我们是谁 Who are we? 难道我们只能活成别人期待的模样 Are we simply what others want us to be? 无法逃脱既定的宿命 Are we destined to a fate beyond our control? 还是说
我们能够进化 Or can we evolve? 超越自己 Become... something more? 年 你能换个频道吗 Can you change the station? 等这首歌♥放完
亲爱的 When the song"s over, honey. 两首歌♥之前
你就这么说了 You said that two songs ago. 这首可是经典老歌♥ You know this is a classic, right? 这样吧
我答应你 Okay, how about I make you a promise? 等你长大
能自己开车了 When you"re old enough to drive, 你想听什么歌♥都行 you can listen to whatever music you want. 行吗 That a deal? -约翰
-不是我 - John. - Wasn"t me. 琴
是你干的吗 Jean, was that... Did you? 我什么也没干 I didn"t do anything. -琴
不是我 - Jean, what are you... - I... I don"t know. It"s not me. 安静 Quiet. 安静 Quiet. 安静 Quiet! 她连块皮都没破 She doesn"t have a scratch on her. 也没有内伤
No internal injuries. 你确定她在事故车辆上吗 And you"re sure she was in the car? 确定 Yeah. 那这事儿谁通知她 Who"s gonna tell her? 谢谢 Thank you. 你好 Hello. 我爸妈呢 Where are my parents? -我叫查尔斯·泽维尔
-他们死了 - My name"s Charles Xavier, and... - They"re dead. 对吗 Aren"t they? 对
没错 Yes, they are. 我很抱歉
告诉你这个噩耗 And I"m very sorry to have to tell you that. 那我接下来会怎样 So what happens to me now? 我就是为此事而来 Well, that"s why I"m here, actually. 我开了一所学校 You see, I have a school 专门收像你一样的孩子 that is for young people, who are like you. 特别之人 Special. 特别只是客气话
用来代称... Special is just a nice word for... 怪胎
疯子 Weird? Or crazy? 没错 Yep. 没错
有时是这样 Yep, sometimes it is. 但有时也可以用来形容那些重要的人 Sometimes, it can be a word used to describe people who are significant. 了不起的人
或者... Or amazing. Or... 或是很棒的人
Or just... just really cool. 你有天赋
琴 You"ve got gifts, Jean. 这样吧 Do you know what? 拿着这支笔 Take this pen, right. 这支笔… It"s something that... 你就拿着吧 Well, actually, just take it. 这是礼物 It"s a gift. 你可以用这支笔画出一幅佳作 Now, you could choose to draw a really good picture with that... 也可以用来戳爆别人的眼睛 or you could use it to poke someone"s eyes out. 但不管怎样
这只是一支笔 But either way, it"s still just a pen. 只是一个礼物[天赋]It"s just a gift. 如何使用上天赐予你的礼物[天赋]
完全取决于你 And what you choose to do with your gift, well, that"s entirely up to you. 但如果你想用天赋做善事 But if you want to use it to do good stuff... 我能帮你 Well, I can help. 你和其他医生不一样 You"re not like the other doctors. 对 No. 你也和其他病人不一样 And you"re not like the other patients. 怎么样 What do you think? 我不能待在这儿 I can"t stay here. 为什么 Okay. Why not? 这里太美好了 It"s too nice. 我 I... 我总是会破坏 I break things.
这样吧 Well, how does this sound: 如果你破坏了任何东西
我来修复 If you break something, anything, I can fix it. 不是一切都能修复 Not anything. 我能帮你 I can help you. 我帮你
你以后就再也不用破坏了 I can help you so that you never have to break things ever again. 你觉得你也能修好我 You think you can fix me too. 不 No. 不是那样
因为你没有毛病 No, because you are not broken. 十
七 Ten, nine, eight, seven, 六
一 six, five, four, three, two, one... X 战警
黑凤♥凰♥ 年 发动机正在加速 Engines throttling up. 三台发动机效能达到 104% Three engines now at 104%. 我侦测到了异常情况 Hey, I"m... I"m picking something up here. 长官
显示异常 Ma"am, I"ve got something on sat six. 休斯顿
我们遇到麻烦了 Houston, we have a problem. 奋进号♥飞船在执行任务中遇到问题 Space Shuttle Endeavour has encountered problems on its mission. -我知道你想怎样
-我才是会读心术的人 - I know what you"re thinking. - That"s my trick. 行不通
X 战舰飞不了那么高 And the answer is no. The jet can"t get that high. 加装推进火箭
经过你的改装后也不行吗 Even with the new booster rockets and all your modifications? 那是用来加速
而非提升高度 They"re built for acceleration, not elevation, okay? 这不可行 Not this. No.
推力矢量已经失去控制 They"ve lost thrust vector control. 轨道设置失常 Trajectory settings are irregular, 可能是发动机长时间工作造成 likely from the constant engine burn. 制氧系统也已停止运行... Oxygen generation is down... 喂
我是 Yes? Yes, this is he. -查尔斯
-总统先生 - Charles? - Mr. President. 你看到新闻了吗 Are you seeing this on TV? 我正在看 Yes, I"m watching now. 汉克 Hank? 好 Yeah. 这是一次简单的救援任务 It"s a simple extraction. 我们上太空 We go into space, 救出宇航员
带他们回来 we get the astronauts, we bring them home. -有问题吗
大概上千个 - Any questions? - Yeah, like a thousand. 没时间回答你上千个问题 We don"t have time for a thousand. 我们要上太空 So we"re going to space? 对
我们要上太空 Yes, Kurt, we are going into space. 我们都接太空任务了
真帅 We"re doing space missions now. Cool. X 战舰能飞那么高吗 Will the X-Jet even get that high? -技术上来说...
