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  • 高考英语专题复习—冠词

    时间:2021-04-03 10:13:10 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站

    相关热词搜索:冠词 高考英语 复习


      要点 1. 冠词的泛指和特指用法 不定冠词修饰可数名词.其意思为" " 一个" " ; 定冠词既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,往往表特指.其意思相当于" " 这个" ", 单数可数名词只要不用在抽象化的语境中,一定要加冠词(或者加不定冠词,或者加定冠词)。

     要点 2 2 .不定冠词 a(n) 的几种特殊用法

     (1)不定冠词 a(n)用于有或没有形容词修饰的抽象名词前。

     Many people agreed that a knowledge of English is a must in international trade today.许多人都持相同的看法,在当前国际贸易交往中,英语知识是必备的知识。

     (2)不定冠词 a(n)用于有形容词修饰的一日二餐前。

     Before I go to work every morning, I"ve a light breakfast.


     (3)不定冠词 a(n)用于有形容词修饰的季节、日期前。

     The traffic accident happened on a Sunday towards the end of July. (4)不定冠词 a(n)用于序数词前,表示一次,又一。

     How important it is to learn a second language! (5)抽象名词就是表示状态,品质,情感的没有实物的名词。比如responsibility(责任), law(法律),love(爱情),peace(和平),具体


     Give her a surprise.给她个惊喜。


     A Mr.Liu is waiting for you.一个姓刘的先生在等你。


     A few, a little, a lot of, a bit, a couple of, all of a sudden(突然), as a matter of fact(实际上), in a hurry(匆忙的), in a word(简言之), have a good time(玩得愉快), do sb. a favour(帮忙), pay a visit to(访问), as a rule(惯例), as a whole(总之), in a day or two(一两天), in a way(在某种程度上), of a size(大小相同), have a word with sb.(与…交谈), make a living(谋生), take a pride in(自豪), take a walk(break, bath, seat)(散步(休息、洗澡、就座)), a great deal of(大量), be a pity(遗憾), have a cold(headache, fever)(感冒(头痛、发烧)), many a(许多), catch a cold(感冒). 要点 3 3 定冠词的 特殊 用法

     (1.) 表示世界上宇宙中独一无二的事物

     the sun 太阳 the moon 月亮 the earth 地球 the sky 天空 the world 世界

     (2.) 指由普通名词构成的专有名词

     the West Lake 西湖

      the Great Wall 长城 the United States 美国 the United Nations 联合国

     (3.) 表示方向、方位

     in the east 在东方

     in the west 在西方

      in the front 在前面

     at the back 在后面

     in the bottom 在底部

      at the top 在顶部

     on the right 在右边

      on the left 在左边

     (4). 在姓氏复数前,表示一家人

     The Bakers came to see me yesterday.

     (5). 和某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,代表一类人或物

     the poor 穷人

      the rich 富人

     the sick 病人

      the wounded 伤员

     the good 好人

      the beautiful 美丽的事物

     (6. )用在 the very 强调句中

     This is the very book I want.


     (7.) 在 the more, the more 比较级的句式中

     The more you drink, the more you like it.


     (8). 表示演奏乐器时,乐器的前面要加 the

     play the piano 弹钢琴

     play the violin 拉小提琴

     (9). 某些固定的表达法

     in the morning 在早上

      in the afternoon 在下午

     in the evening 在晚上

      go to the cinema 去看电影

     go to the theatre 去看戏

     all the year round 一年到头

     on the way to 前往...去的路上

      要点 4. 零冠词的用法

     (1. )专有名词前一般不加冠词

     China 中国

     Europe 欧洲

     Lei Feng 雷锋

      William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚

     (2. )月份、周日、节日前一般不加冠词

     January 一月份

     Sunday 星期日

     Christmas Day 圣诞节

     Thanksgiving 感恩节

     National Day 国庆节 May Day 劳动节


     ...on a Sunday morning.

      在一个星期天的早晨... (表示某一个。)

     (3. )三餐、四季前一般不加冠词

     I have lunch at school.


     Summer is the best season for swimming.



     I had a big lunch yesterday.


     The dinner given by Mr Smith was very nice.


     比较 :

     I will never forget the summer we spent in Hawaii.



     (4.) 进行球类运动

      play basketball 打篮球 play volleyball 打排球 play football 踢足球

     (5.) 没有特指的物质名词

     This cart is made of wood.



     The wood outside was all wet.


     (6.) 没有特指的不可数抽象名词

     Time is precious.



     The time of the play was 1990s.


     (7). 固定词组

     go to school 去上学

     go to bed 上床睡觉

     go by train 乘火车去

     go by boat 乘船去

     at table 在用餐

      in hospital 住院

     at school 求学

      in school 求学

     at noon 在中午

      at night 在晚上

     at midnight 在半夜

     in town 在城里

     (8). 独立结构中的名词不加冠词

     A boy came in, book in hand.


     (9). 泛指人类

      Man is mortal. ( ( 常考的有 society, nature, space) 人必有一死。

     (10). 在"kind of+名词 sort of+名词"句式中

     What kind of flower is it?

     (11.) 指职位、头衔的词,如 king,captain,president,chairman 等。

     He is (the) captain of the team.

     As (the) chairman of the committee, I declare the meeting open.


