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  • 春游中学生英语作文范文10篇

    时间:2022-03-16 09:55:04 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站

    相关热词搜索:春游 中学生 英语作文




      On Friday morning, it was sunny. I got up from bed with a grunt. I was very happy because I was going on a spring outing today.

      With joy, I came to the school to meet the teachers. I was very happy and excited to see them. We took the bus to Zhongshan Botanical Garden. On the bus, we laughed and talked all the way to our destination. First, under the guidance of the teacher, we walked through a war Road, which was naughty and noisy at the feet of our children, With the joyful beating of drums, we walked one by one, and then we came to the pigeon garden, where the birds were Pigeons are snow-white and fly like many white clouds floating in the air. We take a lot of pigeon food and happily feed the lovely pigeons, which makes me understand that we need to protect animals and live in harmony with animals. At this time, the whistle of gathering sounded, and I reluctantly left the pigeon garden and came to the naughty castle, The teacher said that the game of naughty castle can exercise people's temperament and courage. We jumped on it and soon sweated. Time passed quickly. It was time to eat in the blink of an eye. The teacher said, "students, sit down in a circle". We ate the prepared snacks and snacks with relish. After eating and drinking enough, We played one game after another in the sound of laughter. Finally, we reluctantly left Zhongshan Botanical Garden

      I had a good time in this spring outing. I hope I can go to Zhongshan Botanical Garden next time!


      These days, the sun is always good and the weather is always sunny. The students' mood is as bright as the sun and as happy as birds. Originally, our school will have a spring outing this Friday, and our fourth grade will be arranged in Binjiang park.

      The day I expected finally came. I put on my backpack and came to the lively school with excitement. It's time to start. We walked briskly through small shops, rushed across roads and came to the dream riverside park hard.

      After finding a good place, everyone spread the tablecloth, took out their favorite food and ate it on the grass. With tree shade to block the heat, no matter how hot the weather is, it is really a cool and refreshing natural air conditioner.

      The scene of feeding fish is also very happy and unforgettable. Soon after my friend went out, he found two very big carp. As soon as he found them, he quickly called me over. We stood on the shore, took out the bread, tore it into small pieces and threw it into the water. Soon the water was full of bread pieces, so dense that no matter how big the two fish were, they couldn't eat them all. When I came, I said I came to feed the fish. When I went back, I said I saved the fish. It turned out that if it went on like this, the fish would not be supported to death, but also choked to death

      Flying a kite is my specialty, but I can only run without wind. It's really tragic. I ran like the wind under my feet. After a long run, I hurried back, and then the second man rushed up. In this way, we ran back and forth, and the kite finally flew. Not only didn't fall, but also flew high, and finally won the first place in the class.

      Spring outing is a lot of fun. I really like spring outing! I wish time could go back!


      On Saturday, it was sunny. My father took me to Yu's house for a spring outing by bike. At the beginning, the voices of people, cars and birds were intertwined. Gradually, I saw the winding old track and cable bridge of the railway station. When we got off the bridge, we suddenly felt silent. There was only a panoramic view of spring that filled our eyes.

      We walked for a while and finally reached the way up the mountain. There are lush flowers and plants, tall trees, and hundreds of birds singing on the trees, as if to say, take a basket and pick all kinds of wild fruits! There are industrious little bees on the flowers. They are busy collecting pollen and buzzing, as if to say, "spring is coming! Spring is coming! Go to nature and find spring!" In mid air, there are beautiful butterflies dancing. Thousands of small insects in the grass come out to find something to eat. They are in a hurry. What a happy family!

      We continued to climb the mountain, and the birds were still singing, as if to say, "Yu Jiaguan welcomes you! Yu Jiaguan welcomes you!" Suddenly, there was a whine on my head. I looked up and saw that it was an airplane! I ran excitedly and shouted, "take me! Take me!" Running makes you exhausted. Later, we crossed the bridge. I went to look for the small paper boat we used to put here. Eh? Where have you been? Went to the sea and was eaten by fish? Or was it washed away by a waterfall?

      When I came to yujiaguan village, I saw the farm chickens, hens and cocks. The big dogs barked as if they were going to eat us. What a murderer! We rode away slowly. On the way, I picked some dandelions and blew them hard. The dandelions danced and fell down one after another gently and like parachutes. At this time, the little swallow flying high, the big black pigeon and the little sparrow appeared in the sky!

      Passing by a pond, I saw a group of ducks and geese in the water. Their free and happy appearance reminded me of Luo Binwang's poem "chanting geese": geese, geese, geese, song Xiang to the sky. White hair floating green water, red palm pulling clear waves! What a beautiful spring!


      Spring comes, the grass comes out of the ground, the swallow flies back from the south, and everything recovers, showing a scene of vitality.

      I remember when I was a child, my father said to us, "shall we go camping today?" We answered with one voice, "OK!" Where to go camping? We discussed all kinds of things and finally decided to go to grandma's house.

