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  • 《死寂逃亡(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本

    时间:2020-07-31 11:48:40 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站

    相关热词搜索:死寂 逃亡 剧本


     未知洞穴系统 阿帕拉契山脉下

     一千英尺 地面小队

     收到请回复 Surface team, do you copy? 收到 Copy. 我们到达洞穴系统最深处了 We"re at the system"s furthest extreme, 刚炸开落石


      just blasted through the rockfall into thexa0second chamber, 马上... about to-- 你听 Listen. 探穴小队

     什么... Cave team, what"s... 天呐 My God! 我们得逃出去

     赶紧逃出去 We"ve gotta get out of here! We gotta get out! 寂静杀机 新泽西州


     纽约市西北二十英里 艾丽 Ally. 爸爸总说我生来就有天赋 Dad always told me I was gifted, 能这么快就适应失聪的人生 the way I was able to adapt so quickly to becoming deaf, 感知身边的一切 feeling those around me. 我叫艾丽 My name is Ally. 大家看我

     我会读唇语 Look at me everyone, I can read lips. 也不能说是一切吧 Maybe not all those around me. 我们要重置总排水管 So, we"re going to have to re-route the main drain, 也就是得装一个新水泵设备 which means we"re going to have to put in a whole new pumping station. 这需要不少钱 And that"s not going to be cheap. 把问题给我解决了 Okay, so fix it.


     麦克斯 Why don"t you cut the shit, Max? -你说什么

     -你明明听到了 - What was that? - You heard me. 等下... Wait. Hold... 麦克斯

     这是你推荐的工程师造成的问题... Max, you recommended the engineer who caused this problem, so-- 你之前初检施工地之后 And you guaranteed me a specific cost 还拍胸脯跟我说

     不会超出预算 for the work upon your initial ground inspection of the site. 好 Okay. 我们会解决 We"ll fix it. 很好 Good. 这货就是个人♥渣♥ That guy"s a prick. 话虽如此

     但目前我不能流失客户 Yeah, well, I can"t afford to lose any clients right now. 接了这么多活儿

     还不够贴补家用吗 With all the jobs we"ve been doing? 大学的学费很贵啊 Well, you know, college does not come cheap 等你娶妻生子

      and you"ll find that out when you settle down 养家育儿就知道了 and have children of your own. 我何必想不开 Why do I have to? 你替我体验这种人生就行了 I live vicariously through you. 艾丽选好学校了吗 Ally pick a school yet? 没有

     但我希望是纽约大学 No, but I"m hoping it will be NYU. 好学校 Good school. 非常棒的学校 Yeah, it"s a great school. 离家近 Real close to home.

     没错 Yes. Yes. 我可不想她去很远的地方上大学 Look, I don"t want her going halfway across the country. -她还没准备好

     -她没准备好吗 - She"s not ready for that .- She"s not ready? 是啊 No. 我接个电♥话♥ Excuse me. 喂 Hello? 你忙吗 Hey, you busy? 我刚下班 I"m just leaving work. 你回家时 Could you please stop 能帮我把妈的药拿回来吗 and pick up mom"s prescriptions on the way home? 好

     没问题 Yeah, sure. No problem. 休

     艾丽学校的一个家长联♥系♥我了 And, Hugh, a parent from Ally"s school called, 她说看见两个男生在她背后模仿取笑她 she saw two boys mocking herxa0and joking around behind her back. 又有这种事了吗 Again? 是啊

     又发生了 Yeah, again. 但你别告诉她 But please don"t say anything to her, 你也了解她这个人

     就别说了 you know how she is, just don"t say anything. 好

     再见 Okay. Bye. Bye. 我得去喝一杯

     感觉你也需要来一杯 I need a drink, you look like you could use a drink, 一起去喝一杯吧 let"s get some drinks. 我何必去呢

     你替我体验这种人生就行了 Why, when I can live vicariously through you? 好吧 All right.

