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  • 《沉默()》完整中英文对照剧本

    时间:2020-08-10 11:43:09 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站

    相关热词搜索:剧本 中英文对照 沉默

     沉默 这只我要了 That"s mine. 我先看见的

     混♥蛋♥ Well, I saw it first, shithead. 这只鹿归我了 Well, actually, the deer"s mine. 你们俩这种行为是非法入侵 And you two shitheads are trespassing. 拜托

     雷伯恩 Come on, Rayburn. 你又不会因此而被扣钱 You ain"t going to miss one buck. 这里的动物太多了 It"s a goddamn zoo around here. 这才是重点 Well, that"s the point. 这里是保护区

     你个蠢货 This is a sanctuary, you dumbshit. 把你们的枪放下 Now, put down your rifles. 好吧 Okay. 雷伯恩·斯旺森是个环境保护者 Rayburn Swanson is a goddamn tree hugger. 这谁能想到呢 Who"d have thought? 人总是会变的 Well, people change. 不会的 No, they don"t. 你们可以过一会儿来取枪 You can pick up your guns later. 别让我再抓到你们了

     好吗 Don"t let me catch you here again, all right? 要不你俩帮我助推一下 Don"t suppose you boys could give me a jump? 你好啊

     托尔 Hey, Thor. 怎么样啊

     累吗 How you doing, huh? Are you tired?

     还有不法行为吗 Any more activity? 你不是该洗碗吗 Weren"t you supposed to do the dishes? 位于索比尔保留地的废弃造纸厂 A defunct paper mill on Sawbill Reservation 已成为缉毒之战的起点 is now ground zero for the war on drugs. 当地人称之为毒厂 The locals call it the Factory. 索比尔联盟会昨晚一致同意 Sawbill Nation unanimously voted last night 请给 艾丽斯·古斯塔夫森 投票 土生土长 下个月处罚造纸厂 to condemn the old paper mill next month. 卡尔·布莱克霍克与警方一道 Karl Blackhawk is with the tribal police 正在积极地... and has been working diligently... 这次你在哪里找到他的 Where"d you find him this time? 毒厂那边 Over at the Factory. 那地方危机四伏

     艾丽斯 Attracts trouble from all sides, Alice. 想把那地方扫荡干净

     但我感觉要输了 Trying to clean that place up, but... losing battle, I guess. 他身上有血 He"s got blood on him. 发生了什么 What happened? 他说什么都没发生 According to him, nothin". 就是摔了一跤 Just tripped. 昨晚镇上有什么动♥乱♥吗 Any trouble around town last night? 每时每刻都有啊


     Don"t recall a time there wasn"t, Alice. 有他参与其中的吗 Anything involving him? 我所了解的案子没有 Not that I know of. 但是我不会... But I wouldn"t, uh... 我不会就此下结论 I wouldn"t bet on it. 谢谢


     我会带他回家的 Thanks, Karl. I"ll take him home. 我不能一直帮你

     艾丽斯 I can"t keep doing you favors, Alice. 总有一天你弟弟会犯一些 Sooner or later your brother"s gonna get caught up in something 你无法帮他摆脱的事 you won"t be able to get him out of. 来

     出来 Come on. Get out. 你昨天晚上去那里干什么了

     布鲁克斯 What were you doing in that place last night, Brooks? 不关你的事 None of your business. 你还在吃药吗 You still taking your meds? 每天都吃 Every day. 你能不能... Can you...? 你能不能别掰手指头了 Can you stop that, please? 你衣朋上的血是谁的 Whose blood is that on your shirt? 大部分是我的 Mostly mine. 萨姆·芒恩布劳德把我痛揍了一顿 Sam Moonblood beat the shit out of me. 什么

     为什么 What? Why? 为了一个女的 A woman.

     你为什么不走后面的路 Why don"t you take the back roads? 什么女的

     布鲁克斯 What woman, Brooks? 你知道芒恩布劳德是干什么的吗 You have any idea what Moonblood does? 不管他是干什么的

     都在我的管辖区外 Whatever it is, it"s outside of my jurisdiction. 他和那个老变♥态♥奥尔森

     无恶不作 Him and that creepy fuck Olsen, they push it all. 吸毒

     赌博 Drugs. Gambling. 嫖♥娼♥ Whoring. 你还嫖♥娼♥吗 Were you paying for sex? 没有 Nah. 她不是鸡 She wasn"t a hooker. 你能不能掉头走另一条路回家 Can you just turn around and take a different way home? -不能


     -我不想走这条路 - No, I need to go this way. - I don"t want to go this way. 我必须得走这条路

     我有事要办 I gotta go this way, I gotta do something. 我不想走这条路

     掉头 I don"t want to go this fucking way! Just turn around! 糟糕

     我... Oh, shit, I... 对不起


     我... Shit, I"m sorry, Brooks. I... 我没认真想 I wasn"t thinking. 请给 艾丽斯·古斯塔夫森 投票 土生土长 你还觉得自己适合干这个吗 Still think you"re cut out for this? 别以为我忘了今天什么日子