      At Grandma's house, my father found bamboo, sawed it into sections, and then filled it with rice, water and some cut meat. Since there is no yellow mud to seal the mouth of the bamboo tube, we use beans instead. When everything was ready, we set out to bake bamboo tube rice on the back mountain of grandma's house.

      When we got to the top of the mountain, we divided the work, and dad planed the pit. The width of the pit was about the same as the length of the bamboo tube. Now we ignited the fire. Dad lit the firewood with a lighter and put it into the pit. We were all busy putting firewood into it. The fire was fine at first, but somehow it went out. Dad said, "too much firewood causes hypoxia. Oxygen can help burn." My father taught me that Yang Yibu gently picked up the firewood with a stick and then fanned it with a leaf. After fanning it for a while, the fire flared up again. At this time, my mother put the bamboo tube horizontally on the pit. After a while, the water in the bamboo tube boiled, and the water came out of the bamboo tube, squeezing out the sealed potatoes. I asked my father what was going on, and my father said the principle of heat expansion and cold contraction at this time. The bamboo tube rice is finally ready. I took a bamboo tube. Although it was so hot that I blew straight, this curiosity made me cut it open. So everyone ate with relish.

      Although a few months have passed since the picnic, I still can't forget it for a long time. He not only brought me joy, but also let me learn knowledge.


      I hope the spring outing has finally arrived. After more than two hours in the morning, we began to visit the scenic spots.

      In "Hometown", there are exhibitions of large, medium and small families and their customs, as well as a doctor's temple. In addition, the "surplus every year" and "auspicious bell" by the river are also very good scenery. But what is most difficult for me to forget is the self combing women living alone in small families.

      The house is very small, only half the size of the classroom. In the living room, there is a wax statue of a self combing woman, as if looking at us and smiling sweetly. The guide told us that the self grooming girl came back from working in other places and felt that she earned enough money to support her old age. She built a small house in the countryside and was ready to live here forever. It is difficult for them to "enjoy their own life"

      In my eyes, it is a kind of enjoyment from bitterness to sweetness to work abroad when I was young in exchange for a comfortable life when I was old.

      In today's society, isn't it the same?

      If you study hard in primary school, you can enter a good middle school and University; With a high degree and rich knowledge, you may be able to find a good job in the future. At least it's easy and happy to work, regardless of the amount of money. Isn't this a kind of enjoyment? When you get old, look back and think about it. Haven't all these realized the value of life and wasted your life? At that time, at least I won't regret or complain. Wouldn't it be more worth the efforts of this life in exchange for daily happiness?

      Look at the wax statue. The happy smile of the self combing woman is filled with endless joy. It seems to be telling us about her hardships in those years. Although her life is lonely, she has a kind of social happiness. She paved a way to reflect the sun with sweat

      This spring outing made me realize that if I want to enjoy it, I have to pay first. As I walked, I thought: I can understand the struggle experience of self grooming women. It's really worth my trip.


      Today, there are no clouds and the spring breeze is blowing. I'm very excited that our school will hold a spring outing.

      I went on a spring outing. We brought the food and were ready to go.

      On the way, we hummed and enjoyed the scenery around us. I saw birds chirping on pear branches, as if to say, "spring is coming, spring is coming!"

      We walked on the path in the suburbs and saw a piece of golden rape flowers. There are many bees collecting honey in the rape flower. The students said, "bees are like hardworking soldiers!" I also saw one or two butterflies flying around among the flowers. I said, "butterflies seem to be dancing in the air!" Looking to the right, the pink peach blossoms opened. Standing in the distance, the peach blossoms looked like a fiery red dawn.

      At the destination, everyone took out their own food and began to eat with relish. I also picked up the bread and ate it. Suddenly, I saw a classmate sitting there in a daze. He didn't take anything in his hand. I hurried over and asked, "why don't you eat?" "I forgot," he replied anxiously. I thought for a moment: the teacher usually says that if our classmates encounter difficulties, we should reach out to help him. I broke off more than half of the bread and said, "eat it!" He said, "thank you." I said, "you're welcome." At this time, I feel very happy because I helped another person in need.

      Time passed quickly. It was time to go back to school. We lined up and went back. On the way back, I saw Shao Yaer taking off one clothes after another. His mouth kept shouting: "I want to grow up quickly, I want to grow up quickly."

      I think I had a good time in this spring outing and learned a lot of new news about spring.


      The night before the spring outing, I was looking forward to it. In the evening, I took my favorite Pink Backpack out of the wardrobe, put my raincoat, lunch, water and snacks into the backpack, fantasized about fun rides and waited for me to play them tomorrow!

      Hearing the birds chirping and singing, and the warm sunshine shining on my face, I knew that the morning was coming, huh! The morning air is so fresh! After I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I ran downstairs for breakfast. I was so excited that I didn't even know what to eat. My father took me to the school. There were tour buses outside the school gate. They were tall and big. My classmates and I got on the bus and watched the scenery and chatted all the way. It was really happy.

