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    时间:2020-10-15 15:18:20 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站



     作者: 日期:

     C) She knows some one else who could help him. Test 20 (CET2) Part I: Listening Comprehension (15%) Section A Short Conversation ( 10% ) Directi ons: In this sect ion, you will hear 10 short con versati ons. At the end of each con versati on, a questio n will be asked about what was said. Both the con versatio n and the question will be spoken twice. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best an swer. 1. A) 540. B) 1,080. C) 2,160. D) 270. 2. A) John will be there at 8:30. B) John is usually late. C) Joh n will not show up. D) Joh n is usually on time. 3. A) He didn " t like the teacher.B) He has met the new teacher. • C) The new teacher is sick. D) He hasn " t met the new teacher. • 号4. A) To the Ge neral Man ager "s BfTea post office. 学 C) To a departme nt store. D) To the Gen eral Man ager homes

     5. A) A retired worker. B) A man ager.

     C) A store keeper. D) A den tist.

     6. A) She doesn " t remember much about Portland. B) She " s never been to Portland. D) She " bd happy to talk to the man later. 7. A) After eight. B) At eight. C) After nine. D) At nine. 8. A) It will take at least two evenings to do the work. B) Two evenings is eno ugh to do the work. C) It will take at least than a week to do the work. D) Dr. Smith is going to check their work in a week " s time. 9. A) Mother and son. B) Teacher and stude nt. C) Father and daughter. D) Brother and sister. 10. A) Five days. B) Four weeks. C) A week. D) A few days. Section B A Short Passage ( 2% ) Directi ons: In this sect ion, you will hear a short passage. At the end of the passage, you will hear two questio ns. Both the passage and the questi ons will be spoke n twice. After you hear one questi on, you must choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Questi ons 11 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A) n egative emoti ons in crease with age B) happ in ess in creases with age C) sad ness in creases with age D) an xiety in creases with age 12. A) Being sin gle would affect one " s levels of happ in ess.

      B) People after 50 would feel less stress. C) As people get older, they become more tha nkful for what they have. D) As people get older, they have better con trol of their emoti ons Section C Spot Dictation ( 3% ) Dictions: In this sect ion, you will hear a passage three times. Liste n carefully duri ng the first reading. Then listen to the passage again. When it is being read the second time, you should fill in the six bla nks with the exact words or phrases you have just heard. Fin ally, whe n the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have writte n. The Internet search --13--company called Google has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The money will be spent over the n ext five to ten years in several areas, in cludi ng poverty reductio n and --14--bus in ess developme nt. The compa ny says the effort is to use the power of in formatio n and tech no logy to help people improve their lives. Google.org will in vest in ways to help small and --15--size bus in esses grow. Google.org also will work with local part ners to improve public services and reduce poverty. Google.org will also give money to help two --16--cha nge programs announ ced earlier this year. One of these programs studies ways to make ren ewable en ergy less costly tha n coal-based--17--. The other program is exam ining efforts to speed up com mon public use of electric cars. Google.org can give money called grants much like other --18--fo un dati on s. It can also in vest in ideas and tech no logies that may or may not be profitable over time. To date, Google.org has spe nt seve nty-five millio n dollars. S13) ______

     S14) ______ S15) _______

     S16) _______

     S17) _______

     S18) ______

     Part II) Vocabulary and Structure (35%) Section A (15%) Directi ons: There are 15 in complete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You must choose the one an swer that best completes the sentence. 19.Fiftee n minu tes ____ eno ugh for me to go back home from the supermarket. A)under B) in A) is B) are C) has D) have 2O.The higher you climb, ____ . A) there will be thinner air B) the thi nner the air will be C) the thinner will the air be D) the air will be thinner 21.Before the lady ____ the sofa, she had checked the price in other stores. A) has ordered B) had ordered C) ordered D) was orderi ng

     22. My flight ____ at 9 o clock to"orrow morning. Will you come to see me off? A) leaves B) is left C) will have left D) will be left 23. Mr. Joh nson moved to Paris in 2002, and ____ there for ten years. A) has lived B) had lived C) lived D) lives 24. His opinion was con trary ____ ours, but he said he would work well with us. A) to B) with C) from D) of 25. Rece ntly there has bee n a shortage ___ water in the n orthwest of China. A) with B) of C) in D)about 26. _____________________ This pla n is curre ntly con siderati on by the Mi nistry of Educati on.