     我早就让你别给他买♥♥那些电子产品了 I told you not to buy him all those damn electronics. 他 12 岁了


     所有孩子都有 He"s 12, mom. All the kids have them. 我知道

     但不该给他买♥♥ Yeah, I know, but he shouldn"t. 裘德

     写完作业才能玩儿 Jude, no games before homework. 但这可以预练我的大脑 But this primes my brain. 你好

     罗伯 Hi, Rob. 你怎么猜到是我 How did you know that was me? 你的手有一股奶油夹心饼的味道 Your hands smell like Twinkies. 我洗过了 I washed them. -好吧

     -真洗了 - Okay. - I did. 我陪你一起走吧 Can I walk with you for a while? 好 Sure. 我父母这周带我去看车 My parents are taking me to look at cars this weekend. -是吗

     -是啊 - Really? - Yeah. 这事换成我父母 If it was up to my parents, 我这一生都别想开车了 I"d never drive a car for the rest of my life. 没事

     我可以每天接送你 That"s no big deal, I"ll just pick you up every day. 说好了 Deal. 说好了 Deal. 艾丽回来了 Ally"s home! 小家伙 Hi, buddy. 今天乖不乖啊 How"s my boy?

     傻蛋 Hey, dweeb. 蠢脸 Butt face. 妈

     我回来了 Hi, mom. 你去哪了 Where have you been? 怎么才回来 Why are you so late? 我走回来了 I walked. 你一个人走回来了 You walked by yourself? 不

     我和罗伯一起 No, I walked with Rob. 他这周第二次陪你回家了 That"s the second time this week. 因为她想跟他滚床单 That"s because she wants to bone him! -裘德

     -有什么大不了 - Jude! - Who cares? 你该先发个短♥信♥给我

     艾丽 You should have texted me, Ally. 不然我怎么知道你去哪儿了 How do I know where you are? 我们只是朋友

     妈妈 We"re just friends, mom. 信你才怪 Right. 你跟他亲过了吗 Have you kissed him? 妈 Mom! 我觉得亲过了 I think she kissed him. 最好没亲过 She better not have. 大家都有各自的背景故事 Everyone has their own story, 灾难发生时

     都身在何处 where they were when it happened... 所做何事 What they were doing.

     而我们当时是这样 This is how it happened for us, 这是我们的背景 this is our story. 外婆 Grandma! 糗大了 This is awkward. 不是我的烟 You know, these aren"t mine. 你了解你妈

     她一定会让我无限期禁足 You know your mother, she will ground me indefinitely. 我不会告诉她 I won"t tell. 谢谢你

     宝贝孙女 Thank you, sweetheart. 我爱你 I love you. 你赶紧去睡觉吧 Go on, off to bed. -再强调一次


     -我知道 - Then again I"m not telling... - I know. 三年前 Three years ago, 我失去了祖父母以及听力 I lost my grandparents and my hearing. 但不知为何

     我感觉我父母才是失去最多的人 But somehow, I feel like it"s my parents who lost the most. 我知道


     我们不能... I know, but as her mom, we cannot... 罗伯

     快看一下 你抱着平板电脑睡觉吗 Do you sleep with that thing? 老爸 Hey, dad. 他是谁啊 So, who is he? 不是吧

     老爸 My God, Dad! 我是你♥爸♥


     说吧 I"m your father,xa0I"m supposed to know these things.xa0Come on. 老妈知道后很惊慌 Mom freaked out on me. 是吗


     Really? Is that what happened? 你们不敢让我出家门

     这太不可理喻了 You guys are afraid to let me leave the house. It"s stupid. 我们怕你出事 We worry about you. 你们不该担心

     因为我好得很呢 Well, you shouldn"t, because I"m perfectly fine. 好吧 Okay. 他人还不错吗... So is he a nice guy or... -是

     -是吗 - Yes. - Yeah? 他超级贴心

     都开始学手语了 He"s really nice. He"s even learning to sign. 立马好感度满满 I like him already. 老爸

     怎么了 Dad, what? 没有啊 What? No. 一切还好吗

     今天上学顺利吗 So, how is everything, okay? How was school today? 还行 It was okay. 这就好 Good. 你知道不管有什么事

     都可以跟我说吧 You know you can talk to me about anything? 我知道 I know. 好吧

     早点睡 Okay, don"t stay up too late. 爱你哦 Love ya. 赶紧起来 You need to wake up. 出事了 Something"s happening! 发生什么事了 What"s going on? 重大突发新闻

     全美城市遭受侵袭 疾控中心发布瘟疫警告... 一场空前...