-可以 - Well, technically, the... - It will get us there. 走吧 Let"s go. 你真觉得没问题吗 Are you okay with this?
我有时候会忘记你可以读心 I forget sometimes you can read minds. 我不需要读你的心 I didn"t need to read your mind. 都写在脸上了 It"s written all over your face. 你说没问题就行 You tell me it"s good, it"s good. 如果出了什么状况 If anything goes wrong, 我会带大家立刻调头 I"ll turn us around in a heartbeat. 我知道你会 I know you will. 另一艘飞船已经发射升空 A second ship has been spotted in the sky. 据了解
总统召集了 X 战警前来求援 We are being told the president has called in the aid of the X-Men. 航♥天♥局的各位同志们 Ladies and gentlemen of NASA, 我是查尔斯·泽维尔 this is the voice of Charles Xavier. 哪位告诉我一下最新的情况 Could somebody please apprise me of the situation? 我们探测到太阳耀斑 We were picking up solar flares. 应该是热量导致电力系统短路 We believe the heat shorted out their electricity. 他们失去了控制
几乎所有功能 They lost control, communication, orientation, pretty much everything. 指挥中心
救援已上路 Not to worry, Mission Control. Help is on the way. 这没有我想象得那么好玩 I think this is not as much fun as I thought it would be. 那是太阳耀斑吗 That"s a solar flare? 我从没见过这样的探测值 I"ve never seen a reading like this. 方位推进器熄火了 The orientation thruster"s misfiring. -船舱挺不了多久
你能进去吗 - That cabin won"t hold for long. - Kurt, can you get in there? 转得太快
我看不清窗户里面 It"s spinning too fast. I can"t see inside the window.
降低旋转速度 Scott, I need you to blast that thruster, slow down the spin. 科特
出发 Kurt, take Peter. Go! 暴风女
封住裂缝 Storm, seal those cracks. 马上回来 Be right back. 糟糕 Shit. -系好安全带
-等等 - Strap in, we"re headed home. - Wait. 我们的指挥官
他不在 Our commander, he"s not here. 他在气阀舱修推进器 He was in the airlock working on the thruster. 热能指数飙升 The heat signature"s rising fast. 我撑不住了 I can"t hold it any longer. 赶紧离开
系好安全带 We gotta get out of here. I said strap in. 不
我们不能抛下任何人 No, Raven. No. We"re not leaving anyone behind. 我不能让这个团队冒险 I am not putting this team in more danger. 他们的团队呢 What about their team? 琴能稳住那架飞船 Jean can hold that shuttle together. 可以吧
琴 Can"t you, Jean? 你知道只要专注
你就无所不能 You know you can do anything you set your mind to. 我能稳住那架飞船
但在这里不行 I can hold the ship together but not from here. -我需要进去
-热量爆表了 - I need to get inside. - The heat"s spiking. 离耀斑爆♥炸♥不到一分钟了 We"ve got less than a minute till those flares hit. 她说她能做到 She said she can do it. 给你们三十秒 Thirty seconds.
开始 Count it down. Go. 还有二十秒 We got 20 seconds. 十 Ten... 九
八 nine, eight... 七
六 seven, six... 五 five... 四 four... 三 three... 二 two... 一 one. 琴呢
她人呢 Where"s Jean? Kurt, where is she? -她在哪
-对不起 - Where is she? - I"m sorry! 做好受冲准备 Brace for impact. 大家 Is every... 大家都没事吧 Is everybody okay? 我们都没事 Yeah, we"re okay. 那就回家吧 So let"s go home. -X 战警好棒
-好样的 - Yay, X-Men! Woo! - Yeah! 厉害
X 战警 Yeah! X-Men! 好了
可以了 That"s enough, boys and girls. That"s enough. X 战警今天做了一件惊天动地的大事 The X-Men have today done an incredibly brave thing. 再次向人类证明了他们为什么需要我们 They"ve once again proved to humanity exactly why they need us,
需要你们这样的人 people like yourselves. 总统发来了问候 The president sends his regards, 并表达了诚挚的谢意 as well as his heartfelt gratitude. 至于我本人
我感到前所未有的骄傲 And, as for myself, I"ve never been prouder. 大家好好放松
这是你们应得的 Enjoy yourselves. You certainly deserve it. 事实上
你们也是 In fact, you all do. 停课
今天放假 No more class, the end of the day. 琴 Jean? 你今天把我们吓坏了
你感觉怎么样 You gave us quite a scare up there. How are you feeling? 我感觉还挺好 Actually, I... I feel fine. -汉克
-到 - Hank? - Yeah? 给琴做个检查 Would you take a look at Jean? 外勤伤员的常规体♥检♥就行 Standard medical for anyone injured in the field. 谢谢 Thank you. 总统差点就致以哀悼了 You know, the president was almost sending his condolences. -她本该没命了
她没有 - She should be dead. - Thankfully, she"s not. 基本上都是哥的功劳 I basically did everything. 琴在最后也帮了一点小忙 I mean, Jean did a little, like towards the end, 但主要是靠哥逆转乾坤 but it was mostly all me. 你让我们以身犯险了
查尔斯 You put us in danger, Charles. 你不顾那些孩子的安危 You put those kids in danger. 他们已经不是孩子了
瑞雯 They"re not kids anymore, Raven.