     Don"t think I forgot what day it is. 我一会要去旅馆 I"m gonna come by the motel later. 我可不一定在那待着 I"m not sure I"ll be around. 那我也会去的 Well, I"m gonna come by anyway. 131 号♥ Unit one-three-one. 131 收到 Go for one-three-one. 巴克湖发生了一起疑似凶杀案 We"ve got a possible homicide out on Buck Lake. 收到

     我这就赶过去 Ten-four. I"m on my way. 寻人启示 年龄

     14 性别

     女 身高

     1.76 米 眼睛

     蓝 头发

     金色 糟糕 Oh, shit. 你们好

     孩子们 Hey, kids. 感谢你能接待我们

     斯旺森先生 Thank you for having us, Mr. Swanson. 对学生们来讲真是一件乐事 This is a real treat for the students. 是我的荣幸

     女士 Well, my pleasure, ma"am. 你喝醉了吗 Are you intoxicated? 别担心

     孩子们不会注意到的 Don"t worry, the kids won"t notice. 欢迎来到格温·斯旺森野生动物保护区 Welcome to the Gwen Swanson Wildlife Sanctuary. 谁知道保护区是什么 Now, who knows what a sanctuary is? 没人知道吗 No one?

     这里不允许设置陷阱或打猎 Well, it"s a place where no trapping or hunting"s allowed. 一个动物们的避风港 A safe haven for animals. 你们看到这片区域了吗 You see this area here? 看

     大概有 129 平方千米 Look, almost 50 square miles. 这就是我的保护区 That"s my sanctuary. 我爸爸说你杀的动物比任何人都多 My dad said you"ve killed more animals than anyone. 你还设过很多阴险的陷阱 Used some real nasty traps too. 我已经做了贡献

     跟这里所有人一样 Done my share, like everyone else around here. 我早就不打猎了 But I stopped all that. 为什么 Why? 我女儿不喜欢 My daughter didn"t like it. 现在我不再狩猎动物

     获取皮毛 So now, instead of trapping animals for their fur, 而是用更人道的陷阱

     捕获患病的动物 I use humane traps to catch the problem ones, 然后把它们放在这里 and then I release them here, 在这里可以远离人类的威胁 where they can live without human threat. 现在

     我偶尔 Now, every now and then I... 会诱捕小孩子 I do snare kids... 如果他们说的话不合时宜 ...when they talk out of turn. 你能把她翻过来吗 Can you turn her over? 尸体是死后被扔进湖里的 The body was dumped postmortem in the water, 大概是一周前

     probably a good week ago. 你觉得这是怎么回事 What do you think this about? 我不确定

     但我会记录下来 Well, I"m not sure, but I"ll make a note. 叫法医过来 Get forensics up here. 警长 Sheriff! 你认为凶手猎杀她是为了消遣吗 You think whoever killed her was hunting her for sport? 我不会称之为消遣

     但没错 I wouldn"t call that a sport, but, yeah. 她是被猎杀的 She was hunted. 拿个锯子来把它切走 Somebody get a saw and cut this out. 回声 瀑布 寻人启示 格温·斯旺森 野生动物保护区 天哪

     你怀孕了吗 Jesus. You pregnant? 你不觉得年纪太大了吗 Aren"t you a bit old for that? 你还是这么没礼貌啊

     雷伯恩 Still have no manners, huh, Rayburn? 你还是这么没个性啊

     布莱克霍克 Still got no personality, eh, Blackhawk? 我有事要跟你谈谈 Got something to talk to you about. 那你最好进来 Well, you better come inside then. 不是你 Not you. 我很想你

     我太想你了 I missed you. Oh, I missed you. 我不觉得你和布莱克霍克是专程过来递雪茄的 I don"t suppose you and Blackhawk came here to pass out cigars.

     卡尔和我想给格温举办一场葬礼 Karl and me want to hold a funeral for Gwen. 五年已经很久了

     雷 You know, five years is a long time, Ray. 我不想自己做这事 I don"t want to do this without you. 她也是我的女儿 She"s my daughter too. 我知道 I know. 这事我有发言权

     我不同意 I got a say in this, and I say no. 雷

     别让事情变得更难 Ray, don"t make this harder. 你不能用你和布莱克霍克的孩子来代替格温 Well, you can"t replace Gwen with Blackhawk"s fuckin" baby. 这么说可不公平 Hey! That"s not fair. 你以为只有你想念她吗 You think you"re the only one who misses her? 发生这么多事后

     你还在喝酒吗 After everything that"s happened, you"re still drinking? 闭嘴 Oh, shut up. 这是正规流程 It"s just a formality. 签个字

     法♥院♥就会颁发官方死亡证明 Just sign it and the court"ll issue an official death certificate. 听着


     是个很不错的地方 Listen, we bought a plot, and it"s a really nice place. 葬礼两周后举♥行♥ Funeral"s in two weeks. 回声瀑布警♥察♥局 进来吧 Come in. 不太容易

     但我们取出来了 Wasn"t easy, but we got it out. 有许多人拥戴你当警长 You know, there"s plenty of people happy you"re sheriff. 你无法让所有人都满意 You can"t please everybody.