     Unprecedented proportions... 怎么了 What"s happening? -是恐♥怖♥分♥子♥吗

     -格伦叔叔 - Is it terrorists? - Uncle Glenn! 目前尚未得知 They don"t know. 受侵袭地区禁止所有媒体进入 Limiting all media from entering the affected areas. 但纽约新闻一台已确认 But New York One can now confirm 匹兹堡和费城都受到侵袭 that thexa0cities of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia have both been hit, 受侵袭的小城镇

     数量逐渐上升 the number ofxa0smaller town attacks continuing to climb. 一开始说是恐♥怖♥分♥子♥

     现在又说是化学品 First they say it"s terrorists and they say it"s chemicals. 马里兰州和西弗吉尼亚州

     高密度建筑区... Maryland and West Virginia. Built up locations, areas... -换个台

     -好像... - Try another channel. - Seem to be... 强调灾害已在控制之中 Who insistxa0the infestation is under control. 重大突击新闻

     全美紧急通知 而社交媒体上传播的影像却并非如此 Images on social media are telling a much different story. 各位观众请注意 We"d like to warn our audience 接下来的视频含有血腥镜头 the images you are about to see are graphic. 爸爸 Dad? 没事

     别怕 It"s okay. It"s fine. 几分钟前有人上传了 Another video posted just moments ago 一段灾区内的视频 was shot inside one of the affected areas 目前疯传于网络 and has since gone viral. 别出声 这是什么意思

     「别出声」 What the hell does that mean? "Don"t make noise." 请民众待在室内...

     Urging people to stayxa0in their homes... -待在这儿

     -保持静默 - Stay here. - And to stay silent. 国家警卫队已被派往各个灾区... National Guard Units have been deployed to all affected... 坏了 Shit, man. 大家都按电视上说的那样 Everybody, let"s do what they say. 将手♥机♥调至静音 Put your phones on silent, okay? 到底怎么回事 What"s happening? -不知道

     -探索洞穴的科学家 - I don"t know. - Scientists exploring the cave, 炸开了已封禁数百年的 blasted through an ancient rockfall sealed off 上古落石之地 for millions of years. 我靠 What the... 天呐 Jesus Christ. 关闭所有门窗 And close all windows and doors. 紧急广播通知 别出声

     别去... Do not make noise. Do not attempt to... 好


     我马上回来 All right, you hang tight, I"ll be right back. -你去哪儿

     -我去拿些装备 - Where are you going? - I"m gonna get some gear. 一大群怪物来袭

     你要坐以待毙吗 You want to stick around while a million of those things show up? 不


     保持安静 No, but we"re supposed to just stay here and stay silent. 对 Right. 如此说来

     城市应该是最危险的地方了吧 Then the cities are thexa0worst place to be, aren"t they? 别出声 Do not make noise. 别去开车 Do not attempt to drive.



     我们可以待在家 Mom, if you"re not up to this, then we can stay. 很多人都待在家中 There are plenty of people waiting this out in their homes. 不 No. 帮我个忙

     带上这些药 You do me a favor, put these with your things. 尽力藏好 Hide them as best you can. -我不想让孩子们看到

     -好 - I don"t want the kids to see. - Okay. 现在他们才最重要 They"re all that matters now. -还有地方吗

     -有 - Hey, you got room for this? - Yeah. 这是什么 What"s that? 武器装备 Tactical supplies. 我能跟格伦叔叔坐一辆车吗 Can I go with Uncle Glenn? 我会照看好他 I"ll take care of him. 好吧 Okay. 别碰那些枪 Stay away from those. -我跟着你的车

     -我们走吧 - I"ll follow you. - Okay, let"s go. 时代广场 42 街地铁站 前往阿斯托利亚

     前往康尼岛 你干什么 What are you doing? 把孩子给我 Give me the baby. -快点

     -求你别这样 - Come on. - Please, don"t! 天呐 My God. 谁来帮帮我啊 Someone help me, please. 我跟她一起走 I"ll go with her.


