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  • 《租房惊魂()》完整中英文对照剧本

    时间:2020-08-05 11:45:43 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站

    相关热词搜索:惊魂 剧本 中英文对照

     天啊 Oh my God. 真漂亮 It"s beautiful. 我此刻正需要泡个澡 Oh this is just what I need right now. 你看那海岸线 And look at the fucking coastline. 我现在就想去 Oh, I want it now. 这周末就能租 Well, it"s available this weekend. 也许这就是原因 Oh, maybe that"s why. 我去

     这是每晚的价格吗 Shit, is that per night? 不管了 Fuck it. 你需要放松 You need it. 抱歉

     我打扰你们了吗 Hey, sorry am I interrupting? -没有的事

     -宝贝 - No, not at all. - My baby. 有什么事吗

     兄弟 What"s up, bro? 没什么 Hey, man, nothing, 我刚在附近放下乘客 I was just dropping off someone in the neighborhood, 顺便过来

     看要不要载你回家 thought I"d pop in, see if you needed a ride home. -这样啊

     -对 - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. 我们快结束了 Yeah, we"re just about finished. 她需要通过应用叫你的车 Does she request you on the app 还是你可以接私活 or can you go rogue? 这次应该不会被发现

     I think we"ll get away with it, this time, yeah. 你们在看什么 What you guys looking at? 海边的一栋房♥子 This house on the coast, 我们想着周末 we figured it might be fun 我们四人可以一起去度个假 if the four of us took a trip this weekend, 庆祝种子基金工作完成 celebrate the closing of seed funding. 到时会忙个半死 It"s gonna be a shit ton of work, 所以想在开始之前先去放松两天 so we figured it"ll be nice to take a little vacation 应该挺好 before we start. 好啊 Yeah, cool. 我去拿外套 I"m just gonna grab my jacket. 好 Okay. 我想给你发短♥信♥的 Hey, I meant to text you, 恭喜了

     这非常了不起 congratulations, it"s a really big deal. -谢了兄弟

     -嗯 - Thanks, man. - Yeah. 我们走吧 Okay, let"s hit it. -你准备好了吗

     -嗯 - You all set? - Yeah. 好了


     哥 All right, I love you, bro, bro. 我更爱你 Love you more. 晚安 Goodnight. 晚安 Goodnight.

     我居然很期待 I can"t believe I"m actually looking forward 周末和你弟一起去度假 to a weekend away with your brother. 我本来已经对他不抱希望 I"d pretty much given up on him, 但感觉米娜把他唤醒了 but it really feels like Mina woke him up. 我说不好 I don"t know. 他看起来充满动力 He actually seems motivated, 他努力工作

     重返校园 he"s working, he"s back in school. 上两门夜校课程也能叫重返校园吗 I don"t know if I"d call two night classes back in school. 反正她绝对给了他正面影响 Well, she"s definitely a positive influence. 告诉我

     这段恋爱哪里般配了 Tell me how that relationship has any legs. 她可是...

     你懂的 She"s, you know, I mean. -她完美无缺

     -没错 - She"s the whole package. - Right, 反观我弟弟 and then you have my brother, 他是个饭碗朝不保夕的网约车司机 he"s a barely employed Lyft driver, 被大学开除

     又坐过牢 got kicked out of college, served jail time 因为在兄弟会外面差点把一个人打死 for nearly beating a guy to death, outside of his frat house. 我就是想说

     我从没见过他这样 I"m just saying, I"ve never seen him like this. 他真的很爱她

     很甜蜜 He really loves her, it"s sweet. 他当然爱她了 Yeah, of course he loves her, 遇到她是他撞大运了 he hit the fucking jackpot. 这颗痘痘有很多脓

     Oh yeah, it"s a juicy one. -好恶心


     你想要吗 - Yeah, that"s gross. - Look at that, you want it? 我才不想要 No, I don"t want it. -这是你的


     归你了 - It"s yours. - Well, I don"t want that, it"s yours now. -来


     -不要 - Go on, keep it. - No. 你居然来阴的 You didn"t just do that. 让我看你的手指 Let me see, let me see your finger. 还在我手指上 It"s on my finger still. 让我看你的手指

     让我看看 Let me see your finger, let me see it. 不是吧 You fucking kidding me. 他们说不准带宠物的 Dude, they said no pets. 淡定

     没事的啦 Just chill, it"s gonna be fine. 不

     房♥东很计较这种事 No, homeowners don"t take this shit lightly, dude, 他们会拒绝接待我们 they"ll turn us away. 那可就太好笑了 Oh yeah, it"ll be hysterical 我们横跨整个州到那边 when we drive across the entire state 结果立刻掉头走人 and have to turn right round. 我们把它藏起来

     等房♥东走了 Look, we"ll hide him until the owners gone, all right. 不会有问题的 It"s gonna be fine. -给它一点爱嘛


     不要 - Give him some love. - What, no. -亲它一下

     -不要 - Give him a kiss. - No.