     汉森 Thanks, Hansen. 突发新闻 This just in, breaking news. 我们正在巴克山脊和回声瀑布旁的犯罪现场 We"re here at a crime scene by Buckridge and Echo Falls. 看起来这里有一具年轻女尸 Looks like there is a body of a young woman here, 警方并未透露女尸身份 and the identity has not been revealed. 我们正试着采访现场的警♥察♥ We"re trying to get some interviews with the police, 但看起来他们准备移走尸体了 but it looks like they"re getting ready to move the body. 瀑布下发现被害少女 我们会在现场为您带来最新消息 We"ll update you more live as information becomes available. 目前的情况就是这样 For now, back to you. 你不必给我带这些的 You didn"t have to get me anything. 也不算太多 It"s not much. 你在哪找到这个的 Where"d you find this? 就在阁楼的储物箱里 It was in the storage box in the attic. 爸爸看起来那么年轻 Dad looks so young. 我们该... We should... 我们该谈谈在工厂里都发生了什么 we should talk about what happened to you in the barn. 不 No. 爸妈去世时

     我真该收养你 I should have adopted you when Mom and Dad died. 我真该带你一起去芝加哥 I should have taken you to Chicago with me. 你根本不懂怎么养孩子 You didn"t know nothin" about raising a kid.

     我比那些家伙懂得多 Yeah, well, I knew more than those fucking people. 艾丽斯 Hey, Alice? 怎么了 Yeah? 如果我做了不可饶恕的事

     你会怎么办 If I messed up and did something bad, what would you do? 你在说什么 What are you talking about? 如果我做了蠢事

     你会帮我吗 If I fucked up and did something stupid, would you help me out? 治安官 Sheriff? 等一下

     好吗 Hold on a sec, all right? 我是雷伯恩·斯旺森 I"m Rayburn Swanson. 我知道你是谁

     你来干什么 I know who you are. What do you want? 局里的人告诉我你在这里 I was told at the station I could find you here. 我得见见那个女孩

     她可能是我女儿 I need to see that girl. She could be my daughter. 我正在忙别的事... I"m kind of in the middle of something... 求你了 Please. 好吧

     等我回来之后再说这件事 All right, well, we"ll finish this when I get back, okay? 是吗 Well? 不是 No. 该死 Fuck. 我之前看见你弟弟了 I saw your brother earlier. 肯定有人打了他 Someone sure did a number on him. 希望他没给你添什么麻烦

     Hope he didn"t give you any trouble. 说实话

     他有一些恶习 I got to be honest, he has some bad habits. 就一些吗

     天哪 Some? Jesus Christ. 你知道我最受不了什么吗

     掰手指头 You know what gets me the most? Those knuckles. -简直要把我弄疯了

     -是啊 - Those knuckles fuckin" kill me. - Yeah. 还有


     他喝了六瓶酒 That and he went through a six-pack while I examined him. 才六瓶

     一般都喝一箱 Just? It"s usually a case. 医生 Doctor, 你很了解雷伯恩吗 do you know much about Rayburn? 你有孩子吗 Do you have kids? 没有 No. 那你无法理解他之前的经历 Then you can"t begin to imagine what he"s gone through. 我能和你一起吗 Can I join you? 可以 Sure. 你好

     皮特 Hey, Pete. 你好


     好久不见 Hey, Alice. Long time. 我听说过你女儿失踪的事情 I remember hearing about the disappearance of your daughter. 这里以前没发生过这种事 Things like that didn"t happen around here. 是啊

     世界真不美好 Yeah, the world"s a shitty place. 有时候挺美好的 It can be. 对你今天发现的女孩来说

     是这样的 Well, it was for that girl you found today.

     我当治安官才几个月时间 I"ve only been sheriff a couple of months. 还在了解调查中的案件 I"m still catching up on active cases. 我女儿的案子早就结案了 Yeah, my daughter"s case is far from active. 我经受过的训练和这里其他的警员很不一样 My training is very different from the officers around here. 我听说了

     你想做什么 Yeah, I heard. What do you want? 一个能证明的机会... A chance to prove... 破获一桩超过 48 小时的失踪案的概率近乎为零 The chance of solving a missing persons case after 48 hours is almost zero. 你觉得都过去五年了

     还有机会吗 What do you think the chances are after five goddamn years? 还是世界名校不教你这些 Or didn"t they teach you that in your fancy college? 我去上个厕所 I"m going to take a leak. 等我回来的时候你还在吗 You gonna be here when I come back? -你需要我在吗

     -不需要 - You need me to be? - Not really. 随时来电

     雷伯恩 Don"t hesitate to call, Rayburn. -我愿伸出援手

     -我没有手♥机♥ - I"m here to help. - I don"t got a phone. 死亡证明申请书 托尔

     安静点 Quiet, Thor. 我要是没发现情况

     就不给你吃的... You ain"t getting shit unless I see something in those... 什么鬼 What the hell? 托尔 Thor. 王八蛋 Son of a bitch. 我知道你在这里

     朊友 I know you"re there, pal.