     好了 Yeah, yeah. 没事了 Yeah. 不 No. 天呐 My God. 东岸所有州皆已发出紧急声明 A state of emergency has been called for the entire eastern seaboard, 灾区死亡状况


     with death tolls in all infested areas being described as catastrophic. 疾控中心呼吁克利夫兰 77 号♥洲际公路以西到南... The CDC is urging everyone west of interstate 77 from Cleveland, south of... 我们这样出来对吗 Are we doing the right thing? 别接近... Do not approach... 我也不知道 I don"t know. 你们向北去哪里啊 But where up north are you gonna go? 我不知道 I don"t know. 安静之地吧 Some place quiet. 你也该走

     你可以跟着我们走 You should leave too, you could follow us. 我父母决定留在家中 My parents said we"re staying. 电视上说最好待在家里 The news says better to stay put. 这下没法去买♥♥车了 So much for car shopping, huh? 别哭了

     这一切很快就会过去 Don"t cry. I"m sure this is allxa0going to be over soon. 我们得说好了 Let"s make a promise that 要一直保持联♥系♥ we"re going to stay in touch with each other. 好 Yeah. 好 Yeah.

     你保证 Promise? 我保证 Promise. 大家都待在车里 Everybody just wait here, okay? 但奥蒂斯得尿尿 But Otis has to pee. 那就速去速回 Al right, make it quick, okay? 走

     奥蒂斯 Come on, Otis. 我来吧

     你看着他 I got this, you just watch him. 好

      All right, okay. 你还好吧

     小家伙 Hey, how you doing, buddy? 说不清 I don"t know. 有点害怕 Scared, I guess. 没事 It"s okay. 你跟格伦叔叔坐一辆车 You"re riding with Uncle Glenn,xa0so... 这种危机关头

     他很厉害 He"s a tough guy in times like this. -你知道我们怎么相识的吗

     -不知道 - Do you know how I met him? - No. 我们以前是高中同学 We went to high school together, 有一次放学

     三个曲棍球球员 and after school these three guys, these lacrosse players, they... 来势汹汹


     打算揍我 sort of all came up to me and they were going to bully me. 我没想跟他们打 And, I... I wasn"t going to fight them, 所以我想以理服人 so I tried to talk my way out of it. 结果转眼间

     他跳出来了 Before I knew it, he shows up... 抓住一个人

     用头就撞了过去 grabs one of the guys and head-butts him.

     那个人当场倒地 And the guy drops right to the ground. 另外两人见势就溜了 And the other two guys just kind of ran away. 自此我们成为了好兄弟 And we"ve been best friends ever since. 我也这么勇敢就好了 I wish I was that brave. 我感觉你一定会 I have a feeling you might be. 好了

     别担心了 All right? So, don"t worry. 别叫

     别让狗出声 Shut up! Shut the dog up! 她是聋子 She"s deaf. -她听不见

     -别开枪 - She can"t hear you! - Okay, okay, don"t shoot! -你想怎样

     -别出声 - What do you want? - Just shut up! 好

     好 Okay, all right! -行


     -闭嘴 - Okay! Tell me what you want. - Shut up! -好


     -车钥匙 - All right. What do you want? - Keys to your car. -好

     -我不是闹着玩儿 - Okay. - Look, I"m not messing around! 好

     好 Okay, okay. 别开枪

     拜托 Don"t shoot, please. Please. 大家都上车 Everybody in the car. 求你了


     求你了 Please, man. Please, man. Please! 别丢下我

     求你了 Don"t leave me here, man. Please! 那些怪物会把我♥干♥掉 Those things are gonna catch up to me. 求你了

     别丢下我 Please, don"t leave me! 求你了 Please!


     -不知道 - What"s he doing? - I don"t know. 怎么了 What"s going on? -他...