     真的 You"re gonna make him insecure, man, seriously. 这就对了 There it is. 乖孩子

     雷吉 Good boy, Reg. 米娜·穆罕默迪 这照片看起来很正常

     对吧 This seems totally normal, right? 对 Yeah. 看起来没什么可疑的吧 Nothing that should set off any red flags. 只是

     不是每个人都是种族歧视者 Except, not everyone is a racist prick. 米娜

     你预订过多少个地方 Mina, how many places have you booked through? -一个

     -这就是原因 - One. - Okay, well, there you go. 但她得到五星好评 Yeah, but she got a five star rating. 那我们订过几个地方 How many places have we booked? 三个 Three. 干嘛

     那还是比一个多啊 What? It"s still more than one. 拜托


     同个日期 Oh, come on, it"s the same house, same dates, 她的预订就被拒绝 her request gets denied 但你们一小时后就得到房♥东同意 and yours gets accepted an hour later. 听着

     歧视当然存在 Look, discrimination obviously exists, 米娜·穆罕默迪这个名字 and the name Mina Mohamadi, 也的确中东味十足 is about as Middle Eastern, as it gets. 我只是想说 I"m just saying,

     为什么非要断定只有那一种可能呢 why jump to that as the only possible explanation. 是啊

     你说得对 Yeah, no, you"re right. 我们应该把这个素未谋面的白人男 We should probably give, this white guy we"ve never met, 往好处想 the benefit of the doubt. 我意思是

     应该把所有人往好处想 Give everybody the benefit of the doubt, is what I"m saying. 太优秀了

     兄弟 Yeah, no, that"s groovy, man, 爱与和平哦 peace and love. 租



     魂 我们到了吗 Shit, are we here? 好像是 Looks like it. 能不能把你的狗藏起来 Will you hide your dog. 你知道如果它吠叫

     我们就完蛋了吧 You realize, if he barks, we are fucked. 它不会发出半点声响 He won"t make a peak. -不错

     -真漂亮 - Not bad. - So nice. 他应该就在附近 He"s gotta be around here somewhere. 有人吗 Hello. 我靠 Holy shit. 这地方真不错 Oh, yeah, this will do. 你有那人的电♥话♥吗 Do you have the guys number? 有

     在这 Yes, here. 你们就决定擅自进来

     是吧 Y"all just decided to let yourselves in, hah?


     我正要打给你 Sorry, I was just trying to call you. 我以为你们一小时前就会到 Yeah, I expected you an hour ago. 没出什么事吧 Is everything okay? 没有

     我们出发晚了 Yeah, we just, we got a bit of a late start 中途又停下来买♥♥杂货 and then stopped for groceries. 你一定是泰勒吧

     我是查理 You must be Taylor, I"m Charlie. 是我 Yeah, that"s me. 这房♥子是你的吗 You own this place? 你这是这么怀疑的语气 Why do you gotta say it like that? 我没有别的意思 Oh, I didn"t mean anything by it. 这是我兄弟的房♥子 Yeah, it"s my brother"s spot, 我只是帮忙照看

     他平时住在湾区 I just take care of it, he"s down in the Bay area, 从来不在这住 he never uses it. 希望我们以后 Well, we"re hopefully on our way 也能拥有第二套从来不使用的房♥产 to owning a second home we never use, too. 这是我妻子

     蜜雪 This is my wife Michelle, 那是我弟弟乔希和我的搭档[伴侣]米娜 that"s my brother Josh and my partner Mina, 工作搭档

     她正好是乔希的女友 my work partner, also happens to be Josh"s girlfriend. 你怎么会跟这家人混在一起 How"d you get mixed up with this family? 什么意思 What do you mean? 我没有别的意思

     Oh, no, I didn"t mean anything by it. 来

     我带你参观房♥子 Come on, let me show you rest of the house. 这人居然比我预期的还要混账 This piece of shit somehow exceeded my expectations. 真古怪 Yeah, no, that"s fucking weird. 我们居然要让这种人赚我们的钱 Can"t believe we"re giving this guy our money. -宝贝

     -什么 - Babe. - What? 我们 Let"s just, 听着

     我们已经大老远开车来这了 look, we already drove all the way out here, all right? 就好好享受假期 Let"s just enjoy ourselves, 开开心心地共度时光 spend some time together 很快就走了

     好吗 and be outta here soon, okay? 设置为空白然后调这个

     我去外面... All right, set to blank, turn that thing and let me show you... 我去外面示范一次 Let me show you out back 然后我就不打扰你们了 and then I"ll get outta your hair. 好的 Great. 真美 Wow, it"s beautiful. 是啊

     大海就是这么震撼 Yeah, that"s the thing, ocean. 户外按♥摩♥浴缸在这里 The hot tub"s over here. 说明在缸身旁边 Instructions are on the side. 那扇门进去有一间浴室

     就在角落 There"s a bathroom through that door, on the corner there, 你们需要的毛巾什么的都有 towels, everything you need.