     仅此而已 Just want to talk, that"s all. 这里是保护区 This is a sanctuary. 你不能在这里打猎 You can"t hunt here. 别犯傻 Don"t be getting stupid. 拜托 Come on. 好吧

     你个混♥蛋♥ Okay, asshole. 你在追什么 What were you tracking? 不管是什么案子

     我都是清白的 Whatever it is, I"m innocent. "清白"这俩字可不适合你

     吉姆 Oh, there"s nothing innocent about you, Jim. 你的父母一定会以你为傲 Your parents would be proud. 谢谢 Thanks. 你有空吗 You have a minute? 当然 Sure. 你听说在边界水域 You hear about that girl 打捞上来的那个女孩了吗 they found dead in the boundary waters? 当然

     太可怕了 Yeah, you betcha. Horrible thing. 她真是被猎杀的吗

     像报纸上说的那样 Was she really hunted, like the papers said? 你觉得他用的是什么 What do you think he used? 世界上最古老的武器投射系统 World"s oldest weapon delivery system. 名为投矛器 It"s called an atlatl. 三万多年前发明的

     Developed over 30,000 years ago. 人们还用它狩猎吗 And people still use these for hunting? 也许一些顽固派还在用

     但并不合法 Maybe some real die-hards, but it ain"t legal. 看来你不是嫌疑人 Clearly you"re not a suspect. 可别着急下定论 Hold your horses. 一把优秀的投矛器 A well-made atlatl can deliver a spear 射速高达 161 千米/时 over 100 miles an hour. -天啊

     -这可不是玩具 - Jesus. - Ain"t no toy. 就是被设计成杀人工具 It was designed to kill. 有人会用投矛器吗 Do any members use an atlatl? -据我所知没有

     -在哪里能买♥♥到 - Not that I know of. - Where could you buy one? 超♥市♥里肯定是没有的 Well, you"re not going to find it at Walmart, that"s for sure. 或许你可以先去查查一个本地商贩 There"s a local fella you could probably start with. 名叫萨姆·芒恩布劳德 Sam Moonblood"s his name. 在索比尔一带的毒厂活动 Hangs at the Factory over in Sawbill. 他制♥造♥投矛器

     也售卖♥♥ Makes "em... and he sells "em. 谢谢 Thanks. 艾丽斯

     你去见他时千万当心 Careful, Alice, when you pay him a visit. 他对你们这类人不太友好 He"s not too friendly to your kind. 女人

     还是警♥察♥ Women? Or cops? 都是 Both.


     你想干什么 Yo, bitch! What you want? 你是迷路了 You lost... 还是在找你弟弟 or looking for your brother? 我有几个问题 I have some questions. 警徽在这里不管用

     女士 That badge don"t mean shit out here, lady. 萨姆·芒恩布劳德在吗 Is Sam Moonblood around? 他可能在狩猎 He"s probably huntin". 是吗

     在哪里 Oh, yeah? Whereabouts? 闭上你的臭嘴

     帕蒂 Shut your cock-hole, Patty. 萨姆·芒恩布劳德狩猎时用投矛器吗 Does Sam Moonblood use atlatls when he hunts? 你想证明什么 What are you getting at? 外面的事我们也听说了 We hear things out here too, you know. 萨姆有很多个标签 Sam"s a lot of things... 但他不是杀人犯 but he ain"t a killer. 告诉萨姆·芒恩布劳德我在找他 You tell Sam Moonblood I"m looking for him. 该死的混♥蛋♥ Fucking dick. 吓死我了 Oh, shit. 芒恩布劳德在索比尔有个房♥子 Moonblood has a place over in Sawbill. 你可以在那里找到他 You"ll find him there. 谢谢你

     帕蒂 Thank you, Patty. 你自己小心

     Look after yourself. 这他妈... What the... 等等

     等一下 Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. 我不会伤害你的 Hey, hey, I"m not gonna hurt you. 我不会伤害你的

     好吗 I"m not gonna hurt you, okay? 听我说 Listen to me, okay? 我来帮你 Let me help you. 我想帮你 I want to help you. 好吗 Okay? 我带你看看 Let me show you. 拜托 Please. 这下面没风

     会暖和很多 It"s gonna be a lot warmer down there out of the wind. 如果我们不下去的话

     会冻僵的 We don"t go down there, we"ll freeze. 拜托 Please. 不会有坏事发生 Nothing bad"s gonna happen. 来 Here. 抓住这个 Hold this. 该死 Shit. 该死 Goddamn it. 拜托 Oh, come on. 别啊

     千万别 No, no, no, no, no.


