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  • 英语朗读短文三分钟 大学英语短文朗读带翻译

    时间:2020-02-28 03:35:37 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站

    相关热词搜索:大学英语短文朗读带翻译 大学英语小短文加翻译 英语短文带翻译



      第一份工作 The First Job

      For college students, when graduation season comes, it is time for them to leave campus and find their own place in the world. But according to the report, most students lost jobs in the first year, though there are still a lot of chances. College students refuse the chances and wait for the better one.


      The first job matters so much, it can make students find the sense of belonging, so don’t be picky for the first job. Most students believe that they deserve the job with high salary and potential development. While the fact is that the competition is so fierced and you have to compete with a lot of excellent students, only a few can get the chance. So it is better to find a job and gain the experience.


      The location is also the important factor to consider. I think it is a good choice to work in the city that is near our home, so that we can go home often and spend more time with our parents. When we have job problem, we can come to our family for help.


      So don’t be picky for the first job, when we have experience, we can make our own choice.



      工作支撑你的梦想 The Job Supports Your Dream

      According to the report, most people are not satisfied with their job and life, but there is nothing for them can do, so they just have to do the boring job and live the same life every day. There will always some people dare to follow their hearts and live the life they want.


      Foster is 28 years old, he used to be a designer for the famous brand and had his own apartment in Manhattan, it seemed that his life was such wonderful that he would achieve greater success. But Foster quit his job later and he wanted to stay away from the city and travel to many places. He bought a wasted bus and then decorated it as his home, he drove his bus to travel around America. Finally he went back his hometown and he built a tree house, which looked so beautiful.


      Foster now is famous and he got many fans. His life is many people’s dream. As a matter of fact, Foster still worked on his job by the Internet, it is the job that helps him to realize his dream.



      年纪轻轻成为父母好吗 Are Young Parents Good

      When students graduate from college and their parents start to worry about their future. The parents always want their kids to marry soon, so that they can be the grandparents. Nowadays, some students choose to marry and be the young parents. But I don’t think it is a good idea.


      On the one hand, young parents are not mature. It has been reported that the highest divorce rate happens among young couple, because they are easy to have fights on the small issues. Once they can’t find a way to solve, they will have the idea to be apart. Young couples are reckless, it is not the perfect time for them to be parents.


      On the other hand, as they are young, they lack of the experience to take care of the children. When the kids have some problems, they don’t know how to deal with and are easy to get panic. it is important to know how to nurse a kid and then educate them in the right way.


      It is better for the young people to fight for their future and when they get mature, they can be the qualified parents.








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