     -太好了 - Oh nice. - Great. 天黑之后下去泡澡最好 Yeah, it"s nice getting in after dark, 这里的星空很美 the stars are insane out here. 该死

     我该带望远镜来的 Damn, I shoulda brought the telescope. 我曾经想过

     然后给忘了 I thought about it and I totally forgot. 你在城市里为什么需要用望远镜 What do you need a telescope in the city for? 除非你是偷♥窥♥狂 Unless you"re like a peeping tom or something. 我有一架

     可以借给你 I got one you can borrow. 只要你保证不弄坏

     我就送过来 If you promise to treat it right, I"ll bring it on over. 不用了

     我不想麻烦你 Oh, that"s all right, I don"t wanna put you out. 不麻烦的 No, that"s no problem. 我本来就该摆一架在这 I shoulda had one here already. 是我没想周全 That"s my fault. 好了

     我就不打扰你们了 All right then, I"ll let you get to it. 楼上阁楼有一份迎宾礼包 There"s a welcome pack in the loft upstairs, 你有我的电♥话♥号♥码和无线网络信息了 you got my phone number, wifi info such, 我就住在前面不远处

     有需要叫我 I"m just up the road, if you need anything. 没什么问题的话

     走时按退房♥流程办理 Otherwise, follow the check out procedures when you go, 祝你们周末玩得愉快 and have a good, have a good weekend. -好的

     -谢了 - All right. - Thanks. -非常感谢


     - Really appreciate it, thank you. - All right. 请问 Hey dude, 是你负责这栋房♥子的预订事宜吗 are you the one who does the bookings for this place? 是我在管预订的事 Yeah, I book this place. 我试过租这栋房♥子

     和现在相同时段 I tried to rent this house, for this exact period of time, 但我的申请被拒绝了 but my request was denied, 你能告诉我原因吗 can you tell me why that is? 我不知道

     有很多人想租这地方 I don"t know, a lot of people try to rent this place, -我对你的申请没印象

     -宝贝 - I don"t remember your request. - Yeah, babe. 我觉得有点奇怪 It"s just a little strange, 因为我的申请遭拒 "cause my request was denied 但查理

     一个白人男 but then Charlie, a white man, 一小时后提交一模一样的申请 put in an identical request an hour later 结果他就租到了 and his was accepted. 现在没必要追究这个 We really don"t have to get into this right now. 米娜·穆罕默迪

     你现在想起来了吗 Mina Mohamadi, do you remember now? 如果你不喜欢这房♥子

     或有其他不满 If you don"t like the house, or have any other problems, 取消预订政策在网站上写得很清楚 cancellation policy is listed clearly on the website. 除此之外 Outside of that, 我没其他要跟你讨论的 I don"t have anything else to discuss with you. 我们明白

     谢谢你 We understand, thank you.

     混♥蛋♥ Asshole. -帮我把杂货放好

     -好 - Wanna help me put away the groceries? - Yeah. 这房♥子真漂亮对吧

     哥 It"s a beautiful home, hah, bro, bro? 开两瓶啤酒 Crack a bruskey or twosky, 抬头欣赏兄弟猎户座 gaze up at brorians belt. 抿一口高级红酒 Sip a little Pinot gris, 再放一部兄弟基情喜剧 pop in a bromantic comedy. 男星乔瑟夫·好兄弟·莱维特的片看足一天一夜 Oh, Broseph Gordon-Levitt all day, all night. 吸两口大♥麻♥

     沿着兄弟之海散步 Smoke a J, take a long walk along the brocean. 让沙子陷入脚趾间 Yeah, get that sand between your broes. 完美的第二个兄弟之家 Prefect brome away from brome. 哏玩够了吧 Okay, that"s enough. 不过散步听起来确实不错 A walk does sound nice though. 这个我不是开玩笑 I wasn"t kidding about that. 我们把东西放好之后 After we put the stuff away, 你们想在附近走走吗 you guys wanna check out the property? 好哥们当然没问题 Abs-bro-lutely. 我♥操♥


     这句绝了 Oh shit, Michelle, from way down town. 走吧 Come on. 无线网络

     悬崖边之家 密♥码♥

     海风 可选网络

     悬崖边之家 UM-B01F 该死 Shit. 来 Come on. 跟我来 Come on. -你在干什么

     -老天 - What you doing, boy? - Jesus. 吓到你了吧 God, that was good. 搞什么 What the fuck? 一扇带密♥码♥锁的诡异门

     好极了 Creepy door with an electronic code, that"s great. 如果这都蒙对密♥码♥就更诡异了 Would have been extra creepy if that worked. 傻透了 So dumb. -走吧