     你在逗我... Oh, no, you got to be kid... 别

     该死 Oh, no. Shit! 我的威士忌 My whiskey. 我前妻以前经常说我太粗暴 My ex-wife used to call me abrasive. 我现在明白她的意思了 I think I understand what she meant now. 对不起 I"m sorry. 这个是陷阱 This is a pitfall. 用来诱捕动物的 For trapping animals. 这种手段极其肮脏 This is a real nasty way to go. 这附近有几个旧陷阱 There"s a few of these old traps around, 但已经废弃不用了 but I don"t use "em anymore. 好... Okay... 我要给你穿上袜子

     好吗 I"m just going to put these on you, okay? 给你穿 Okay, there you go. 你能说话吗 Can you talk? 不能 No. 我叫雷伯恩 My name"s Rayburn. 莫 M... 利 O... 莫利

     莫利 Molly. Molly. 很高兴认识你


     It"s nice to know you, Molly. 你知道那个男人是谁吗 Do you know who that man is? 不知道 No? 快睡吧 Try and get some sleep, okay? 我们明天路途遥远 We got a long walk tomorrow. 不会有事的 It"s going to be okay. 萨姆·芒恩布劳德 Sam Moonblood? -不许动

     -放松放松 - Freeze! - Whoa, easy! 是我

     艾丽斯 It"s me, Alice. 老天 Holy shit. 我跟着你进来的 Followed you and called you in. 天啊

     强行闯入吗 Jesus Christ. Breaking and entering? 情况紧急 It was an urgent matter. 你需要搜查令

     治安官 Yeah, well, you need a warrant, Sheriff. 我有合理的根据 Probable cause. 这里充满着芒恩布劳德的踪迹 Moonblood"s tracks are all over this. 我们知道嫌犯用了投矛器 We know that the suspect used an atlatl, 而且他地下室里也有投矛器 and he has atlatls in his fucking basement, 矛头上有他的姓氏 and the spearhead has an MB on it. 而且没人知道他在哪里 And no one knows where the hell he is. 你弟弟有投矛器吗 Does your brother own an atlatl?

     有个小女孩失踪了 Young girl missing. 他妈妈在毒厂工作 Now, the mother hangs out at the Factory. 说她几天前和一个男人发生了争执 Said she got in an altercation a few nights back with a man 她说是布鲁克斯 she named Brooks. -你想说什么

     -他对她动手动脚的 - What are you trying to say? - He was getting handsy with her. 他不肯离开 He wouldn"t leave, 所以萨姆·芒恩布劳德把他赶走了 so Sam Moonblood tossed him out. 我弟弟绝不会绑♥架♥一个小女孩 My brother would never kidnap a young girl. 我们没有想象中那么博学多识

     艾丽斯 We never know as much as we think we do, Alice. 我知道你弟弟在你们父母去世后 Now, I know your brother went through some hard times 有过一段痛苦的时光... after your parents passed... 我弟弟没毛病 There"s nothing wrong with my brother. -那就把他带回局里问话

     -你忘了谁才是治安官吗 - Then bring him in. - Are you forgetting who the sheriff is? 这里没有治安官 There is no sheriff here. 这里是索比尔族 This is Sawbill nation. 我们真是好搭档

     孩子 We make quite a pair, kid. 我家在西南方 My place is southwest of here, 大概十公里 probably six miles. 是我 Hey. Hey, it"s me. 布鲁克斯 Brooks? 小男孩被锁在谷仓里

     我要休息一会儿 I need a break. 没多远了 It"s not much further. 我需要喝点酒 I need a drink. 我想你♥爸♥妈见到你一定很开心 I bet your mom and dad will be real happy to see you. 我也失去了我的女儿 I lost my daughter too. 在我眼皮底下 On my watch. 你或许... You know what? You might... 或许... maybe... 打开 Open it. 你认识她吗 You recognize her? 我们走吧 Let"s go. 治安官

     接到一个报案 Sheriff, copy a call. 我的兄弟们在抱怨 My brothers are complaining 雷伯恩·斯旺森没收了他们的步♥枪♥ Rayburn Swanson confiscated their rifles. 你能去看看吗 Can you go check it out? 格温·斯旺森 野生动物保护区 8 公里 进去吧 Go ahead. 请坐 Take a seat. 我给你倒点水 Let me get you some water. 托尔 Thor?