而且我和你一样担忧他们的安危 And I care about their safety just as much as you do. 真是那样吗 Are you sure about that? 我们接的任务越来越危险了 "Cause we"re taking bigger and bigger risks. 为了什么呢 And for what? 你可千万别说这是为了你的自尊心 Please, tell me it"s not your ego. 为了上杂♥志♥封面 Being on the cover of magazines, 为了获总统勋章 getting a medal from the president. 你很享受吧 You like it, don"t you? 不被追杀
也不被人类唾弃 As opposed to being hunted and despised? 我确实觉得不错 Well, you know, actually, I do. 不过是为了达到目的而已
瑞雯 It"s all just a means to an end, Raven. -什么目的
-让我们安全活着 - What end is that? - Keeping us safe. 你应该比谁都了解 You should understand better than anyone 只要稍有差池 that we"re only ever one bad day away 我们就又会被人类仇视 from them starting to see us as the enemy again. 于是就让我们穿着一样的制♥服♥ So, what? We wear matching costumes 微笑合影
靠作秀安抚民心吗 and smile in pictures to make everyone feel safe? 这只是为了相安无事的小牺牲 That is a small price to pay for keeping the peace. -让我们的人舍身救他们
是的 - By risking our people to save theirs? - Yes! Yes! 真有意思 It"s funny. 我都记不起来你上一次冒险是什么时候了 I can"t actually remember the last time you were the one risking something. 另外 And by the way,
这里一直都是女人给男人擦屁♥股♥ the women are always saving the men around here. 你该考虑一下把队名改成"X 女战警"了 You might wanna think about changing the name to X-Women. 心跳脉搏
稳定有力 Your heartbeat"s strong, pulse is good, 大脑活动也正常 brain activity is normal. 至于基因数据
我得再看看 The genetic reading, I"m gonna take another look at. 什么不可能 What can"t be right? 你没经我允许
就对我读心了吗 Did you just read my mind without permission? 对不起
你说什么不可能 Sorry, I didn"t mean to, but what can"t be right? 太空中那场不明事件
让你变强了 Whatever happened up there made you stronger. 我从未见过像这种能量值 You know, I"ve never seen a power reading like this. 你真的是
数据爆表了 You"re-You"re literally... I mean, you"re off the charts. 这是什么意思 So what does that mean? 意思是 It means... 看来要建一个更先进的机器了 We"ll have to build a better machine. 不过
你感觉如何 But... how do you feel? 我感觉挺好 I feel good. 那就好 Good. 就我看来
你没事了 Well, as far as I can tell, you"re good to go. -你可以上楼了
-好 - You can head upstairs. - All right. 多谢了
汉克 Thanks, Hank. 汉克说的吗 Hank said that? -"数据爆表"
-是 - "Off the charts"? - He did.
那个博士汉克吗 The big blue furry guy? The doctor? That Hank? 就是他
怎么了 That"s the one. Why? 你有点害怕吗 You a little intimidated, maybe? 一直都是 Constantly. 琴
琴 Jean. Jean... 你确定自己没事吗 Are you... Are you sure you"re okay? 我不仅没事
我还感觉棒极了 I"m better than okay. God, I feel great, I do. 怎么说呢
感觉一切都被激活了 I don"t know, I feel like everything is just... turned up. -不
-只是什么 - No, it"s just... - Just what? 我今天差点失去你了 I thought I lost you today. 我懂 I know. 但我回到你身边了 But I came back to you. 我永远都会回到你身边 I"ll always come back to you. 是露娜在叫吗 Is that Luna? 大概看到松鼠而已 Probably just squirrels. 我去看看它
马上回来 I"m just gonna check on her. I"ll be right back. 别走 Just stay. -让它别叫了
-露娜 - Tell her to shut up. - Luna! 露娜 Luna! 露娜 Luna! 亲爱的 Honey! 怎么了
乖狗狗 What is it? What is it, honey?
他的笑声最蠢了 He"s got the dumbest laugh. 不是 That"s not... 不是那么回事 That"s not how it happened. -我的天啊
-那是... - My God. - That was... 玛格丽特 Margaret? 怎么... What...? ♪ 把手放入我的怀里♪ ♪ Put your hands on me♪ ♪ 来感受我的内心♪ ♪ To marvel inside my heart♪ ♪ 让世界更明亮些♪ ♪ Make it come brighter♪ ♪ 我们的爱如此耀眼♪ ♪ Our love is on fire♪ ♪ 熄灭所有灯光♪ ♪ Turn all the lights out♪ ♪ 带我去更高的地方♪ ♪ Taking me higher♪ ♪ 把手放入
把手放入我的怀里♪ ♪ Put your hands on, put your hands on me♪ -这边
-好的 - This way. - Okay. 再来一杯吗 One more? 好
先喝完手里这杯 Yeah, I"ll go ahead and finish this one. 再去拿两杯 Two more? 好 Yeah. ♪ 把手放入我的怀里♪ ♪ Put your hands on me♪ 来点冰块 Rocks. 谢谢 Thanks. -她怎么样了
-她很渴 - How is she doing? - She"s... thirsty.
我看到了 Yeah, I see that. 你看着她像是没事吗 Does she seem okay to you? 对于刚被太阳耀斑击中的人来说 For someone who"s just been hit with solar flares... -我觉得她看起来挺好
-谢谢 - I"d say she"s doing pretty good. - Thanks. 不久以前 You know, it wasn"t so long ago 我们也这样在派对上狂欢 we were throwing parties like this. 现在只剩下我们 Now we"re the only ones left. 是啊
原班人马就只剩我们了 Yeah. Last of the first class. 我一直在考虑 I"ve been thinking. 我们也许该离开了 Maybe it"s time for us to... move on. 什么意思
离开去哪儿 What do you... Move on where? 我也不知道
只是查尔斯 I don"t know. It"s just Charles. 你们之间不管发生什么
总会过去 Whatever is going on between you two, it will blow over. 不
不会 No, it won"t. 我爱他
但他变了 I love him, but he"s different. 现在一切都变了 Everything is... it"s different now. 是啊 Yeah. 我们改变世界
才能得以生活 We changed the world so we could live in it. 也许我们该去过自己的生活 Yeah, but maybe that"s what we should go do. 但这就是我们追求的人生 Yeah, but this is our life. This is what we wanted. -不是这样的人生
-瑞雯 - Not like this. - Raven... 这不是我们的人生
是他的人生 It"s not our life, Hank. It"s his.