     -好 - Come on, they"re waiting. - All right. -他们有时真的很亲昵

     -是啊 - They can be kind of intense, right. - Yeah. 别担心

     会习惯的 Don"t worry, it gets less weird. 真会安慰人 That"s comforting. 我常常害怕她会离开我 I"m constantly terrified she"s gonna leave me. 你为什么会这么说 Why would you say that? 她是如此聪明和有才华 She"s just so fucking smart and talented. 我想为了她变得更好 And, you know, I just wanna be better for her 我希望我能带给她挑战和启发 and I wanna be able to challenge and inspire her 但我觉得她根本不需要我这样 but I feel like she doesn"t even need that from me, 她在那些方面已经得到满足

     she"s already fulfilled in that way. 你明白我的意思吗 Makes any sense? 我明白 Yeah, absolutely. 相信我

     你说的一切我都深有体会 Trust me, I hear everything you"re saying 我想她需要的 and I think what she needs from you 并不是你成为她第二个工作搭档 is not for you to occupy the same space as her work partner, 他对她来说只是工作搭档 that"s all he is to her. 我认为你只需要珍爱她

     支持她 And I just think you need to be loving and supportive. 这远比你想的走得更远 Goes a lot further than you think. 好吧

     所以你不介意 All right, so, you"re cool 她在你丈夫生命中 with her occupying such a huge space 占据如此多空间 in your husband"s life? 当然介意

     去她的 I mean, no, fuck her. 不过没关系 But yeah, yeah, 他们只是在一起互相激发创意 they just have their creative thing going on. 我很高兴有人和他分享这一方面 I"m glad he has someone to share that with. 我快冷死了 I"m freezing. 你们准备好回去了吗 You guys ready to turn back? -好

     -嗯 - Yeah. - Yeah. 好冷 Chilly. 瞧这是什么 Look what we have here.

     有人很想得到五星好评 Someones trying to get a five star rating. 我知道大家都不喜欢他 All right, I know we don"t like the guy -但周末有望远镜很棒

     -是啊 - but I"m glad that we have this for the weekend. - Yeah. 你们都没意见吗 So, are you really just accepting 他可以随时想进来就进来 that he"s gonna come and go as he pleases? 他的确说过 Well, you know, he did say, 今晚会送望远镜过来 he was gonna drop it off tonight. 他就不能放在大门外吗 Couldn"t leave it on the front porch? 你们不觉得这样很吓人吗 You guys don"t find this creepy at all? 对不起 Sorry. 不说这个了 Done talking about it. 我们好好玩吧 Let"s have a good time. -谁想喝酒

     -我要 - Who wants a drink? - Yes. 好啊 Yeah. 这看起来好美 This looks incredible. 是啊

     真漂亮 Yeah, it"s beautiful. 那我们明天一早就出发吗 So, what? We"ll just like head out first thing in the morning? 对

     要走至少两小时才能到达瀑布 Yeah, it"ll take at least two hours to get to the waterfall. 查理一直笑话我 Charlie"s been making fun of me 为了这次徒步特地买♥♥了户外水袋背包 for buying a hydration pack just for this hike. 这是我见过最傻的事

     It is the nerdiest thing I"ve ever seen 但我就是爱你

     也爱你未雨绸缪 but I love you and I love that you plan ahead. 我容易兴奋嘛 I get excited. 那今晚做什么好呢 So, what about tonight? 我不知道我们想追求什么气氛 I mean, I don"t know what kind of vibe we"re going for but, 但蜜雪

     你不是准备了一些小惊喜吗 Michelle, don"t you have a little surprise for us? 今晚就用吗 Tonight? 我本来打算明天才拿出来 I was kinda thinking tomorrow maybe. 给他们看吧 Just, let"s just show them. -去拿来吧

     -好 - Just get it. - Okay. 怎么回事 What"s going on? 你们在打什么主意 What are you guys up to? 我不知道这是什么情况 I don"t know what"s going on. 你们想干什么 What are you up to? 偷偷摸摸的蜜雪 Sneaky Michelle. 什么 What? -对

     -天啊 - Yeah. - Oh my God. 天啊

     我们相遇那晚之后我就没吸过了 Oh my God, I don"t think I"ve done this since the night we met. 你到底从哪弄来的 Where did you even get this? 米娜

     他告诉过你我们认识那天的事吧 Mina, he"s told you the story of how we met, right? 当然了

     我已经听说了很多年 Yeah, of course, I"ve been hearing for years

     只要给这哥们嗑点摇♥头♥丸♥ that you just get a little ecstasy in this guy, 他就会变身舞后 turns into a dancing queen. 那晚的照片看起来 There are pictures from that night 我们已经直接在舞池里开操了 where it just looks like we"re full on fucking on the dance floor. 我们要嗑药吗 So, shall we do some drugs? 该死

     我真的不想当扫兴鬼 Shit, you guys, I really don"t wanna be a downer 但我可能要提前退出 but I might bow out early. 这一周工作忙疯了 It just, it was a long shitty week at work 我已经快熬不住了 and I"m sadly fading kinda fast. 好吧