     你是谁 Who are you? 雷伯恩 Rayburn? 雷伯恩

     我是古斯塔夫森治安官 Rayburn, it"s Sheriff Gustafson. 我来是因为你收走的那些枪 I"m here about those guns you took. 你有时间谈谈吗 Do you have a moment to talk? 把枪放下 Put your gun down! 我说把枪放下 I said put your gun down! -不不不


     该死 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no! - Put your gun down, goddamn it! -他还在这里


     -你做了什么 - He"s still here. He"s here! - What have you done? -你做了什么


     不不不 - What have you done? - What? No, no, no, no, no! -你做了什么


     小心身后 - What have you done? - Sheriff! Behind you, behind you! 放下武器 Drop your weapon! 放下武器

     跪在地上 Drop your weapon and get on your knees! 快点 Now! 赶紧的 Do it now! 我的天啊 Oh, my God. 手抱头

     快点 Put your hands on your head, now! 治安官 Sheriff. 这个男人

     他猎杀了这个女孩 This man, he hunted this girl. 你得小心点 You got to be careful. 治安官

     Sheriff. 治安官 Sheriff. 快走

     布鲁克斯 Go, Brooks. 回家去 Go home. 雷伯恩 Rayburn? 救命 Help! 有人吗

     有人吗 Hello? Hello? 这里是调度中心

     请说明身份 This is dispatch. Identify, please. 马上派救护车来雷伯恩·斯旺森保护区 I need an ambulance at Rayburn Swanson"s immediately. 有个女孩受了重伤 A girl is hurt real bad. 雷伯恩·斯旺森保护区 Rayburn Swanson"s. 卡尔 Karl. 雷 Ray? 发生了什么 What happened? 是古斯塔夫森 It"s Gustafson. 她冲我开了一枪 She fucking shot me. 什么

     为什么 What? Why? 她在保护布鲁克斯 She"s protecting Brooks. 是他干的 He did it. 我们得送你去医院 We need to get you to a hospital. 不

     他们会追捕我的 No, no, no. They"ll be looking for me.

     我需要在进出这个郡的所有道路上设检查点 I need checkpoints on every road in and out of this county. -你听到了吗


     你把她带走 - You hear me? - Yes. She"s coming with you. 我都干了什么啊 What the fuck have I done? 所有单位听好 All units, all units. 注意雷伯恩·斯旺森 Be on the lookout for Rayburn Swanson. 没事

     撑住 It"s okay, just hold on. 不 No. 挺住

     我们马上就到了 Hold on, we"re going to be there soon. 撑住

     伙计 Hang in there, buddy. 对不起 I"m sorry. 什么 What? 你现在当母亲 You"re not too old... 还不算太老 to be a mother again. 你应该有个孩子 You deserve it. 抱歉我不是个好父亲 I"m sorry I wasn"t a better father. 别说了

     没关系 Just stop. It"s okay. 卡尔

     你是个好人 And, Karl, you"re a good man. 你之所以这么说

     只是因为你觉得你要死了 You"re just saying that because you think you"re dying. 别担心

     等你的伤口缝合好之后 Don"t worry, we can go back to hating each other 我们就又可以怀恨对方了 after you"re all stitched up. 医生



     Thanks for coming, Doctor. I appreciate it. -他在哪里

     -他在这边 - Where is he? - He"s over here. 天啊 Jesus. 我尽力了

     医生 It"s the best I could do, doc. 他来了 Okay, this is it. 他来了

     这是布恩医生 He"s here. This is Dr. Boone. 我们在停尸房♥见过 We met at the morgue. 我希望你没打算把我带到那里

     医生 I hope you don"t plan on taking me there, Doc. 你到底遭遇了什么啊 What in the hell did you get yourself into? 我遇到了不该接触的人 I came across the wrong kind of man. 应该说是女人 Or woman, I guess. 他得去医院

     不能待在房♥车里 He needs a hospital, not a fucking RV. 我有应急医疗用品

     里面有血袋 I have emergency supplies, including blood bags. 拜托了 Please? 我们别无选择

     医生 We have no choice, Doc. 我尽力而为吧 I"ll see what I can do. 我需要点空间 I need some space. 好 Okay. 好的 Okay. 他会没事的

     别担心 He"ll be okay, all right? 好吧 Okay.

     帮我个忙 Do me a favor, 回车上待着


     可以吗 go back to the car and lock the doors, okay? 当心 Be careful. 是我

     我是布莱克霍克 Yeah, this is Blackhawk. 毒场这里需要增援 I need backup at the Factory right now. 我能来点吗 Can I get some? 布鲁克斯 Brooks! 过来 Hey, come here! 布鲁克斯 Brooks! Hey! 布鲁克斯 Brooks! 布鲁克斯

     别跑 Brooks! Stop! 后退

     不然我就杀了他 Get back or I"ll fucking kill him. -好



     否则我就杀了他 - Okay. Stay calm. - Move the cars or I"ll kill him. 别激动

     布鲁克斯 Hey, take it easy, Brooks. 你要好好考虑清楚 Let"s just think this thing through here. 这件事不完全是我的责任 This isn"t just my fault, okay? 不是我挑起的 I didn"t start any of it! 我明白 Hey, I understand. 但你有能力结束这一切 But you have the power to put an end to this. 要不你把刀放下