      27.You _____ have crossed the road whe n the traffic lights were red. A) mustn " t B) wouldn " t C) oughtn " t to D)needn " t 28. is known to all, Heming way is a very great America n writer. A) As B) It C)What D) That 29.Haerb ing is the coldest place I have ever bee n to. A) where B)that C) what D) which 30.The reason I " m calli ng is to tell you about the job in terview n ext FridayA)why B) for C)as D)because 31.The young man spoke con fide ntly, impressed me most. A) so that B) which C) that D) in which 32.We do not n ecessarily grow wiser we grow older. A) as B) for C) si nee D) un til 33.My only request is that this problem as soon as possible. A) should be settled B) would be settled C) will settle D)shall settle

     Section B (20%) Directions: There are 20 in complete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You must choose the one an swer that best completes the senten ce. 34.ln formati on that does not make any ____ is hard for us to remember. A) sense B) mistake C) trouble D) differe nee 35. _________________ A no ther piece of in the bedroom was an old-fashi oned bed. A) mixture B) manu facture C) feature D) furniture 36. _____________________ Miss Cathy will be in of our compa ny whe n the man ager is away n ext week. A) charge B) honor C) place D) spite 37.Some people in Shanghai complain of the rapid ____ of life in this big city. A) speed B) rate C) pace D) growth 38. _______________________________________ The earthquake has bee n the worst n atural _________________________________________ to hit China in rece nt years. A) distanee B) disaster C) disease D) discovery 39. Mary, could you ____ my mother while I am away in Shan ghai? A) attend B) handle C) arrange D) settle C) for D) above

     40. You may watch the movie, and I _____ that you " ll be fond of it.

     A) guarantee B) reveal C) prove D) disclose 41.1 will not ____ you to watch TV uni ess you finish your assig nment. A) agree B) let C) permit D ) have 42. You should ____ the police immediately, since there is important evidenee. A) inform B) claim C ) ask D) propose 43.Tra ining is provided, so no experie nee is n eeded for the job A ) various B) previous C ) cautious D ) con scious

     44. ________________________ We are very lucky to be after the terrible earthquake. A) alive B) live C ) alike D) active 45.

     ___ had she received the letter tha n she started back home. A) No soo ner B) Hardly C ) No more D) Seldom 46. Joh n calculates as quickly as Lucy, but not as ____ . A) n ormally B) directly C ) clearly D ) accurately 47. I " ll _____ remember the day when I entered the college. C ) n early D) really 48. ______________ Regardless which method we choose, the result will be the same. A) for B) on C ) with D ) of 49. __________________________ The two Chin ese girls were the 40 stude nts awarded the scholarship of Beiji ng Un iversity. A) among B) along C ) besides D) betwee n 50. The Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur stand out ____ the clear sky. A) in B) aga inst C) on D) above 51.It is believed that the new chairma n will be fit _____ the positi on. A) for B) to C ) in D ) with 52.The reporter sent back bad n ews that there was still no sig n of ______ in the military attack.

     A) survivors B) soldiers C) patie nts D) pris oners 53. As we all know, the shape of ofte n represe nts love A) diam ond B) arrow C) square D) heart

      A) always B ) almost

     Part III) Readi ng Comprehe nsio n (40%)

     60.What is a computer s perce ntage of error in mak ing calculati on?

     Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each question, there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the cen ter. 56. What would happe n to the runners if the spectators helped them in the sports eve nts? A) they would be more tired and thirsty. B) they would be disturbed in their regular pace C) they would be dismissed from the events D) they would get nervous and fall.