不然你以为 X 战警里的"X"代表着什么 What do you think the "X" in X-Men stands for? 危急时刻
总是查尔斯和他的 X 战警逆转乾坤 Charles and his X-Men are where we turn when facing our worst fears. 谢谢
总统阁下 Thank you, Mr. President. 谢谢你 Thank you. 我不过是创造了一个世界 All I"ve really done is create a world 使孩子们平和而骄傲地接受自己的与众不同 in which children can find peace and pride in being different. 我知道有些人会称我们为"超级英雄" Now, I know that some of you choose to call us "Superheroes." 我得承认
我真不知道这个词是什么意思 I must confess, I don"t really know what that word means, 但总比你们过去对我们的称呼好听多了 but it is a damn sight better than what you used to call us. -来一起跳个舞吧
-你想要跳舞 - Come dance with me. - You wanna dance? 来吧
斯考特 Come on, Scott. 你知道孩子们怎么称呼你吗 Did... Did you hear what the kids are calling you? -是好话吗
-是 - Do I wanna know? - Yeah. 凤♥凰♥ Phoenix. 很棒吧
一种浴火重生的鸟 It"s cool, right? You know, a bird that rises from the dead. 你还好吧
不然我们休息下 You okay? Hey, maybe we should take a break. 琴 Jean. 等等
等等 Wait, wait, wait. 不
停下 No, stop, stop, stop, stop. 异常 琴 It"s Jean. 琴
求你了 Jean. Jean, please. 停下
Stop, stop, stop. 停下
停下 Stop, stop, stop! -谢谢你
查尔斯 - Thank you. - Thank you, Charles. 抱歉各位
我得先行告辞了 I"m terribly sorry, everyone, but I"m going to have to leave. 非常感谢你们 Thank you very, very much. 怎么样
你看到什么了 What is it? What do you see? 我什么都看不到 Nothing. 她的变异太过强大 Her mutation has grown too powerful. 这是我第一次无法看到她的思想 For the first time, I can"t penetrate her mind. 所以才来这里吗 So that"s what we"re doing down here? 汉克造出了脑波增幅器来增强我的异能 Hank built Cerebro to amplify my power. 现在只能这样进入她的大脑 I think that"s the only way I"m going to get inside her head now. 汉克
能请你再增强一点吗 Hank, could you turn it up, please? 再增强一点
谢了 A little more. Thank you. 她在那儿 There she is. -没错
-很好吃吧 - Yes, it is. - Isn"t that yummy? 这是正常显示吗 Is it supposed to look like this? 心灵意识本就是脆弱之物 The mind of a psychic is a fragile thing. 只需轻触 It takes only the slightest tap 就足以带入歧途 to tip it in the wrong direction. 她小时候
我必须修改她的记忆 I had to make adjustments to her mind when she was young. 什么样的修改 What kind of adjustments? 就像搭建架子
Scaffolding. 更像是筑墙
隔绝所有心理上的创伤 Walls, rather, to keep out all the trauma. 查尔斯
你到底对她做了什么 What did you do to her, Charles? 我救了她 I saved her. 太空中那场不明事故
对她造成了影响 I think that whatever happened in space did something to her. 这个过程中
我筑起的墙垒渐渐倒塌 In the process, those walls that I erected are being torn down. 安静 Quiet! 那是什么 What is that? 那是我不愿让她忆起的伤痛 That... is what I was trying to save her from. 单人桌
老样子 Table for one. My usual. 谁在说话 What is that voice? -不
-查尔斯 - No... - Charles? 查尔斯 Charles? 她要醒过来了 She"s waking up. 琴 Jean? 琴
只是我 Jean, don"t be afraid. It"s only me. 你要保持镇定 I want you to remain calm, 专心听我的声音 and I"d like you to focus on my voice. 滚出我的大脑 Get out of my head. 琴
冷静点 Just stay calm, Jean. 她在反抗我
帮我增强 She"s fighting me. I need you to turn it up. 我听见我父亲声音了 I heard my father. -他还活着
- He"s alive. - You"re just hearing things. 琴
你的大脑需要休息 Jean, your mind, it needs rest. 你 You"re... 你骗我 You"re lying to me. 我能感受到 I can sense it. 增强 Turn it up. -不行
汉克 - No, it"s too much already. - Don"t do it, Hank. -汉克
我不会这么做 - Hank. - No, I won"t do it. 天呐
查尔斯 For God"s sake, Charles! 滚出我的大脑 Get out of my head! 查尔斯 Charles! -查尔斯
-查尔斯 - Charles! - Charles! 琴
你 Jean! Are you... 你还好吗 Are you okay? 发生什么了
然后 What happened? We were outside, and then... 你出了意外
然后昏过去了 You had an accident. You blacked out. 我让你受伤了吗 Did I... Did I do... do that? 没关系 It"s fine. -有关系
-只是个意外 - No, it"s not fine. - It was an accident. 我不知道自己怎么了 I don"t know what"s happening to me. 我无法控制
斯考特 I can"t control it. I can"t stay here, Scott. 我真得离开了 I really, I need to go. 你说什么呢
What are you talking about? -你要去哪儿
-我要去见 - Where are you going? - I need to see... 我要去见我父亲 I need to see my father. -你父亲他
我听见他了 - Your fa... Your father"s... - He"s alive. I can hear him. 他在那场车祸中丧生了
还记得吗 He died in the crash, remember? 斯考特
我必须走了 I"m sorry, Scott. I need to go. -等等
-你就让我走吧 - Hang on, hang on, hang on. - God, please let me go. -求你了
-你冷静一下 - Please. - Slow down, please. 这种力量来袭时