     我们好好聊聊 So why don"t you just put that down and we"ll talk, okay? 布鲁克斯


     Brooks, we"re just trying to help Rayburn here. 他伤得很重 He"s seriously hurt. 我们上路了之后你也可以帮助他 You can help him when we"re on the road, okay? 赶紧开车... Just move the cars... 过来 Come here. 把手背后 Put your hands behind your back. 别反抗

     放松点 Hey, hey, hey. Easy. Easy. 他们找到雷伯恩了吗 Did they find Rayburn? 你弟弟被捕了 Your brother"s been arrested. -他在哪儿

     -放轻松 - Where is he? - Take it easy. 我想跟他谈谈 I want to talk to him. 他在哪儿 Where is he? 你有没有枪击雷伯恩·斯旺森 Did you shoot Rayburn Swanson? 这是我郡里的在查案子 That is an ongoing investigation in my county. 和你没关系 It has nothing to do with you. 我想跟我的弟弟谈谈 I want to talk to my fucking brother, goddamn it. 不


     艾丽斯 No. This is not your county, Alice. 你弟弟想和盘托出 Now, your brother wants to come clean. 他说他有点东西要给我们看 Says he has something to show us. 在那边 Over there. 该死 Shit.

     叫医护人员来 Call a paramedic. -他是谁

     -萨姆·芒恩布劳德 - Who is he? - Sam Moonblood. 在毒厂的争斗后 After the altercation at the Factory, 你弟弟在停车场袭击了他 your brother jumped him in the parking lot. 然后把他绑在了这里 Been keeping him here ever since. 布鲁克斯说他不知道莫利·约翰逊 Brooks says he doesn"t know anything about Molly Johnson. 我相信他 I believe him. 在你和雷伯恩遇到他的时候 Several eyewitnesses place him at the Factory 有几个目击者看到他在毒厂 around the same time you and Rayburn had your encounter. 不管那个人是谁

     肯定不是布鲁克斯 So whoever was out there with you, it ain"t Brooks. 我建议你在被调查期间 I"m going to recommend you be placed on leave 申请休假 while you"re investigated. 我们已经拍好照了 We got pics of this already. 抱歉

     艾丽斯 I"m sorry, Alice. 不该对你发脾气 I got angry. 但我和那些女孩没关系 But I had nothing to do with those girls. 你知道我会回来找你的 You know I came back for you? 你知道的

     对吧 You know that, right? 该走了

     艾丽斯 Better go, Alice. 那些女孩不是雷伯恩杀的 Rayburn didn"t kill those girls. 清理针头


     感谢你们救了我 Well, thanks for saving my life. 我觉得你也救了我的命 I think you saved mine too. 他们抓到了吧 They got him, right? 什么 What? 卡尔说不是布鲁克斯 Karl says it wasn"t Brooks. 他说时间线对不上 He says the timelines don"t match. 治安官

     我们接到了索比尔部落警局的电♥话♥ Sheriff, we got a call from Sawbill Reservation. 布莱克霍克想让您尽快赶到毒厂 Blackhawk wants to see you at the Factory ASAP. 完毕 Over and out. 真有趣

     雷伯恩改口了 Funny, Rayburn changed his story. 说射击他的是嫌疑人 Said that it was the suspect that must have shot him. 我们都会犯错 We all make mistakes. 我来问话

     好吗 Let me do the talking, okay? 我们有一条线索 We got one lead. 这个人很有可能从你这里买♥♥过投矛器 Whoever this guy is likely bought an atlatl from you. 我不是全美国唯一一家投矛器制♥造♥商 I"m not the only one in America who makes atlatls. 过去的一年里你都卖♥♥给谁了 Who you been selling to in the past year or so? 不会太多的 Can"t be too many. 听着... Look... 我弟弟对你做的事

     我很抱歉 I"m really sorry about what my brother did to you, okay? 他会受到应有的惩罚

     He"s going to get what"s coming to him. 但现在还有人逍遥法外

     猎杀小女孩 But right now, there"s someone out there killing teenage girls, 我们需要你给我们线索 and we need you to talk to us. 我不知道他们叫什么 I don"t got names. 只记得他们长什么样 Only faces. 我不留着小票 I don"t keep receipts, 因为我的投矛器没人退货 "cause nobody returns my atlatls. 如果你们照片的话

     我或许可以帮到你门 Now, if you got mug shots, maybe I can help you, 但如果没有的话

     算你们不走运 but if not, you"re shit out of luck. 这是个很棒的矛 That"s a good spear. 是松木做的 It"s made from pine. 我只用桦木 I only use birch. 我不会在我的矛上做标记 I don"t mark my spears. 抱歉

