as: “phrases or short sentences that have been used by people for a long time, with simple forms and

     brilliant meanings.” (罗琦,周丽萍,2003) It can be seen that the structure of idioms has been relatively fixed up to now, most of which are four-character idioms.

     Chinese idioms are mostly derived from ancient classics, famous historical stories, people’s oral or myths and fables. (陈玉霞, 2001) They have brilliant meanings, which are often implied in literal meaning. Instead of simple addition of constituent meanings, they have integrated meanings. It has a tight structure, and generally cannot change the word order arbitrarily, replace or increase or decrease its components. It is not a simple combination of words, but a stereotyped phrase with special meaning, rich in grammatical functions and profound cultural connotations. Chinese idioms are short, concise, and rich in content, and often have a strong emotional color. There are many idioms derived from historical stories, for example, 指鹿为马 (in Chinese Pinyin, it is pronounced as “zhi lu wei ma”, which means intentionally confuse right and wrong) from the Historical Records of the First Emperor Qin Shihuang by Sima Qian of the Western Han Dynasty. In addition to the history of Zhao Gao pointing at the deer as a horse and murdering a minister, it also uses metaphor to intentionally reverse black and white and confuse right and wrong. 望梅止渴 (in Chinese Pinyin, it is pronounced as “wang mei zhi ke”, which means wish cannot be realized, comfort oneself with dreams) is from the Southern Dynasties Liu Yiqing’s New Words of the World - False Treachery. It is about Cao Cao’s story of stimulating morale and deceiving a plum tree in front of soldiers. As a result, morale increased greatly. Later, it compared metaphorically to wish, and comforted oneself with dreams. Idioms derived from fable stories: 东施效颦 (in Chinese Pinyin, it is pronounced as “dong shi xiao pin”, which means impersonate others) is a parable in Chuang Tzu - Fortune, which tells the story of Dongshi’s failure to imitate Xishi and spurned by others. It is now used to ridicule impersonal behavior and advise people not to imitate blindly. 守株待兔 (in Chinese Pinyin, it is pronounced as “shou zhu dai tu”, which means hold on to a narrow experience and won’t change) is a parable from Han Feizi - Five Kinds of Evils, about an ancient peasant who saw a rabbit slammed into the root of a tree and died. Since then he put down his hoe and waited for the rabbit to be killed by the tree every day. It is now used to ridicule those who want to succeed without effort. 天衣无缝 (in Chinese Pinyin, it is pronounced as “tian yi wu feng”, which means things are well-rounded and flawless) is a mythical story from Ghost Record · Guo Han. It originally refers to the heavenly dress worn by the fairy in the myth which is not made by needlework and not sewn. Now metaphorical things are perfect and natural, without any traces or flaws. 开天辟地 (in Chinese Pinyin, it is pronounced as “kai tian pi di”, which means unprecedented) is a legend from The Historical Records of the Emperor in the Middle and late Primitive Society, which tells the story of Pangu created heaven and earth in ancient times. The latter is often used

     as a metaphor for an unprecedented phenomenon that has not occurred since ancient times. 2.2 English Idioms The definition of idiom in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary is:“a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words” (赵翠莲,邹晓玲,2016). Longman English Dictionary defines idiom as “a group of words that has a special meaning that is different from the ordinary meaning of each separate word” (Net 1). In Cambridge Advanced English Idioms, idiom is a kind of stylized language, which is a fixed combination of words. Its meaning is not only the sum of the meanings of words (O’Dell &McCarthy, 2014). To sum up, “idioms are usually semantically opaque, metaphorical rather than literal” (Ren Chi & Yu Hao, 2013: 78).

      There are also many idioms in English that originate from ancient myths, historical allusions, religious classics, and literary works. For example, in “Achilles heel”, Achilles is a hero in ancient Greek mythology, and heel is his only...

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