无法停下 I can"t control it when it comes. I can"t stop it. 到时可能又会伤到你 Okay? I could hurt you again. 我自愿承担后果 I"ll take that chance. 我知道 I know. 我知道 I know. 但是我不愿意 But I won"t. -他没事吗
-我没事 - Is he gonna be all right? - I"m gonna be fine. -不
-我不会有事 - No, he"s not fine. - I"m going to be fine. 你看到了什么 What did you see? 她充满了欲望 She"s all desire. 还有狂怒和痛苦 All rage, all pain. 所有情绪一同爆发 And it"s all coming out at once. 瑞雯
她身上出问题了 Something"s happening to her, Raven. 她变了 She"s changing. 变成什么
Into what? 我不知道 I don"t know. 琴不见了
她走了 Jean"s gone. She left. -去哪儿了
-我不知道 - Gone where? - I don"t know. 查尔斯
你可以用意念来追踪她 Charles, you can track her with your mind. 没法再追踪了 Not anymore. 她现在太强大
我也无能为力了 She"s grown too powerful, even for me. 她说她要去见她父亲 She said she was going to see her father. 这根本说不通吧 That doesn"t make any sense, right? 准备一下飞机
我们去把她带回家 Prepare the jet. We"re going to bring her home. "我们"
你现在状态不行 "We"? Charles, you"re in no condition. 我必须阻止她
她会发现... I have to stop this. She"s going to find... 她去那里
不会有好结果 She"s going to find nothing good there. 德巴里帝国就剩这些人了吗 So this is all that"s left of the D"Bari Empire? 你好
武克 Greetings, Vuk. 你掌握地球人的语言了吗 Have you learned their language? 小菜一碟 With ease. 你有什么发现 What have you learned? 那股力量蕴藏在他们中一人体内 The power is being contained inside one of them. -竟然是个原始物种
-她比较厉害 - This primitive species? - She"s stronger. 她是一个变种人 A mutant. 她对此还毫不知情 She has no idea what"s happening to her. 我可以利用这一点
I can use that. 如果我们可以控制这股力量 If we can control that power... 就可以复活我们的种族了 we can resurrect our race. 东山再起 Begin again. 统治这里 Here. 她在哪儿 Where is she? 你有什么事吗 Can I help you? 爸 Dad? 琴 Jean. 你怎么知道要去哪里
查尔斯 How do you know where we"re going, Charles? 如果你没法追踪她
怎么知道她在哪儿 If you can"t track her, how do you know where she is? 你明知故问 You know how. 天呐 Jesus Christ. 你对她做了什么 What did you do? 我那是保护她 I protected her. 向她隐瞒真♥相♥ From the truth. 说得这么冠冕堂皇 There"s another word for that. 他跟我说
你死了 He told me you were dead. 我从没想过会回来这里 I never thought I"d be back here. 家里还是跟以前一样 It"s the same. 一点没变 All of it. 你想吃点什么
喝点什么吗 Can I get you something to drink or-or eat? 不用
No, I"m good. I"m... 不用招待我了 I"m really good. 见到你真好 It"s so good to see you. 我去给你倒杯水 I"ll get you some water, okay? 安静 Quiet. 琴 Jean? 这些照片里
一张都没有我 All these photos, none of me. 你从没找过我 You never looked for me. -琴
-你为什么不来找我 - Jean... - Why didn"t you look for me? 还是坐下来说吧 Maybe we should sit down. 不
我不要坐下 No, I don"t wanna sit down. 你当年为什么没来找我 Why didn"t you come looking for me? 别想骗我
我会读心术 And don"t try to lie. I can read your mind. 我没法抚养她 I can"t handle her. 我都不知道她是什么 I don"t even know what she is. 我知道 I do. 你会带走她 Then you"ll take her? 你都没跟我告别 You didn"t even say goodbye. 我当年也没机会跟你妈告别 I didn"t get a chance to say goodbye to your mother. 我当时才八岁 I was eight years old. 你怎么能这样对我 How could you do that to me? 你想读我的大脑吗 You wanna come in? 那就好好看看吧
Come all the way in. 别忘了你的所为 Don"t forget what you did. 我不知道
不是我 I don"t know. It"s not me. 安静 Quiet! 不
不 No. No. 抱歉
琴 I"m sorry, Jean... 我的世界在那一天崩塌了 but my whole world died that day. 我也当你死了 And... you went with it. 琴
别这样 Jean, don"t, please. 住手 Stop that. 住手 Stop it. 不是我
是他们 It"s not me. It"s them. 你们不该过来 You shouldn"t have come here. 怎么这么说
琴 Why is that? We"ve only come to bring you home, Jean. 我没有家了
都是拜你所赐 I don"t have a home. You made sure of that. 你父亲当时没法抚养你 Look, your father couldn"t handle you, 我们收留了你 and we took you in. 你跟我说
我父亲死了 You told me my father was dead, 然后利用我的异能为你效劳 and you used me for my powers. 不是那样
事实并非如此 No, that"s just not true. That"s not what happened. 琴
我们能帮你 Jean, we can help you. 我能帮你
但你得听我的话 I can help you, but you have to listen to me. 不
No. No, I don"t. 斯考特 Scott. 他骗了我
欺瞒了我一切 He lied to me, Scott. About everything. 我们一起想办法
回到我身边 We"ll figure everything out together. Just come back to me. 你说过
记得吗 Remember, you said you"d always come back to me. 回到我身边吧 Come back to me. 琴 Jean. 别过来
都别过来 Stay away from me. Stay away from me. 别过来 Stay away from me! -立刻阻止她
等一下 - Stop her quickly! - Charles, wait, wait! 琴