     我帮不了你们 I"m sorry, I can"t help you. 感谢你的时间 Thanks for your time. 红翼威士忌 今天就不能不去吗

     爸爸 Can"t go one day, Dad? 我就去买♥♥瓶啤酒 I"m just going to get a beer. 天啊

     你跟你妈妈似的 Jesus, you"re like your mom. 难道我该跟你似的吗 Should I be like you? 我马上回来

     好吗 I"ll be right back, okay? 我要去走一走

     I"m going to start walking. 别犯傻了 Don"t be stupid. 超级便利店 威士忌 Whiskey. 红翼威士忌 超级便利店 她会没事吗 She"s gonna be okay? 我们得看着点她 We"re just gonna keep an eye on her. 谢谢你 Thank you. 你好

     莫利 Hi, Molly. 我们会让你们都好起来的

     我保证 We"re going to get you all better, I promise. 不

     我是来还账的 No, I"m just here to settle my debt. 我能帮你什么吗 Can I help you? 没事 No. 皮卡不错 Nice truck. 我要看验尸报告 I need to see the autopsy report. 抱歉打扰了 Sorry to bother you. 你儿子在家吗 Is your son home? 只有我一个人 No one here but me. 只是... Well, it"s just... 上周有个人帮我助推发动了我的车 last week this guy helped jump-start my truck. 我保证他当时开的就是这辆车 I could"ve sworn this was the truck he was driving. 只是想对他表示感谢

     Just wanted to thank him. 抱歉 Sorry about that. 那可能是我的邻居 That would"ve been my neighbor. 他有时候开这辆车 He uses it sometimes. 他就住在山上 Lives up the hill there. 谢谢你

     先生 Well, thank you, sir. 不客气 You betcha. 寻人启示 格温·斯旺森 布恩医生今天下班了

     但如果你跟我来的话 Dr. Boone left for the day, but if you"d like to follow me, 验尸报告就在他办公室里 the autopsy report should be in his office. 太好了 Great. 不可能是这个 This can"t be the file. 里面没有照片证据 It has none of the photo evidence in it. 我继续找 Oh, I"ll keep looking. 肯定还有别的 Yeah, there have to be more. 这是谁 Who"s this? 布恩医生的女儿

     梅利莎 Dr. Boone"s daughter, Melissa. 我不知道他还有个女儿 I didn"t know he had a daughter. 她被一个酒驾司机给撞了 Yeah, she was hit by a drunk driver 在树林里孤独地去世了 and left alone in the forest to die. 可怜的姑娘 Poor girl.

     梅利莎 Melissa. 梅利莎·布恩 Melissa Boone. 开门 Open it. 上楼 Go upstairs. 汉森跟我来 Hansen, with me. 叫医护人员来 Call the paramedics. 老天啊 Jesus Christ. 我们正在全境通缉布恩 We got the APB out on Boone. 你还好吗 You okay? 我得和雷伯恩谈谈 I have to talk to Rayburn. 走 Go. 雷伯恩 Rayburn? 雷伯恩 Rayburn. 我知道是谁绑走了格温 I know who took Gwen. 雷伯恩 Rayburn. 为什么 Why? 为什么是格温 Why Gwen? 我是个优秀的父亲 I was a good father. 而你是个醉鬼 You were a drunk. 她可能会变成小混♥蛋♥ She would"ve grown into a fuckup, 就像你一样

     just like you. 成为所有人的负担 A drain on everyone. 我只带走那些无牵无挂的孩子 I only took the ones that no one would miss. 雷伯恩


     别这么做 Rayburn, stop! Don"t do it. 拜托了 Please. 这个人害死了我的女儿

     应该以死谢罪 This man needs to die for what he did to my daughter. 雷伯恩

     别这么做 Rayburn, don"t do this. 别这么做 Don"t do this. 我来把他抓起来 Let me take him in. 让他烂在监狱里 Let him rot in jail. 你想跟我谈论孰是孰非吗

     治安官 You want to talk to me about right and wrong, Sheriff? 你现在要么走开

     否则可以再打我一枪 Now you can either walk away, or you can shoot me again, 但他现在就得死 but this ends now. 起来

     起来 Get up, get up. 该死

     雷伯恩 Goddamn it, Rayburn! 我几年前把这个陷阱掩盖了起来 I covered this trap years ago. 我发现自己不喜欢猎杀动物 Realized I didn"t like killing animals. 雷伯恩

     拜托 Rayburn, please. 我为你破一次例 I"ll make an exception for you. 你就让我像个动物一样死去吗 You"re going to let me die like some animal? 不 No.

     我从不会让动物垂死挣扎 I would never leave an animal suffering. 现在我们扯平了

     治安官 Now we"re even, Sheriff. 寻人启示 格温·斯旺森 沉痛悼念我们的女儿 格温·斯旺森 在 14 岁的花季去世 永远在我们心中 本地新闻

     当局仍在搜寻 In local news, authorities are still searching 疑似连环杀手约翰·布恩 for suspected serial killer Dr. John Boone, 最后的行踪是... whose last known whereabouts... 别担心

     我们会抓住这混♥蛋♥的 Don"t worry, we"ll get this piece of shit.

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