     57. What are the two things NOT allowed to bring along when going to watch the ball games?

     To avoid accident and distraction while watching athletes doing their sweaty part in the sports even ts, we, spectators (观众),should keep in mind some special rules: *Archery & shoot ing 1. Sit at the back or on either side of the field. For safety 2. Above all, keep quiet duri ng the match. Put your cellph one on vibrate (震动) or turn it off. 3. Do not use the flash on your camera, because it can distract the athletes. 4. When the athletes are aiming at the target, keep your voice dow n. *Baseball, basketball & football 1. Drinks in glass bottles or cans are not allowed. 2. Don " t bring a whistle. Referees use them and you can con fuse the players. 3. Players can be tense when taking a shot. Keep the cheering down at critical moments. Do not use the camera flash. 4. If you easily get n ervous, bring some biscuits. Keep your mouth moving to calm you dow n. *Cycli ng & marath on 1. Spectators should keep off the track. Con trol your pets. 2. Cyclists or runners might look tired, sweaty and thirsty, but, do not hand them a bottle of water, a cool towel or anything else. Any help from spectators can disqualify (取消资格) an athlete. 3. Aga in, if a cyclist or runner falls, do not rush over to help. The best thi ng to do is to con tact medical pers onn el. 54.ln this article, the author intends to ____ while watch ing the sports even ts. A) tell the spectators when to cheer for the athletes B) tell the spectators where to find the safe place C) tell the spectators what to bring along D) tell the spectators how to behave themselves Cellph one and camera with flash. Drinks in glass bottles and whistles. Biscuits and whistles Drinks and biscuits 58. Cheers are most improper whe n _______ . A) the athletes are aiming at the target B) the referees are using their whistles C) players are ten sely en gaged in play ing D) the athletes are en teri ng the sports ground Passage Two A computer is a machi ne desig ned to perform work mathematically and to store in formati on that has bee n fed into it. It is run by either mecha ni cal or electr onic means. These mach ines can do a great deal of complicated(复杂的)work in a very short time. A large computer, for example, can add or subtract nine thousa nd times a sec ond, multiply (乘) a thousa nd times a sec ond, or divide five hun dred times a sec on d. Its perce ntage of error is about one in a billi on digits (数位).It has bee n estimated that huma n beings making calculati ons average about one mistake per two hun dred digits. The heart of an electr onic computer lies in its tran sistors. Its electr onic circuits (电路) work a thousa nd times faster tha n the nerve cells in the huma n brain. A problem that might take a human being two years to solve can be solved by a computer in one minute, but in order to work properly, a computer must be give n in struct ion s--it must be programmed. Computers can be designed for many specialized purposes--they can be used to prepare payrolls, guide airpla ne flights, direct traffic, eve n to play chess. Computers play an importa nt role in moder n automati on in many pla nts and factories throughout the world.Passage One s sake, do not ven ture out of there. A) B) C) D) 55. According to the pass age, spectators mustn t use flash on the camera while watching A) shooti ng & ball games B) cycli ng & marath on C) archery & cycli ng D) marath on & ballgames 59.What is the function of a computer accord ing to this passage? A) To perform work and to store information B) To do some complicated work faster. C) To do mathematical calculati ons D) To add, subtract, multiply or divide

     A) A thousand times as many as human beings " B) Nine thousand times as many as human beings " C) About one mistake per two hundred digits. D) About one mistake in a billion digits 61. ___________________________________________ The core part of an electr onic computer lies in _________________________________________________ . A) its electronic circuits B) its transistors C) its nerve cells D) the human brain 62. How long does a computer take to do a problem taking two years time by a human being ? A) One minute. B) Two sec on ds. C) One second. D) Two minu tes. 63. What is the relati on ship betwee n huma n beings and computers? A) A computer must be programmed by huma n bein gs. B) Huma n brains must be programmed by computers. C) Huma n beings can do nothing without computers. D) Computers can do everythi ng for huma n bein gs. Passage Three Alaska, which was called Russia n America before it was sold to the Un ited States, joi ned the Union as the forty-ninth state in 1959. (Hawaii was the fiftieth state to join the Union.) Alaska is now the largest of all the 50 states in the U.S. It was in 1867 that Preside nt A. Joh nson the Russia ns at a cost of $ 7.2 milli on. The buying of the huge n orther n land mass seemed at first someth ing foolishly done. Not only was Alaska difficult to reach, but it was also hard to live in, and it appeared to have no importa nee in times of war. Besides, there are volca noes there as Alaska lies on the Pacific “ ring of fire. ” In Alaska, large treeless areas are covered with snow all the year rour these reasons the buying of Alaska was called “ Seward " s Folly ” at that time. However, in 1896 gold was found in Alaska, and people poured into the land quickly. Since then other important natural resources were discovered, including oil. Soon, people changed their thinking about “ Seward ‘ s Folly ”. But most people visit Alaska in order to see the en dless beauty of n ature that the northern land discloses to them. For instanee, there are about 11,000 islands in Alaska. And in a certain area of Alaska, the sun does not set for 82 days every year. 64. Why was Alaska called Russia n America? A) Because the Russia ns sold it to the Un ited States B) Because it joined the U.S. as the forty-ninth state C) Because it is the largest state in the U.S. D) Because it is the fiftieth state to join the Union. 65. When did Seward buy Alaska from the Russia ns? A) in 1959 B) in 1867 C) in 1896 D) in 1982 66. Why was the buying of Alaska called “ Seward " s Folly ” ? A ) Because Seward paid $ 7.2 million to buy such a useless huge northerin land mass. B) Because Alaska lies on a treeless areas covered with snow. C) Because the purchase of Alaska by Seward the n seemed as someth ing foolishly done. D) Because there are volcanoes and “ ring of fire ” in Alaska. 67. Why did people cha nge their thinking about such a “ foolish barga in ” A) Because gold and n atural resources were found in Alaska. B) Because people poured into Alaska to make fortune. C)