别这样 Jean, please! 琴
住手 Jean, stop! -我瞄准了
-别开枪 - I"ve got the shot. I"m taking... - No, you"re not. 抱歉
我想让瑞雯劝服她 I"m sorry, Hank. I want Raven to have a chance. 我让你别靠近了 I told you to stay away. 我做不到 That"s never gonna happen. 你别再过来了 Please. Stop. 我必须先确保你没事 Not until I know you"re gonna be okay. 我身上出问题了 Something"s happening to me. 那就回家 So come home. 我来帮你 Let me take care of you. 你做不到 No, you can"t. 你不行
You can"t. You don"t... 你不懂这种感觉 You don"t know what it"s like. 那就告诉我 Then tell me. 这种力量来袭时 When it comes... 身边的人会受伤 people get hurt. 我不怕你
琴 I"m not afraid of you, Jean. 看着我 Look at me. 专心听我的声音 Focus on my voice. 我们一起度过这个难关 We"re going to get through this together. 我不会放弃你
琴 I"m not giving up on you, Jean. 家人之间就是这样
彼此扶持 This is what family does. We take care of each other. 你是我的亲人
琴 You"re my family, Jean. 不管发生任何事 No matter what. 别再说了 Stop! -瑞雯
-我喘不过气 - Raven... - I can"t catch my breath. 不 No. 我爱你 I love you. 什么 What? 我 I... 瑞雯
别死 Raven, please. 瑞雯 Raven. 瑞雯
瑞雯 Raven. I love you, Raven. 不
No. 不 No. 人这一生
就是我与我周♥旋♥ We are all at war, at war with ourselves, 而瑞雯这一生都在和自己对弈 and Raven had been waging that war for most of her life. 愿她安息 I hope now she"s found peace. 瑞雯到死都如此重情义 Raven died doing what she did best... 她死于帮助一个困境中的朋友 helping a friend, a friend in need. 她没有离开 She is not gone. 她的精神永在
通过我 She lives on, through me, 我们 through us... 以及 X 战警传承下去 and through the spirit of the X-Men. 这是真的吗 Is it true? 琴杀了她 Jean killed her? 她当时不是自己了 She didn"t know what she was doing. 琴失控了 Jean lost control. 但她还是琴 But she-she"s still Jean. 她还是我们的朋友 She"s still our friend. 我们还是可以帮她
找到她 We can still help her. We can find her. 带她回家 And bring her home. 我们就这么做 That"s... That"s what we"re gonna do, okay? 那不是意外
斯考特 It wasn"t an accident, Scott. 她杀了瑞雯 She killed Raven. 即使你无法对自己
Maybe you can"t admit that to yourself or to them, 但事实就是如此 but it"s the truth. 那不是琴
不是我认识的琴 That was not Jean, not the Jean I know. 有时
你想要相信别人不是那样 Sometimes you want to believe people are something that they are not. 然而
等你觉悟时 And then, by the time you realize who they are... 一切都太迟了 it"s too late. 我和瑞雯就是在这里相识 Do you know, this is where I first met Raven. 她当时还是个孩子 She was just this little girl, and... 她偷闯进来
找东西吃 she"d broken in, looking for food. 我跟她说可以留下 I said she could stay, 这样她就不用再挨饿了 and that she"d never have to go hungry again. 我还承诺让她过上好日子 And then, I think I promised her a better life. 结果你把她害死了 And then you took it from her. -你说什么
-你听到了 - I beg your pardon? - You heard me. -汉克
查尔斯 - Hank... - This is your fault, Charles. 她死了
都怪你 It"s your fault she"s dead. 你别不讲理 Come on, that"s not fair. 讲理
别跟我来这一套 Fair? No, don"t talk about fair. 你篡改了一个八岁小女孩的记忆 You messed with the mind of an eight-year-old girl. 你把所有痛苦与愤怒都埋藏起来 You pushed down all that pain and anger... 你觉得那些压抑的情感会去哪儿 Where do you think it"s gonna go? 我那样是为了她好 I did that to help her. -我做的一切都是为了孩子们
- What I do, I do to help all of them. - Please, come on, please. -你还是看不清自己的错
-就是... - You still can"t see what you did wrong? - It"s just... 你得面对现实
面对自己的错 No, you need to face this, Charles! You need to face it. 你就承认吧
承认错误吧 Come on, admit it to me right now. Come on! 承认你错了 Admit it! 查尔斯
求你就认错吧 Charles, just admit you were wrong, please. 你还是无法认错 You still can"t. 希望这会让你好过些
汉克 I really hope you feel better, Hank. 我刚安葬了自己的养妹 I hope that railing on me five minutes 你就朝我发泄
借此能让你好过... after I put my foster sister in the grave has made you feel... 我不是为了自己发泄 This isn"t about me. 我肯认错
查尔斯 You, know what? I know what I did wrong, okay, Charles? 她本打算离开 She was gonna leave. 瑞雯本来想离开
我说服她留下了 Raven was gonna leave, and I talked her out of it. 她看清了一件我们都没看清的事 She saw what the rest of us didn"t. 什么事 And what was that? 我们一直以来都在保护孩子们不受外界伤害 This whole time, we"ve been trying to protect these kids from the world, 但其实
孩子们真正应该远离的人是你 when really, we should"ve been protecting them from you. 我到底是怎么了 I don"t know what"s happening to me. 为什么 Why? 我为什么会这么做 Why did I do that? -平民不许...