     如果你没兴致 Okay, well, you know, if you"re not into it, 我们不非得今晚就嗑 we don"t have to do it tonight, right? -对


     千万不要 - Yeah. - Oh my God, no, no, no, 你们尽管嗑 please do it, I"m just, 只是如果我继续玩 I know if I keep going, 明天我肯定就没精力去徒步了 there"s no chance I"m alive for this hike tomorrow. 只要留一点 Just save enoug so we can all 够我们明晚嗨上天就行 get sufficiently fucked up tomorrow night. 好

     今晚就抽一点点 Yeah, just like a little bit. -好

     -就一点点 - Yeah. - A little bit. -一点点

     -一点点 - A little bit. - A little bit. 来啊


     All right, let"s go, I got ya. -我认输



     闹够了 - Tap out, tap out. - Josh, that"s enough. -认输

     -乔希 - Tap out. - Josh. 我赢了 Yes, winner. 爽 Yes. 地球在自转 Because of the earth"s rotation, 如果小行星晚一分钟才撞击 if it had hit a minute later, 就会落入海里 it would"ve landed in the sea 今天恐龙就仍然是地球霸主 and dinosaurs would still be ruling our earth. 你说穴居人 Do you think cave people were

     害怕小行星吗 afraid of asteroids? 你是不是以为 Are you saying that "cause you think 穴居人和恐龙生活在同个时期 cave people and dinosaurs lived together? 不


     我知道 Oh no, I mean, I know there was, you know, 恐龙灭绝后才出现人类 a time after dinosaurs before people. 恐龙灭绝多久之后才出现智人呢 How long between dinosaurs going and homo sapiens? 你总是这样

     我不要回答你的测试 You always do that, I"m not taking your quiz. 来嘛


     猜一下 No, come on bro, take a guess. -操♥你♥妈♥

     -是 6 千 5 百万年 - Fuck you. - 65 million years. 好

     你赢了 Good, you win. 我再去拿瓶啤酒

     你想要什么吗 I"m getting another, you want anything?



     谢谢 I"m fine, baby, thank you. -不需要吗

     -嗯 - You"re good? - Yeah. 你呢

     雷吉 What about you, Reg? 你想来点什么吗 You want anything? 你想看看吗 You wanna take a look? 好 Yeah. 你在做什么 What are you doing? 当一回人们常说的那种 Being one of those big city peeping toms 大城市里的偷♥窥♥狂 people are always talking about. 看见什么了吗 You see anything? 有一栋房♥子亮着灯 One house with it"s lights on. 是吗 Oh yeah. 有人在滚床单吗 Are people doing it? 该死 Oh shit. -怎么了

     -有人正在看着我们 - What? - Somebody was watching, looking right back at us. 什么

     不可能 What? No. 我没开玩笑

     你看 I"m dead serious, look. 天啊

     那是泰勒吗 Oh my God, is that Taylor? 好了

     别演了 Okay, the bid is over. 他到底在干什么 What the fuck is he doing? -闭嘴



     - Shut up. - No, I"m serious, 他在搞鬼 he"s got the fuck, fuck. 操你的 Fuck you. 别妄想击败真正的玩家 Never attempt to outplay the player. 我很高兴我们来了 So glad we did this. 我也是 Me, too. 今年会很有意思的

     对吧 It"s gonna be a fun year, right? 是啊 Yeah. 我们终于放手去做了

     太疯狂了 We finally fucking did it. It"s crazy. 我去看看乔希 I"m gonna go check on Josh. -出来嘛

     -宝贝 - Come back out. - Hey, baby. 别一个人待在这 Don"t be in here alone. 这里很舒服 It"s so comfortable. 别啊

     我们难得一起度假 No, come on, this is our vacation. 我们从没机会这样出来玩 We never get to hang out like this. 我知道



     马上 I know, baby, I"m coming, I"m coming. 我马上就来 I"m coming. 你为什么非要喝那么多 Why"d you have to drink so much? 叫你喝慢点的 Told you to slow down. 没事吧 Everything okay? 他昏睡过去了 He"s like, out.


     但我要进按♥摩♥浴缸泡澡 Well, I don"t know about you, but I am getting in this hot tub. 不了

     我现在很不爽 Oh no, I"m like annoyed now. 我就是... I just... 好吧

     或许我的确想进去泡会 yeah, maybe I do wanna get in this hot tub. 我去拿泳裤

     等会在这见 I"m getting my suit and I"ll meet you back here. 好 Okay. 补充水分 Hydrate. 要补充水分 Hydrate, hydrate. 感觉怎么样 How is it? 舒服死了

     快进来 Oh my God, get in. 操 Oh fuck. 很爽吧 Right? 加上雾气弥漫 With the fog rolling in. 太舒服了 So nice. 你知道什么最舒服吗 You know what"s really nice? 我背后的按♥摩♥喷头 These jets on my back. 我也想要喷头 I want jets. 分我一点嘛 Let me get some. 跟我交换 Trade me. 太梦幻了 Oh, this is unreal. 我能告诉你一件事吗