     要点 5 5 .用冠词与不用冠词的差异


     at table 进餐

     at the table 在桌子旁 in hospital 住院

     in the hospital 在医院里 by sea 乘船(由海路)

     by the sea 在海边 go to sea 当水手

     go to the sea 去海边 in future 从今以后,将来

      in the future 未来 on earth 究竟

     on the earth 在地球上,在世上 go to school (church…) 上学(做礼拜…)

      go to the school (church…) 到学校(教堂)去 in front of 在…(外部的)前面

      in the front of 在…(内部的)前面 on horseback 骑着马

      on the horseback 在马背上 take place 发生

     take the place of 代替

      out of question 毫无疑问,一定

     out of the question 不可能 at a distance 稍远一些

      in the distance 在远处 A number of 许多

      the number of …的数目 for a moment 一会儿

      for the moment 目前,暂时 be in charge of 负责…

     be in the charge of 由…负责,在…掌管之下 by day 在白天

      by the day 按日计算 in possession of 拥有

     in the possession of 为…所有 in sight of 能看见

      in the sight of 据…的见解 in place of 代替

      in the place of 在…的地方 be of age 成年

     be of an age 同龄 take advice 征求意见

      take the advice 听从劝告 He is still in office. 他仍在执政

      He is still in the office. 他仍在办公室里 高考真题趁热喝

     Time is money, you have to cherish every second of you life.

      The warmth of ____________sweater will of course be determined by the sort o ___________wool used.

     A.The ; the

     B.the ; /

      C./; the

     D./; / Most animals have little connection with_________animals of___________different

     kind unless they kill them for food.

     A.the … a

      B./ … a

      C.the … the

      D./ … the Paper money was in___________use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in

     __________ thirteenth century. A.the … /

      B.the … the C./ … the

     D./ … / 4.When you come here for your holiday next time don’t go to

     hotel; I can find you

     bed in my flat. A. the; a

     B. the; 不填

     C. a; the

     D. a; 不填 5.—John, there is

      Mr. Wilson on the phone for you. —I’m in

     bath. A. a; the

      B. the; a

     C. a; 不填

      D. the; 不填 6. Tom owns

      larger collection of

      books than any other student in our

     class. A. the; 不填 B. a; 不填

      C. a; the

     D. 不填; the

      1.______recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S .would

     be higher than the number of English speaker by_____ year 2090. A, the B. A, / C. The ,/ D. The, a 2.If you go by ______train ,you can have quite a comfortable journey ,but make sure

     you get _____fast one. A. /, /

     B./, a C. the, a D./,/

     3. It is often said that ____teachers have _______very easy life. A /,/

      B. /,a

      C. the,/

     D. the, a 4.I can’t remember when exactly the Robinsons left _____city ,I only remember it was

     ______ Monday.。

     the , the B. a ,the C. a, a D. the, a If you grow up in ______large family ,you are more likely to develop _____ability

     to get on well with ______others . Energy and persistence conquer all things.

      A. /,an the

     B. a, the ,/

     C. the ,an ,the

     D. a, the ,the

     6.Mrs ,Taylor has ___8-year-old daughter who has _____gift for painting –she has

     won two national prizes. A.a, a

     B. an ,the C. an ,a D. th 7.Afetr dinner he gave Mr. Richardson ________ride to ________Capital Airport. A .the, a B. a the C. /, a D. /, the

     8.On May 5,2005,at ___World Table Tennis Championship ,Kong Ling hui and

     WangHao won the gold medal in men’s with ____score of 4:1. A. a ,a

     B. / the

     C. a ,/

     D. the ,a

     9.I knew ______John Lennon ,but not ____famous one. A. /,a

     B. a ,the

      C. /,the

      D. the, a

     10.The book tells ____life story of John Smith ,who left _______school and worked for

     a newspaper at the age of 16. A. the, the

     B. a , the

     C. the./

      D. a,/

     11.When you come here for your holiday next time, don’t go to _____hotel ; I can find

     you ______bed in my flat.

     the ,a

     B. the,/

     C. a ,the

      D. a,/ 12.If you buy more than ten, they will knock20pence off________.

     A. a price B. price

     C. the price D. prices

     13.____on-going division between English –speaking Canadians and French-speaking

     Canadians is _______major concern of the country. The ,/ B. The ,a C. An ,the D. An,/ 14.When he left _____college ,he got a job as ______reporter in a newspaper office .

     A. /, a

     B /, the

     C .a the

     D .the, the 15The most important thing about cotton in history is ___part that it played in

     ____Industrial Revolution.

     A. /,/

     B. the,/

     C. the , the

     D. a ,the 16.While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope Newton made _____discovery

     which completely changed ____ man’s understanding of color. a ,/ B. a ,the C. /, the D. the ,a 17.It is ___world of wonders, _____world where anything can happen. A. a. the

     B. a, a

     C. the, a

      D. /,/ 18.For a long time they walked without saying ___word .Jim was the first to break


     A. the a

      B. a ,the

     C. a ,/

      D. the,/ 19.There was ____time _____I hated to go to school.

      a ,that B. a ,when C. the ,that D. the ,when

     20. When you finish reading the book ,you will have ______better understanding of

     ______life., a, the B. the .a C. /,the D.a,/

     absence n.缺席,不在场,缺乏 absorb vt.吸收,使专心 abstract a.抽象的 n.摘要

     academic adj.学院的,学术的 adapt vt.使适应,改编

      admire vt.钦佩,羡慕,赞赏 admit vt.承认,准许…进入

      adopt vt.收养,采用,采取 adventure n. 冒险,惊险活动

     a place of interest 名胜 a series of 一系列,一连串

     agree to do sth 同意做某事

      Phrases and vocabulary you have to remember:

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