-联调局 - No civilians past this... - FBI. 你们先出去
Give us the room. 你们是什么人 And who are you supposed to be? 我们是来帮你的人
葛雷先生 We"re the ones who are going to help you, Mr. Grey. 我不知道她会回来 I didn"t know she was gonna come back. 我很抱歉搞成这样 I"m sorry for all this. 没事 It"s okay. 我们就是想了解一下琴到底是个怎样的人 We just wanna get an accurate picture of who Jean is. 说说看
你何时把她交给了变种人 Tell us about when you gave her to the mutant. 我还是 Maybe... 还是跟律师谈一下吧 it might be better if I talk to a lawyer. 很抱歉
葛雷先生 I"m so sorry, Mr. Grey, 我要立刻了解她的一切 but I need to know everything about her now. 事情发展到这一步
实属遗憾 This truly is an unfortunate development. 这话是什么意思 Why-Why is that? 因为你不惨叫
Because it"s so much easier to understand your language when you"re not screaming. 来者何人 Who are you? 有何目的 What are you doing here? 回答我 Answer the question. 你退下 Leave her. 你怎么来了 Why are you here? 你受伤了吗 Are you hurt? 没有 No. 你别见怪
You"ll have to forgive them. 他们不太喜欢不速之客 They"re not accustomed to uninvited guests. 请 Please. 从头说起吧 Why don"t you start at the beginning? 那是谁的血 Whose blood is that? -什么
-你衬衫上 - What? - On your shirt. 是谁的血 Whose blood is it? 我不是查尔斯 Look, I"m not Charles. 我不会读心术 I can"t read your mind. 你伤人无数 You hurt people. -那都是以前的事了
-但你确实如此 - It"s been a while. - But you did. 是
你为什么来问我这件事 Yes. What did you come here to ask me? 你是怎么停手了 How did you stop? 我这一生都活在仇恨之中 I"ve lived with vengeance my whole life. 我从小起 Ever since I was a child, 就慢慢失去了所有亲人挚爱 I... lost everyone I ever loved, so... 我伤人 I hurt people. 杀人 Yes, killed people. 我以为杀死那些人
就能平复伤痛 Killed whatever I thought would make the pain go away. 但没有 It didn"t, 不管我送多少人去见阎王
都无法平复 no matter how many souls I sent under... 于是我收手了 so I stopped. 我不知道怎么收手
I don"t know how to stop. 我不知道自己到底怎么了 I don"t know what"s happening to me. 我失控时 When I lose control... 就会出事
伤及他人 things happen, bad things... 伤害所爱之人 to people I love. 那是谁的血 Whose blood is that? 这不正是你此行目的吗 Isn"t that why you came here? -你想让我怎么帮你
-我说不清 - What do you think I can do for you? - I don"t know! 你可以
那是谁的血 Yes, you do. Whose blood is that? -我不想说
-你伤人了吗 - I don"t wanna talk about it. - Did you hurt someone? -拜托
琴 - Please, I... - Answer the question, Jean. -别追问了
-很好 - Stop, Erik, you"re making me angry. - Good! 我就是想激怒你 I want you to be angry. -我要看看有什么后果
-我不想伤到你 - Show me what happens, Jean. - I don"t wanna hurt you! 我要看看激怒你的后果是什么 What happens when you"re angry? Show me. -让我看看
-别说了 - Show me what... - Stop! 军方来人了 We"ve got military. 就要降落了 Inbound. 待在这里 Stay here. 两架美军直升机 Two birds. US. 让大家冷静
但做好防备 Tell everyo...
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【古典文学】 日期:2020-02-29
人的寿命最长是多少?想要知道世界上生命最长的人是谁吗?下文小编为大家收集了关于世界上生命最长的人,欢迎阅读! 活了256岁世界上生命最长的人 1933年活了256岁的李清云...
【古典文学】 日期:2020-03-20
对县政府班子的评议意见三篇 政府是指国家进行统治和社会管理的机关,是国家表示意志、发布命令和处理事务
【古典文学】 日期:2021-01-04
十三五规划建议发布(全文) 2015年11月03日16:06来源:新华网新华社北京11月3日电中共中
【古典文学】 日期:2020-09-12
婚礼,帮助新婚夫妇适应新的社会角色和要求,准备承担社会责任。你知道多少婚礼交换戒指主持词?下面小编为你整理了几篇婚礼交换戒指主持词,希望对你有帮助。 婚礼交换戒指...
【中国文学】 日期:2020-02-26
【中国文学】 日期:2021-05-12
合作伙伴的祝福语 祝福:除夕致敬尽礼,迎接福神,拜求来年一年中的好运气。第一文档网今天为大家精心准备
【中国文学】 日期:2020-10-07
廉政风险点及防控措施 廉政风险点廉政风险点及防控措施 一、思想道德及制度机制 (一)思想道德(二级风
【中国文学】 日期:2020-07-02
XX交通局2020年国庆中秋双节假期总结 在X委、X政府和市X局领导下,在X安全生产监督管理局的指导
【中国文学】 日期:2020-09-27
高中英语短文及翻译阅读 高中英语短文带翻译
英语阅读是学习语言知识、提高英语语言能力的有效途径,也是人们获取外部信息、了解世界的主要手段。小编整理了高中英语短文及翻译,欢迎阅读! 高中英语短文及翻译篇一 ...
【中国文学】 日期:2020-03-10
2、当某一国际条约与联合国宪章发生冲突时,通常的原则是(A)。 A 在维持国际和平与安全的必要范围内
【中国文学】 日期:2020-06-13
【中国文学】 日期:2021-01-27
相信自己,战胜自己。你们想看看43班霸气口号有哪些吗?以下是小编推荐43班霸气口号给大家,欢迎大家阅读! 43班霸气加油口号【经典篇】 1 团结进取,追求卓越。 2 ...