     -怎么了 - He... - What? 你没事吧 You okay? 他没事

     他就是想跟你们待着 He"s good. He just wanted to be with you. 没事了

     没事 It"s okay, it"s all right. 要赶紧走了

     前方路不好走 We got to go... Roads are going to get bad. 好


     好 All right, all right. Okay, all right. 谢谢 Thanks. 这些怪物从哪里来 网上都怎么说 What are they saying? 因为他们如蜂群般成群结队而得名「飞嗜怪」 They"re calling them vesps because of how they swarm. 熊蜂是西班牙语里黄蜂的意思 Avispa means wasp in Spanish. 我们之前为何对这些怪物一无所知 How could we not know about them until now? 这群怪物之前被困在了那个山洞里面 Well, they got trapped in that cave, whatever they were, 然后便发生了变异 and then they became something else. 这些怪物不该出现在这里 They"re not supposed to be here. 爸

     小心 Dad! Watch out! 抱歉



     没事吧 Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Okay? 没事 Yeah. 你有什么想法 What do you think? -天呐


     -是啊 - Man, it"s all jammed. - I know. 好吧


     Okay. Okay. -你跟着我

     -好的 - You follow me. - All right. Okay. 这里是应急广播系统 This is the emergencyxa0broadcast system, 如果你正在收听这条广播 if you are hearing this transmission, 「飞嗜怪」正在向城市外部蔓延 the vesps are continuing to spread outward from the cities 沿着哈德逊河北部扩散 and north along the Hudson River. 受侵袭的州包括宾夕法尼亚州

     纽约州 Infested States now include Pennsylvania, New York, 马里兰州

     西弗吉尼亚州 Maryland, West Virginia, 罗德岛州和马萨诸塞州 Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. 如果你住在这些州 If you are residing in any of these States, 不要试图逃跑 do not attempt to flee. 市区疑似遭恶意破坏

     调查员请勿靠近 上午 9 点 50 分 ?纽约州奥尔巴尼市遭受袭击 怎么了 Hey, what"s up? 听着

     前面会有些颠簸 Listen, it"s going to get a little rough up ahead. 如果看着太糟

     我会停车清理道路 If anything looks too shoddy, I"ll stop and clear a path, okay? 好 Okay. 只管带路就好 Just lead the way. 没问题

     兄弟 You got it, buddy. 怎么了 What"s the matter? 担心你那辆小货车跟不上吗

     该死 Afraid that minivan of yours couldn"t keep-- Shit! 坐稳了 Hold on! 格伦 Glenn? 格伦

     Glenn! 格伦 Glenn. 你能动吗

     你能出来吗 Can you move? Can you get out? 兄弟

     我的... Hey, man, my... -我的腿让卡住了

     -去叫救护车 - my leg"s stuck in here. - Okay. Call an ambulance, okay? 我要昏过去了 I"m going to pass out. 没事


     听见了吗 Okay, all right. We"re going to get youxa0out of there,xa0all right? 待着...

     我会救你出来 Just... I"m going to get you out. 好吧 All right. 我们会救你出来 We"ll get you out. -孩子们没事吧


     他们很好 - The kids okay? - Yep. The kids are fine. Don"t worry. 好吧




     抱歉 Okay. Sorry, it"s all right. It"s jammed, sorry. -我会救你出来

     -不要管我了 - I"ll get you out, okay? - You got to leave me. 你们... You... 你们走吧

     你们得离开这儿 You got to go. You got to get out of here. 不要



     不 Nope. No, no, no. 我们就在这里守着你

     我不会丢下你 We"re going to wait with you, I"m not leaving you here. 你们要等什么

     等那些怪物出现吗 What you gonna wait for, man? Those things to show up? 我不会丢下你 I"m not leaving you, okay? 想把我弄出去

     只能用专业切割工具 The only way I"m getting out of here is with cutters. 而消防局现在肯定没空管我 My guess is the fire department is kind of busy right now. 好吧

     我去找个工具把你弄出来 Okay, all right. Let me just find something to pry you out. Okay? 等我一下

     Just one second. -打不通吗

     -没人接 - No luck? - No, nothing. 天呐 Man. 坚持住 Hang in. 你坚持住 Okay, just stay there. 我们会救你出来 We"ll get you out of here. 我们会救你出来 We"ll get you out of here. 没事的

