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  • 四年级英语下册试题UnitOnemyschool课后练习(2)

    时间:2021-04-16 10:05:59 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站

    相关热词搜索:英语 课后 下册

     四英下 Unit One(2) 一、根据课文将下列句子重新排列,组成一段完整的对话。

     1. Forty-five students.

      2. Do you have a library ? 3.Welcome to our school!

     4. No, it isn’t. It’s the teacher’s office. 5. Yes, we do. It’s on the second floor. This way, please. 6. Is that the computer room ? 7. It’s so big ! How many students are there in your class? 正确顺序:








      ) 二、单项选择。


      )1. –Where is the computer room?

     --It’s on the ____ floor. A. one

     B. first

      C. two (

      )2. Go to the ____ and read a book. A. playground

     B. library

     C. garden (

      )3. –Is this the gym?

      --____ A. Yes, is it.

     B. No, it is.

      C. Yes, it is. (

      )4. This is ____ new playground. A. our

     B. us

     C. we (

      )5. – Do you have an art room?

     --Yes, It’s ____ the music room. A.



     next to

     C. of


      )6. There are ____ classrooms.

      A. one

     B. two

      C. second (

      )7. –Your art room is big and beautiful.

     -- ______ (

      )8. –Do you have a playground in your school?

     --_____ A. Yes, you do.

     B. Yes, we do.


     Yes, I am. (

      )9. Welcome ____ China !

     A. to

     B. in

     C. at (

      )10. Is the teachers’ office ____ floor? A. on second

      B. on two

     C. on the second 三、给下列句子选择合适的答语。


      )1. Where is the computer room?

      A. There are forty-six. (

      )2.Do you have a new computer?

     B. It’s on the second floor. (

      )3.How many student are there in your class?

      C. Yes, we do. (

      )4. Is this the art room ?

      D. Thank you.


      )5. Your school is beautiful.

      E. No, it’s the music room.



     is , that , teachers’ , office , the ( ? )

     2. have , do , new , a , library , you (?)

     3. cool , is , your , school (.)

     4. floor . the . is . second , it , on (. )

     5. is , where , room , art , the ( ? )

     五、补全对话(有一项多余) Sarah: Look! This is our new school. 1.____ Mike: Cool! 2. ____ Sarah: Yes, we do. It’s on the second floor. Mike: 3. ____ Sarah: It’s next to the library. 4. ____ Mike: Good idea! A. Let’s go and play table tennis there.

     B. It’s big and nice. C. Do you have an art room ?

      D. Where is the gym? E. Is this your art room? 六、阅读短文,填空。

      I am Mike. Welcome to our school. I like our school very much. We have a new playground. Classroom 1 is on the first floor. It is under the computer room, and it is next to the teachers’ office. The teacher’s office is under Classroom 2. The library is under the music room. We can draw picture in the art room. The art room is on the second floor. It is next to the music room. Look! That is our gym. It’s next to the library. Our school is small, but it is clean and beautiful.

     Classroom 2

     1. ___________

      Music Room


     3. __________

      Classroom 1

     4. ___________

     5._____________ 阅读短文,完成下列任务。

      I ‘m Mike. Come and look at my school. Look! This is a big playground. I often play basketball with my friends here. Behind the playground, there is a garden. You can see many beautiful flowers there. The teaching building is next to the garden. There is a gym, a library and a lunch room on the first floor. You can find all kinds of books in the library, such as cartoon books and storybooks. I often read storybooks in it. We have a science lab, a music room and a washing room on the second floor. On the third floor, we have an art room and a teachers’ office. My classroom is on the third floor, too. It’s big and clean. I like my school very much. Task 1: 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。


      )1. My classroom is small and clean. (

      )2. The teachers’ office is on the second floor. (

      )3. I often read cartoon books in the library. (

      )4. The gym is on the first floor. (

      )5. I often play football with my friend on the playground.

      Task 2: 根据短文内容,回答下面的问题 1. Is the playground in front of the garden? ____________________________________________ 2. Where is the washing room? ____________________________________________ 3. What can you find in the library? _____________________________________________ 4. Is the classroom on the third floor? _____________________________________________ 5. Where is the science lab? _____________________________________________

     七、 Speaking



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