【中国文学】 日期:2020-03-13
4篇在干部任职命令宣布大会上的讲话及任职表态发言 篇一: 同志们: 刚才,xx同志宣读了xx两名同志
【中国文学】 日期:2020-10-29
【外国名著】 日期:2020-09-18
手机大尺度直播平台 [尺度最大的手机直播有哪些]
现在哪个手机直播平台尺度大?尺度大的手机直播App有哪些?小编为您介绍一下尺度最大的手机直播。 尺度最大的手机直播有哪些? 第一坊 第一坊视频平台是一款优质美女直...
【外国名著】 日期:2020-03-07
同学聚会唱什么歌好 40岁同学聚会唱什么歌最适合
听歌,想起一些美好或疼痛的往事,柠檬草的味道在心尖,轻轻一触,香消红黯,委地成泥,下面是小编整理的同学聚会该唱的歌的内容,希望能够帮到您。 同学聚会该唱的歌(流行)...
【外国名著】 日期:2020-03-11
11这个数字是2位数中最小的奇数、质数。但在其他领域中,11的含义也是不同的。今天,小编为大家整理了数字11的含义。 数字11的含义 在数学中的,11的进制是1011,八进制...
【外国名著】 日期:2019-05-30
【外国名著】 日期:2021-02-03
梦见被蛇追是什么意思?做梦梦见被蛇追好不好?梦见被蛇追有现实的影响和反应,也有梦者的主观想象,请看下面由小编帮你整理的梦见被蛇追的详细解说吧。 梦见被蛇追 梦见...
【外国名著】 日期:2020-03-01
党员抗疫心得体会 党员抗疫心得体会第一篇2020年的庚子春节,街道上看不见熙熙攘攘的人群和车水马龙的
【外国名著】 日期:2020-11-13
【外国名著】 日期:2019-06-04
【外国名著】 日期:2020-09-26
警示教育片《围猎》观后感 5月30日,在九景衢铺架项目部会议室组织观看了警示教育片《围猎》,该片深刻
【外国名著】 日期:2020-07-07
抱着妹妹去放哨故事大全 田改玲,上世纪三十年代出生在河北省博野县西田村。她爹叫田舍锁,中共地下党员。她们家是堡垒户,是地下党武工
【寓言童话】 日期:2022-06-08
100元钱折纸大全 图解 100元人民币折纸
折纸也是一门艺术,大家知道怎么用100元人民币折纸吗?今天,小编为大家带来了100元人民币折纸,希望大家喜欢! 100元人民币折纸方法 步骤1 步骤2 步骤3 步骤4 ...
【寓言童话】 日期:2020-03-12
[面试录用通知书] 入职通知短信
面试之后,符合公司用人要求的,公司就会向应聘者发出录用通知,下面小编给大家带来面试录用通知书,供大家参考! 面试录用通知书范文一 录用通知书 先生 小姐: ...
【寓言童话】 日期:2020-02-24
【寓言童话】 日期:2021-03-19
API油管规格及尺寸 公称尺寸(in) 不加厚外径(mm) 不加厚内径(mm) 加厚外径(mm) 加
【寓言童话】 日期:2020-08-31
XXX市妇联推进“党建++”新时期妇女工作经验材料 XX市妇联推进&sbqu
【寓言童话】 日期:2020-08-04
“四史”,主题党课心得体会 “四史”,主题党课心得体
【寓言童话】 日期:2020-07-09
1 党史教育主题党课讲稿(三篇) 目录 1 学习党史主题党课讲稿——历史是最
【寓言童话】 日期:2021-03-04
古风短文爱情故事 超短篇古风爱情故事
男女之间真正的爱情,不是靠肉体或者精神所能实现的,只有彼此的精神和肉体相互融合的状态中才可能实现。下面是小编为您整理的超短篇古风爱情故事,希望对你有所帮助! 超短...
【寓言童话】 日期:2020-03-05
【寓言童话】 日期:2020-02-23
学生高考动员演讲稿3篇高考动员演讲稿11 老师们、同学们: 大家下午好!漫漫高考长征路已经进入尾声了
【百家讲坛】 日期:2021-09-22
最新企业安全的演讲稿5篇 演讲稿是作为在特定的情境中供口语表达使用的文稿。在充满活力,日益开放的今天
【百家讲坛】 日期:2021-09-22
XX镇扶贫项目实施专项整治工作总结 为深入贯彻精准扶贫精准脱贫基本方略,认真落实党中央、国务院,省委
【百家讲坛】 日期:2021-09-22
对乡镇领导班子干部成员的批评看法范文 一、对党委书记XXX同志的批评看法〔3条〕 1、与干部交流偏少
【百家讲坛】 日期:2021-09-22
群英乡扶贫资金项目((芬坡村祖埇村生产道路硬化工程))绩效自评报告 一、基本情况(一)群英乡扶贫资金
【百家讲坛】 日期:2021-09-22
党委书记在警示教育大会上的讲话55篇汇编 党委书记在警示教育大会上的讲话(一) 同志们: 根据省州委
【百家讲坛】 日期:2021-09-22
关于12021年召开巡视整改专题民主生活会对照检查材料 按照中央巡视组要求和省、市、区委统一部署,区
【百家讲坛】 日期:2021-08-14
消防安全知识培训试题姓名: 部门班组: 成绩: 一:填空题,每空4分,共44分。 1、灭火剂是通过隔
【百家讲坛】 日期:2021-08-14
涉疫重点人员“五包一”居家隔离医学观察工作流程 目前,全球疫情仍处于大流行状
【百家讲坛】 日期:2021-08-14
疫情防控致全体师生员工及家长的一封信 各位师生员工及全体家长朋友: 暑假已至,近期我省部分地方发现确
【百家讲坛】 日期:2021-08-14