      When I got to the park, I saw the tall Ferris wheel. Our group played a lot of amusement facilities, such as merry go round, space-time Feixia, crown swing and so on. I was deeply impressed by these facilities. Although it was exciting and terrible to play, sitting on the top seemed to fly to the sky. It was very comfortable!

      The crown swing I like to play most is composed of chairs hanging on the roof. After we sit down, the machine starts to rotate. It's so exciting! The space-time Feixia starts to rise after sitting on it, and then rotates rapidly after rising to three floors. At this time, the wind blows on my face, as if to push me down and look down. All the beautiful scenery is under my feet. These facilities make me not tired of playing many times.

      After this spring outing, I left good memories. Going out more can not only relax and maintain a good mood, but also make life wonderful.


      Today is a sunny day. Our whole class is going on a spring outing. The students were excited. As soon as they came to the classroom, they were excited to show off their food to everyone. After the whole class arrives, under the guidance of the teacher, we will set out together to "attack" the bright pearl - Dongshan Park.

      Along the way, the students talked and laughed. Some students were in high spirits and sang from time to time. However, the sky was not satisfactory, and there was a continuous drizzle. Maybe the weather was quarrelling. At this time, the big trees next to us were also swinging left and right, and wanted to join us.

      After about half an hour of "long journey", we finally arrived at our destination. The students cheered and cheered. Although they were sweating, their small faces were laughing and laughing so happily.

      After entering the gate, the students accelerated and couldn't wait to start the picnic. Each group chose a cool and flat space, spread out the tablecloth, took out their own food and shared it with everyone. Some students immediately gobbled up, while others ate slowly while watching the scenery. Everyone ate with relish. After a while, the students began to move freely. The male students are playing football, but they are excited! All the female students are flying kites Throw away your handkerchief, not to mention how happy you are!

      Time flies like a white horse. In the twinkling of an eye, it's eleven o'clock. It's time for the students to go home. We look at Dongshan Park reluctantly. Our eyes seem to say, "we will come to see you in Dongshan Park!

      This spring outing is really unforgettable!


      Today, the school organized a spring outing. We came to Nansha Seaside Park.

      The first game we played was the roller coaster. Wei Yuhan sat next to me. I was not afraid when I first sat on it. Later, when the car went downhill and turned, I felt dizzy and my heart seemed to itch at once, because at that time, the car was inclined and was still turning in circles. When I got off the car, I stumbled out. Then I took part in the air swivel chair with my classmates. Next to me were three ill bred adults. When they were turning, they kicked my chair with their feet, which frightened me. After the air swivel chair stopped, I left the ghost place angrily.

      The teacher took us to another place. The teacher asked some of our students to play the Trojan horse and some of our students to play the rapids. When playing the Trojan horse, I saw some students sitting on the chair on the turntable. I think the chair doesn't move. Sitting there is no meaning, and the Trojan horse moves up and down. Sitting on the Trojan horse is much more interesting than sitting on the chair. In fact, our classmates don't want to play with the Trojan horse. Everyone feels very bored.

      Later, we came to a big banyan tree. I saw many people buy chickens. Wei Yuhan and I asked where the chicken shop was. They told us to go straight. Although we saw chickens, we didn't know who sold them. Wei Yuhan and I saw an old lady selling sausages nearby. We walked up and asked: do you know who sells these chickens? The old lady said:! We can't understand her at all. We saw another aunt selling chicken, so Wei Yuhan urged me to ask who sold these chickens. I didn't dare to ask, so I asked Wei Yuhan. It turned out that this aunt sold these chickens! I was shocked when I asked the price. It turned out that a chicken cost 10 yuan. Later, my aunt sold us a chicken for 8 yuan.

      Alas, it was a very ordinary day.


      Today, our school organized a spring outing to Shenzhen Jinxiu Chinese culture village.

      Early in the morning, the students came to the school one after another. They were very happy. Some say what's good about today's spring outing? What did you say?

      Everyone was talking happily when the car came. We lined up, got on the bus and set out in order.

      Along the way, we talked and laughed. Some are eating snacks, some are talking, some are playing

      Unconsciously, we arrived at the gate of Splendid China. At the door, a jar of flowers was displayed in front of us. Everyone looked at it and praised it: "Wow, it's so beautiful!" Some students are taking photos right away.

      Under the guidance of the guide brother, we went to the temple of heaven, the Old Summer Palace, the Great Wall, the Confucius Temple, tongzhai... After visiting so many scenic spots, what I like most and impress me most is the White Peacock and Miao dance.

      In the Peacock Garden, we saw the White Peacock with its fan open for everyone to see! A classmate said, "the one with a long tail is male and the one with a short tail is female." I watched carefully and saw that the peacock's tail was short. I knew that the peacock was female. This let me know how to distinguish male and female peacocks.

      We came to Miao village. They were dancing beautifully. There are four girls above and four boys below. Four boys wanted to chase a girl. As a result, the girl chose the most lively boy. They had such a good time that we all amused them.

      How time flies. The day's play is over. The beautiful scenery of China makes me feel the beauty and colorful of the motherland!


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