     Can I tell you something? 你要买♥♥一个按♥摩♥浴缸放在办公室里吗 You"re getting us a hot tub for the office? 我觉得你很优秀 I think you"re brilliant. 谢谢 Thank you. 你让我的工作表现更上一层 You just make me so much better at what I do 而且你幽默

     善良 and you"re funny and kind 你真的很棒 and you"re just fucking great, 能认识你


     我非常开心 and I"m just so happy to know you and work with you. 如果你要掏心掏肺 If you"re gonna get all lovey-dovey, 那我对你也是同样感觉 I feel the same way about you. 我觉得我们是真正默契的工作伙伴 I feel like we have a real partnership, 我以前不相信有这种关系 which I honestly didn"t think was possible. 我觉得人们总是让我失望 I always feel like people let me down. 你却总是不让我失望

     很不可思议 You just keep not letting me down. It"s weird. 干杯 Cheers. 干杯 Cheers. 该把喷头还给我了 Now, give me those jets back. 不要 No. 一起分享喷头吧 Share the jets? 好啊 Share the jets. 有喷到你吗 You getting some?

     有 Yep. 雷吉 Reggie. 雷吉

     过来 Reggie, come here. 刚才是怎么回事 What the hell was that? 我不知道 I don"t know. 也许雷吉是对的 Maybe Reggie has the right idea, 也许该睡觉了 maybe time for bed. 晚安

     查理 Goodnight, Charlie. -舞后活下来了

     -只剩半条命 - The dancing queen lives. - Oh, barely. 你昨晚玩得开心吗 You have fun? 快点

     我们得出发了 Well, come on, we gotta go, 我不想天黑才返程 I don"t wanna get stuck out there, 被困在郊外 in the dark, on the hike back. 你去吗 Are you going? 正坐在这纠结 Sitting here, trying to decide. 快把早餐吃完

     要出发了 Come on, finish eating, let"s go. 我好累

     我去了也是扫兴 I"m so tired, I don"t think I"ll be much fun. 好吧 Okay. 怎么了 What? 没什么

     就是 Nothing, it"s just, 我昨晚断片


     you know, I don"t remember much from last night, 但我好像记得 but I do kind of recall, 有人怨我没好好享受假期 someone giving me shit about missing out on fun vacation times. 说什么 You know, something about 我们从没机会这样出来玩 how we never get to hang out this way, or. 当我们扯平了 Call it even? 我不是非去不可 You know, I don"t have to go, 我可以留在这陪你 I can stay here with you. 不能丢下蜜雪 Can"t ditch Michelle, 你看她多兴奋 look how excited she is. 她可以和查理二人世界 Well, Charlie and her can have their own day. 我看那是不可能了 Don"t think that"s happening. 看样子我逃不掉了

     对吧 I guess, I"m kinda stuck with this one, aren"t I? 对不起


     我保证 I"m sorry, I"ll make it up to you, promise. 等你们回来后

     我们晚上再玩个痛快 Can have a really fun night when you get back. 好吧 All right. 我爱你 I love you. 我爱你

     宝贝 I love you, baby. 米娜



     该换衣服了 Mina, Charlie, let"s go, time to change. 其实 You know what, 米娜应该不去了 I think Mina"s gonna sit this one out.


     -我头疼得厉害 - No, really? - I"m hurting pretty bad. 好吧

     是你的损失 All right, well, it"s your loss. 查理


     要出发了 Charlie, come one, let"s get going. 不

     别来这套 No, don"t give me that. 快点

     走了 Come on, let"s go. 对不起 I"m sorry. 行吧


     我要嗑个爽 Fine, well, you"re cooking tonight and I"m getting fucked up. 好的 Yeah, okay. 乔希

     你准备好了吗 Josh, you ready? 嗯

     我爱你 Yeah, love you. 我爱你 I love you. 对了

     雷吉还拴在屋子后面 Oh, and Reggie"s still tied up out back, 晚点把它带进来

     以防泰勒路过看见 get him later in case Taylor pops by. 好


     宝贝 Yeah, I"ll grab him, baby. 谢谢 Thank you. 你还好吗 Are you okay? 不太好 Not really. 你怎么样 How you doing? 你在想什么 What are you thinking? 我们没那么愚蠢 We"re smarter than this. 绝不能再发生

     It can never happen again. 好 Yeah. 我是认真的 I mean it. 嗯

     我同意 Yeah, I"m with you. 我真的很爱你弟弟 I really do love your brother. 我知道 I know. 总之

     最后她从查理那拿到我的号♥码 Anyway, she ended up getting my number from Charlie 把那句笑点用短♥信♥发给我 and she texted me the punchline 是我们相识那晚她说得很烂的一个笑话 of this joke that she had totally butchered from the night we met. 真有爱 That"s really cute. 那句笑点是什么 What was the punchline? 别逼我说出来 Don"t make me say it. 你和查理 You know, you and Charlie, 你们的相识故事是最浪漫的 you guys have the best "how did you meet" story. 的确挺浪漫的 It is a pretty good one. 不过

     我知道有一个人不这么想 Although, I can think of one person who thinks otherwise. 什么意思

     谁 What do you mean, who? 等等

     你知道我和查理刚认识时 Wait, you know that when Charlie and I met, 他和珍还在一起吧 he and Jen were still together, right? 真的吗 Really? 所以摇♥头♥丸♥那晚

     其实... Wow, so, the ecstasy night, that actually...