     Because Preside nt Joh nson " s Secretary of State bought Alaska. D) Because oil, volca noes and snow there are found most valuable. 68. Tourists go to Alaska ___ . A) to see those 11,000 islands in Alaska B) to see the un setti ng sun for 82 days C) to see the snow on the n orther n land D) to see the en dless beauty of n ature Passage Four d. For As an overseas stude nt, I have to study very hard every day. I have free time only on weeke nds, whe n I can do shopp ing and wash clothes, and man age to go to a party with friends occasi on ally. Once invited to a party, I stayed near the wall and drank beer and tried to talk to the woma n next to me and asked her to dance. She accepted and I got to know her n ame was Mary. Before I left the party, I got her phone number. Three days later, I called her and asked her to go to a play. She soun ded delighted, and agreed to go with me. I was very excited about dat ing with her that weeke nd. While wait ing at her" s Secretary of Sough tSewskd,from

      apartme nt buildi ng, she came dow n from upstairs. To my great surprise, she asked me if it wasOK if her boy friend came, too. I had to tell her that I had two tickets only. After the play, we stopped for a cup of coffee and talked about the play. I didn " t un dersta nd it very well, so she explained it to me. She seemed pretty quiet, though, and I realized that she had bee n thinking of her boy friend all that time. After that, I became very careful with my dates with American girls. I have learned that America n dati ng customs are n ot n ecessarily comfortable for Chin ese stude nts because they are differe nt from Chin ese customs. However, they are an importa nt part of social life in America n uni versities. 69. On weeke nds, a busy overseas stude nt usually __________ . A) goes to a party with friends B) studies very hard C) enjoys himself D) does shopping and washing 70. The writer got to kn ow Mary _____ ? A) while dancing at a weekend party B) while drinking beer in a bar. C) by chatt ing on the phone. D) by ask ing her n ame and address. 71. One weeke nd was excit ing for the writer because he was going to ________ . A) a party with some friends B) have a date with Mary C) a movie with Mary D) have his first date in life 72. The writer was surprised because ___________ . A) Mary came dow n from her room with her boy friend B) Mary wan ted to bring her boy along with them C) Mary wan ted her boy friend to go to the play with them D) Mary asked for one more ticket. 73. America n dati ng customs ___________ . A) are differe nt from Chin ese customs B) are comfortable for Chin ese stude nts C) are not comfortable for foreig n stude nts D) are similar to Chin ese customs

     Part IV: Tran slate from En glish to Chi nese (10%) Directions: There are five sentences in this part. For each sentence, five suggested Chinese tran slatio ns are give n. There are five choices marked A, B, C, D and E. You are expected to make the best choice. 74. A truly effective variety of alter natives to the chemical con trol of in sects are available. A)










     75. It is gen erally accepted that the experie nces of the child in his first years largely determ ine his character. A)










     76. One " s attitude towards study is always cultivated in the early childhood and often has a lifelo ng effect. A)

     一个人的态度应该是 , 活到老,学到老。


     一个人童年学习态度好 , 定会终身出成果。






     77. From my bus in ess part ner " s reacti on I could tell that the Dutch find that very rude. A)



     我告诉荷兰人 , 我的生意伙伴的行为是很规矩的。







     78. In Arab countries, it " s not a good idea to admire something too much; the owner will probably give it to you as a prese nt. 修改 A)










     Test20 I- 5 ABDAC II- 12 BA 13 engine 14 private 15 medium 16 climate 17 fuels 18 corporate 19-23 ABCAA 34-38 ADACB 49-53 ABAAD 54-58 DACBA 69-73 DABCA 74 1-0-2-1.5-0.5 77 0-0.5-1-1.5-2 6-10 ABCAD 24-28 ABACA 39-43 AACAB 59-63 ADBAA 75 0.5-1-0-2-1.5 78 1-1.5-2-0.5-0 29-33 BABAA 44-48 AADAD 64-68 ABCAD 76 0-0.5-1-2-1.5

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