     没事的 It"s all right. It"s all right. 没事的 It"s all right. 兄弟 Hey, man. 休 Hugh? 靠


     怎么了 Fuck! Yeah? Yeah, what? 去拿我的枪 Go get my guns. -什么

     -把枪给我 - What? - I need my guns. -为什么



     快点 - Why? - Get my guns. Please, hurry. 好吧 Okay. 好

     行 Okay. All right. 给你


     你要... There you go, what do you... You want the... 给你 Here. 给你 Here. -对


     那好吧 - Yeah. - Okay? All right. -听我说

     -说 - Okay. Now, listen to me.. - Yeah. 我要再试一次

     I"m gonna try again, 尽量把你救出来 I"m gonna try again to get you out of here, all right? 你要做什么

     你为什么要枪 What are you doing? Why do you want those? 如果你不走


     我肯定会开枪 I"ll shoot you if you don"t go, that"s what I"m gonna do. 你要好好照顾你的家人 You got to go take care of your family. 我现在就走

     我们要去... All right, I"m gonna go, we"re gonna... 我们去找找看谁有切割工具 we"re ganna go find somebody with some cutters, okay? 我们会救你出来 We"re gonna get you out of here 送你去医院

     懂了吗 and we"re gonna get you to a hospital, all right? -好

     -我们很快就回来 - Okay. Okay. - We"re gonna be back very soon, okay? -该死的


     -没事的 - God damn, Hugh. - It"s okay. 我保证

     我保证 I promise. I promise. 好 Okay. 好 Okay. 来


     还没打通吗 Okay. Come on, let"s go. No luck? 好吧 Okay. -他死了吗

     -没 - Is he dead? - No. 他没死


     我们走 No. He"s not dead. He"s just hurt very badly. Let"s go. 我们要开回高速公路 We"re gonna get back to the highway 看能不能找到人有切割工具 and see if we can find somebodyxa0with some cutters. -上车

     -来 - Get in the car. - Come on. 别出声 No noise. 快关掉

     Turn it off! 什么 What? 让狗别吠 Keep him quiet! 让狗别吠 Keep him quiet! 别吠 Shut up! 格伦 Glenn. 来吧


     你们这些混♥蛋♥ Let"s go! Let"s do this, you son of a bitch! 别叫了 Shut up! 那些怪物太他妈臭了 Those things stink like shit. 我知道

     亲爱的 I know, honey. 别说脏话 Don"t swear. 这些怪物不断在同一个地方抓来抓去 They were scratching in the same places over and over. 我们不能待在这里 We can"t stay here. 好 Okay. 我需要试一个办法 I need to try something, okay? 待在车上

     别出声 Stay here. Quiet. 没事的 It"s okay. 快去找她的呼吸器 Find her inhaler! 对不起 I"m sorry. 没事 No, it"s okay. 听着

     它们看不见 Listen. They can"t see. 只能听到声音 Only hear. 爸

     Dad. 我知道如何在沉默中生活 I know how to live in silence. 我们都知道 We all do. 只能低声说话


     不能发短♥信♥ Nothing above a whisper. No phones, no texts. 天黑之前

     我们要找地方避一避 We’re going to need shelter before it gets dark. 好吗 Okay? 我们只有这样做了 That"s our only option. Okay? 我需要你的火机 I need your lighter. 她不抽烟 She doesn’t smoke. 对不起 I"m sorry. 好 Okay. 你们收拾一下东西 You guys pack your bags. 你用来干什么 Why? 没事 It"s okay. 天呐 God. 点着啊

     点着啊 Come on, come on, come on. 点着啊 Come on. 我们走 Come on. 走吧 Come on. 大家都需要休息 Everyone needs to rest. 是的

     好 Yes, okay. 大家都休息会吧 Everyone rest. 我能坐你旁边吗

     Got room for one more? 我知道你可能会因此怨恨我很久 I know you may hate me for a long time. 我知道

     但是 I know... but... 我当时也没办法 I had to. 对不起 I"m sorry. 对不起 I"m sorry. 你要告诉两个孩子 You need to tell the kids. 我怀疑艾丽知道了 I suspect Ally knows something, 但是瞒着裘德不对