     他当时有女友 Yeah, he had a girlfriend. 我知道

     情况不算完美 I know, it was not ideal. 有时我会突然想起她 I randomly think of her sometimes. 她是个好人

     不该被劈腿 She was a nice person, she didn"t deserve that. 我倒不会说她完全无辜 I wouldn"t say she was totally innocent, either. 你什么意思 What do you mean? 我想她当时也做了类似的事 I think she had a little of that same thing going on, 对他上一任女友 with his previous girlfriend. 他认识珍时也有女友吗 What, like he was with someone when he met Jen? 好像是的 Yeah, I think so, 我不记得所有细节 I don"t remember all the details 但那时他有个女友叫佐伊 but there was this girl Zoe 然后珍很快就变成他新女友 and then the Jen thing happened really fast, 进展有点太快了 a little bit too fast, you know. 我之前并不知道 No, I didn"t know that. 听着

     我只是想说 Look, man, I just meant 你不用对珍感到愧疚 you shouldn"t feel bad about Jen, you know. 没事的 It"s fine. 我都不知道我在说什么 I don"t even know what I"m talking about, 这是 10 年前的事了 this was like 10 years ago. 没事


     It"s okay, let"s just keep going. 他们进展很顺利 They did pretty good. 你可以继续睡

     我会收好 You can keep sleeping, I"ll finish. 查理 Charlie. 告诉我那不是摄像头 Tell me that"s not a camera. 不可能 No fucking way. 我要报♥警♥ I"m gonna call the cops. 等等

     等等 Wait, wait. 你要去哪 What, where are you going? -操

     -不 - Fuck. - No. -我们不能报♥警♥


     为什么 - We can"t call the cops. - What, why? 都被录下来了 It"s all on camera. 如果我们报♥警♥ If we report this, 蜜雪和乔希可能会知道昨晚的事 then Michelle and Josh they could find out everything. 难道我们就这么放过 So, what, we just let this fucking racist pervert, 那个种族歧视的变♥态♥ get away with it? 我不知道


     让我想想 I don"t know, I don"t know, let me think. 光是想到他对着录像撸我就受不了 Just thinking of him jacking off to it. 我们假装这事没发生过 I think, we pretend like it didn"t happen. -什么

     -我们还有什么选择 - What? - What are our other options? 要不

     威胁他交出录像 I don"t know, threaten him to give us the footage.

     我很确定威胁他只会逼他 I"m pretty sure threatening him is the best way to ensure 对蜜雪和乔希全盘托出 that he shows Michelle and Josh everything. 我他妈杀了他 Fucking kill him. 显然我们不能再逗留一晚 Okay, clearly we can"t stay the night, 我们需要想个理由 so, we just need to think of a reason 告诉乔希和蜜雪我们为何要提前离开 to tell Josh and Michelle why we"re leaving early, 比如

     泰勒来说了些种族歧视的混账话 like, Taylor came by and said some racist shit 之类的 or something like that. 你知道乔希很保护你 You know how protective Josh is, 他一定会去责问他 he wouldn"t leave without confronting him. 我会拦住乔希 Yeah, but I"ll deal with Josh. 不


     我们继续... No, no, no, no, we start telling... 我们会想出办法 We"ll figure it out. 我们继续说谎

     只会更难收场 We start telling more lies, it just gets messy. 怎么办 Oh, come on. 不会有事的 It"s gonna be okay. 所以我们什么都不做 So, we do nothing, 你是这个意思吗 is that what you"re saying? 他不能把录像给其他人看

     否则他会被逮捕 He can"t show anyone the footage, or else he gets caught, 只有他一个人会看到 he"s the only one who"s ever gonna see it. 我们撑过今晚

     We get through the night, 明天天一亮就走 we leave first thing in the morning. 就当这一切没发生过 Never happened. 还以为你们迷路了 Thought we almost lost you guys out there. 有人晒黑了

     变性感了 Someone got tan and sexy. -是吗

     -是的 - Oh yeah? - Yeah. 你玩得开心吗 Did you have fun? 我想你了

     宝贝 Missed you, boo. 没出什么事吧 Is everything okay? 没 Yeah. 怎么了 What"s going on? 等我脱掉这身臭衣服 You know what, let me get out of these clothes, 快速洗个澡 hop into the shower 就跟你细说我们徒步的温馨故事 and I will regale you with the heartwarming tale that was our hike. 你要去洗澡吗 Oh, you"re gonna take a shower? 你闻不到我一身汗臭吗 Yeah, can"t you smell me? 我说不清 No, I don"t know, 你这样脏兮兮的

     让我很性奋 I just, I get turned on by your mess. -是吗

     -是的 - Oh yeah? - Yeah. 好吧 Okay. 你怎么了 What"s going on?

