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  • 初中英语中考专题感叹句复习.doc

    时间:2021-06-17 15:22:59 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站

    相关热词搜索:感叹句 中考 复习

     1 对 对 1 辅导教案 学生姓名



     学科 英语 授课教师 赵老师 时间


     教学课题 感叹句 教学目标



     教学重点难点 重点:感叹句的灵活使用



     1.复习/ 预习 --- 课前沟通 2.新课讲授

      --- 感叹句的使用 3.习题训练

      --- 相应的单选和填空题练习 4.习题讲解

      --- 相应的单选和填空题讲解 5.知识点小结 --- 感叹句的用法


     导入: 名词



     单数可数名词一般搭配 a/an 使用

     复数可数名词则加上 s 结尾 不可数名词: 不能与 a/an 连用, 也不能加 s 常见的有: advice, news, weather, work, progress,fun 等 不规则变化:

     常见的有:man-men, woman-women,foot-feet, tooth-teeth, child-children, mouse-mice

     … 单复数同型:




     sheep 1.-What a good_______you"ve given me! Thanks a lot.

     A. information

      B. news

      C. suggestion

      D. advice 2.Can you give me__________on English?

     A.a advice

     B.an advice


     D.some advice 导入: 冠词

     a/an 表示:一..., 接可数名词单数 the 是特指, 表示: 这..., 那... 1. David is ______ singer. He thinks it is ______ interesting job.

     2. Cathy was very happy to meet

     honest boy on the road to Paris.

     3.- This is ______ useful guidebook.- I agree with you. We may get lost without it.

      4.-Have you heard of_______news that Li Hong won the match?-Yes,I have.What_______exciting news! 导入: 代词

     第一人称 第二人称 第三人称

     单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数 主格 I we you he,she,it they 宾格 me us you him,her,it them 形代 my our your his,her,its their 名代 mine ours yours his,hers,its their 感叹句:

     What great food (it is)! How cool (the weather was)!

     1.________ difficult work we had! 2.________ cute dog it is! 3.________ interesting the story is! 4.________ lovely cupcakes they are! 5.________ honest boy Tom is!

     6.________ beautiful teeth she has! 7.________ good time we had on the beach! 8.________ exciting news you"ve brought us! 9.________cool your new car is! 10.________ scary these tigers are!

      1.–_______exciting the news is!

     ---Yes .It makes everyone happy.

     A. How

     B. What an

     C. What

     D. How a

     2._______interesting TV program Running Man is ! I watch it every week.

     A. How

     B. What

      C. What a

      D. What an

     3._______ fast the boy ran!

     A. How

     B. How an

      C. What

      D. What an 4. _________ great fun we had in Tianxin Park last Sunday!

     A. How

     B. What

     C. What a

     D. Such a

     5._______ fools they were! They believed what the man said.

      A. How

      B. How an

      C. What

      D. What an 6._______ foolish they were! They believed what the man said.

     A. How

     B. How an

      C. What

      D. What an 7._______ difficult questions they are! I can"t answer them.

     A. How

     B. How an

      C. What

      D. What an 8.-Wow! ______ green this town is!

     -Yeah. There are so many trees and flowers.

     A. How

     B. How a

      C. What

      D. What a 9.-We are building the underground in Changzhou now. It will be in use in 2018. -Wow! ___it will make to our life!

     A.How great difference

     B.What a great difference

     C.How a great influence

     D.What a great influence 10.--Aamir Khan played the part of a great father in the movie The talk of Fatherly Love.--___excellent actor he is !


      B.What a

      C.What an

      D.How 11._______ lovely weather we are having these days!

     A. How

     B. How an

      C. What

     D. What an 12.---_______useful suggestion you offer! Thank you!

     ---My pleasure!

     A.What an

      B.What a

      C.How an

     D.How 13._____ good time it was to make snowmen in the snow! They truly enjoyed themselves.

     A.What a

     B.How a


     D.How 14. ____ great fun it is to surf the Internet in our computer lessons!

     A. What

     B. How

      C. What a

     D. How a






     作业内容: 题组一

     1.- Look at the photo I took in Jinghong, Yunnan Province. _______ the Dai people were having!

     - Wow! They were celebrating the Water Festival.

     A. What fun

      B. How fun

     C. What a fun

     D. How a fun 2.---____ enjoyable day it is!Shall we go on a picnic?

      ----Good idea.

     A. How

      B. What

      C. What a

     D. What an 3._______ water it is!

     A.What a clean

     B.What clean

      C.How clean

      D. How clean a 4.________ fine weather today! Why not go out for a walk?

     A. How

      B. How a

      C. What

      D. What a 5._______ it was yesterday because of the storm!

     A. What a bad weather

      B. What bad weather

     C. How bad a weather

     D. How bad weather 6.一 Look! That teacher is explaining something to her students again and again! 一_______teacher she is!

     A. How patient

     B. What patient

      C. How a patient

      D. What a patient 7. _______ dangerous the animals are!

     A. What a

      B. What

      C. How a

      D. How 8._______ great fun it is to fly in a saloon !

     A. What

      B. What a

      C. How a

     D. How 9.-I hear they took ____ active part in the school sports meeting.

      -_____ good boys they are!

     A.a; What a

      B. an; How

      C. an; What 10. _____ day it is!

     -Let"s go out and enjoy the sunshine.

     A. How windy

      B. How wet

      C. What a lovely

      D. What a rainy 11.-_______ brave Zhang Hua is!

      -Yes. He helped his neighbour, Mrs. Sun out of the fire.

     A.What a

     B. How a

      C. How

     D. What 12. ____great progress you have made! Your mother must be satisfied with you .

     A. What a

      B. What

     C.How a

     D. How.






     作业内容: 题组二

     1._____beautiful the flowers are!


      B.What a


      D. .How a 2.-- Hurry up! It"s time to leave.

      -- Ok, _______.

     A. I"m coming

      B. I"ll come

      C. I come 3.-______ city Rio de Janeiro in Brazil is!

      -Yes. The 31st Olympic Games will be held there.

     A. How lively B. What busy

      C. How a big D. What a beautiful 4.---_______ nice weather it is today!

      --- Yes, shall we go walking in the park this afternoon?

     A .What an

     B. How

      C. What

      D. How an 5.________ food you"ve cooked!

     A. How a nice

     B. What a nice

      C. How nice

      D. What nice 6._______ beautiful house it is!



      C.What a


     How a 7.______ hard work you have done!

      -It"s very kind of you to say so.


     B.Who C.What a D.How a 8. Don"t give up, Tom. You haven"t realized ______ great progress you"ve made!

     A. what B. what a C. how D. how a 9." ____________ you"ve made! But you should still work harder," the teacher said to the boy.

     A. What great progress

      B. How a big mistake

      C. What a big mistake

      D. How great progress 10.______ terrible world it would be if there were no electricity !

      -That"s why we have to save it.

     A. What a B. How a C. What D. How







     良好 (




      学生签字:__________ 教师评定 1. 学生课堂表现:

      好 (


     较好 (


     一般 (


     2. 学生接受程度:

     全部 (

     )大部分 (




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