     这样不对 but it"sxa0not right to keep it from Jude. It"s not. 狗狗刚死 Their dog just died 现在我要和他们说外婆也有事吗 and now I"m supposedxa0to tell them their grandmother"s next? 刚才我在车里差点害死大家 I just about got us killed back there. 没关系了

     老爸 It"s okay, Dad. 没关系了 It"s okay. 那边有栋房♥子 There"s a house! 好 Okay. 我们走 Let"s go. 好 Okay. 滚出我的地方 Get the hell off my land. 这可是私人地盘 This is private property, god damn it! 我说了

     滚出我的地方 I said get the hell off my land! 我们往那边走 Let"s go that way. 大概三十英尺

     It"s about thirty feet. 你们可以吗 You guys up for this? 我先进去 I"ll go first. 我到那边以后

     向你们招手过来 Once I"m through to the other end, I"ll wave you through. 懂了吗 Okay? 好 Okay. 你过来 You come. 好


     你先来 Okay, Jude, you first. 遇见响尾蛇了 A rattlesnake! 不 No! 把她扶到沙发上 Get her on the couch. 你去找找看有没有双氧水或酒精 See if you can find any peroxide or alcohol. 我去找剪刀 I"ll get some scissors. 疼吗

     妈妈 Does it hurt, mom? 有一点

     儿子 Just a little, honey. 对不起

     我就不该先走... I"m sorry, I shouldn"t have left-- 找到了 I found it. 该死 Shit. 罗伯 Rob? 罗伯

     怎么了 Rob, what"s happening? 你还好吗 How are you? 你们去到安静之地了吗 Did you get somewhere quiet? 算是吧

     I think so. 罗伯

     你父母呢 Rob, where are your parents? 他们死了 They"re dead. 罗伯

     快逃出去 Rob, get out of there. 罗伯


     我会把路线告诉你 Rob, you can come here, I"ll explain how to find me. 罗伯

     快逃出去 Rob, get out of there. 罗伯 Rob! 求你了 Please. 罗伯

     挂断 忏悔

     祈祷 无神论者在车内被活活烧死 孩子 Hey, kiddo. -今天有什么新消息

     -没什么好消息 - What have we found out today? - Nothing good. 密西西比有个男人被钉死在十字架上了 A man was crucified in Mississippi. 好吧 Okay. 没事 It"s okay. 没有抗生素

     伤口会发炎扩散 Without antibiotics that infection"s going to spread. 好吧


     这里有吗 Okay. So, we have to find some. Are there any here? -我到处都找了


     -什么都没有吗 - There"s none, I"ve looked everywhere. - Nothing? 没有 Nothing. 那还能坚持多久 Okay, so how long? 这种事因人而异 It depends on the person. 你是个护士

     还剩多少时间 Okay, but you"re a nurse. How long? 不打抗生素

     坚持不了多久 Without antibiotics, not long.

     知道了 Okay. 我为什么不能去 Why can"t I go? 不行

     你得待在这里照顾好妈妈和外婆 No, you have to stay here and take care of mom with grandma. 抱歉 I"m sorry. 要是格伦叔叔在这里就好了 I wish Glenn was here. 我也这么想 Me, too. 给你 There you go. 好

      Okay. 抱一下吧 Come here. 没事 It"s okay. 没事 It"s okay. 好了 Okay. 「飞嗜怪」所为 Vesps? 别出声 行了

     我们走吧 Okay. Come on. 联合教会 苦难最终会否结束 冥冥中谁在掌控 加入教会

     得以生存 药店与杂货店 如今何去何从 别出声 我们得绕到后门 We have to go around back. 跟紧我 Stay right behind me. 我们需要火 We need fire. 那个拖把 The mop.