     什么意思 What do you mean? 我不知道

     你还好吗 I don"t know, are you okay? 你和珍开始约会时

     已经跟佐伊分手了吗 Were you and Zoe broken up when you started dating Jen? 什么 What? 怎么突然说起这个 Where"s this coming from? 回话啊 Hello. 我不记得具体过程了 I don"t remember exactly how it played out 但的确有可能 but yeah, there may have been a situation 我们第一次约会时 where we hung out for the first time, 我正跟佐伊闹分手 while I was breaking up with Zoe. 所以你认识珍时

     你和佐伊肯定还没分手 So, when you met Jen, you were definitely still with Zoe? 我想是吧 I think so, you know, but 这到底是要干什么 what is happening right now? 我就是想到我们 I was just thinking about us 和我们刚在一起时的情况 and the circumstances in which we got together, 我觉得很好笑 and I thought it was funny to hear 听见原来这是你一贯作风 that you have a pattern of doing this. 你是从乔希那里听说的吧 Okay, so, this is a conversation you had with Josh, I assume. 我那多嘴的弟弟到底说了什么 What exactly did my fucking brother say? 别这么做 Don"t do that. 真好笑


     No, it tickles me to think that Josh 如此密切关注我的情史 has been keeping such close tabs on my dating history. 我只是不知道当时你为什么要骗我 I just wonder why you would"ve lied to me about it at the time. 我没有骗你吧 I don"t think I lied to you, 我不记得细节了 I don"t remember the details. 我当时说的话应该都是真的 Whatever I said at the time was probably true. 当然了 Totally. 不行

     怎么能看电视这么无聊 Okay, no, we"re not doing this. 这趟旅程不能这样结束 This is not how this trip is ending. 我们来嗑药 We"re gonna do drugs, 玩个痛快 we"re gonna have fun. 米娜

     来吧 Mina, let"s do it. 对不起 Sorry. 但你们想做什么就做什么 But you guys should totally do whatever, 别因为我扫兴 don"t let me stop you. 其实

     我想我也不参加了 Actually, you know, I think, I"m gonna sit this one out, too. 不行


     我们说好... No, get up, get up, we said... 宝贝

     不如今晚就悠闲一点 Babe, what if we had a more mellow night, 玩玩桌游什么的

     好吗 played some board games or something? 你们尽管浪费最后一晚吧 You know what, go ahead and waste your last night. 我以为我们是来享乐的 I thought we came here to have a good time

     我就要嗨翻天 and that"s exactly what I"m gonna do. 摇♥头♥丸♥在哪 Where"s the molly? 别告诉我你们都嗑完了

     我真的会... Don"t tell me you guys finished it or I will fucking... 就在酒吧旁边 It"s on the side, by the bar. 还剩下很多 There"s plenty left. 你确定真要这么做吗 You sure you wanna do this? 本来就是这么计划的 This was the plan. 我昨晚早早睡觉

     就是为了今晚能嗑嗨 I went to bed early last night, so I can do this tonight, 所以我很确定 so, yes, I"m sure. 好吧 Okay. 好 Okay. 雷吉 Reg? 你们知道雷吉在哪吗 Hey, you guys, where"s Reggie? 宝贝

     真对不起 Baby, I"m so sorry. 我今天早上太不舒服 I was just so out of it this morning, 完全忘记了 completely forgot. 出什么事了 What"s going on? 好吧

     多谢告知 Cool, good to know. 不


     不 No, no, no, no, no. 雷吉 Reg. 雷吉

     Reggie. 他一定就在附近 Okay, he"s gotta be around here somewhere. -操



     会找到它的 - Fuck. - Josh, it"s all right, we"ll find him. 我们分头去找 Let"s spread out. 万一它掉下悬崖了怎么办 What if he fell off the side of the cliff? 操 Fuck. -雷吉

     -雷吉 - Reggie. - Reggie. 雷吉 Reggie. 我去

     原来把狗丢了 Oh fuck, they lost the dog. -雷吉

     -雷吉 - Reggie. - Reggie. -雷吉

     -雷吉 - Reggie. - Reg. 雷吉 Reggie. 雷吉 Reggie. 雷吉 Reggie. 雷吉 Hey, Reg. 出来

     雷吉 Come on, Reg. 雷吉 Reggie. 找到了吗 Any luck? 没有

     外面太黑了 No, it"s too dark, 我们没带手♥机♥ we got no phones. 你们昨晚是不是忘记 Hey, did you forget to turn off


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