     保持警惕 Stay alert. 我是牧师

     要加入我们「噤声一族」吗 他有些诡异 He"s weird. 神降之救世 不用了 No, it"s okay. 我们走 Let"s go. 你做得很好

     妈 You did good, mom. 我这个应急治疗措施还行吧 Yeah, not too shabby for a field dressing, huh? 我不是指这事 That"s not what I meant. 我知道 I know. 他们回来了 They"re back. 好好待着 Stay here. 我的天

     艾丽 Jesus, Ally. CNN 新闻台一直播

     但信♥号♥♥不好 CNN"s on most of the time, but it drops out now and then. 我知道

     我什么都看不到 Yeah, I know. I can"t get anything. 他们在一个地下掩体中播新闻 They"re broadcasting from a bunker somewhere. -我也不清楚

     -CNN 新闻台吗 - I don"t know. - Who, CNN? 他们说「飞嗜怪」无法忍♥受极寒 They said that vesps don"t like intense cold. 北极圈的人活下来了 People above the Arctic Circle, they"re surviving. 有「飞嗜怪」死在积雪中的影像 There"s footage of dead vesps in snow drifts. -你看过吗


     但还有一件事 - You"ve seen that?

     - Yeah, but there"s something else. -什么事

     -人们称之为「灰区」 - What?

     - They"re calling it The Grey. 在这些地方停电之后 It"s places where the electricity"s gone out

     人们就会断了与外界联♥系♥ and people are getting cut off 因为手♥机♥和电脑都没电了 when their phone and computer batteries die. 于是全美很多地区就从地图上消失了 Like entire regions of the country are being wiped off the map. 太糟了 Jesus. 感觉像又回到了「黑暗时代」 It"s like we"re back in the Dark Ages. 我给你做了这个 I made this for you. 格伦叔叔还活着

     一定会想让你拿着 I think Uncle Glenn would have wanted you to have it. 谢谢

     爸爸 Thank you, dad. 就是要小心使用

     好吗 Just be... be careful with it, okay? 小心... Just... 他来这里了 He"s here. -他们想怎样

     -不知道 - What do they want? - I don"t know. 我去跟他谈谈 I"m going to go talk to him. 你不带枪去吗 Aren"t you going to take the gun? 不用 No. 加入我们 不用了

     谢谢 No, thank you. 效仿我们 请不要来找我们了 那个姑娘有生育能力 别弄出声 罗伯

     你还在吗 我在

     你在哪儿 我向北走了

     那边有人活下来了 哪里 避难所 什么避难所 信息未发出


     无法打开网页 我们得向北走 We have to head north. -好

     -可以吗 - Okay. - Okay? 我爱你 I love you. 我爱你 I love you. 休 Hugh? 起来 Get up. 什么人也没有 I don"t see anybody. 爸爸 Dad! 怎么了 What is it? 是个小姑娘 It"s a little girl. 我看一下 Let me look. 天呐 Jesus. 好吧

     让她进来 All right, let her in. 她好像是吓坏了 I think she"s in shock. 你自已一个人吗 Are you alone? 你没事吧

     你怎么来这里了 Are you okay? Why are you here? 你叫什么名字 What"s your name? 没事了 It"s okay. 休

     你看她下巴 Hugh, look at her jaw. 没事了 It"s okay. 天呐 God. 他们派你过来的吗

     Did they send you here? 闹钟 好了 Okay! 手♥机♥刚才响了 Phones were ringing. 现在没声了 Phones are silent now. -去地下室

     -不 - Get in the basement. - No! 你待在这里 You stay here... 我亲爱的女儿 my darling girl. 爸 Dad! 避难所

     11 英里 无信♥号♥♥ 信息 罗伯 信♥号♥♥

     一格 向北走

     有幸存者 找到避难所 你没出事吧 我们知道「飞嗜怪」无法忍♥受寒冷 We know the vesps don"t like the cold, 但这些怪物是否会像之前一样适应进化呢 but will they evolve and adapt like they did in the past? 我知道我就适应了 I know I did. 剩下的人类会进化吗 So, will the rest of humanity evolve? 我们能够适应这个全新的寂静世界 Will we adapt to this new world of silence 并记得是什么将我们和怪物们区分开来吗 and remember what it is that separates us from them? 也许吧 Maybe. 物竞天择

     就看哪个物种能更先适应吧 I guess it"s just a question of which of the two species does it first.

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