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  • 高二英语上学期期末考试试卷,含答案,(2)

    时间:2020-12-02 15:09:02 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站

    相关热词搜索:英语 高二 上学期

     高二英语上学期期末考试试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 请听下面 5 段对话选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。

      1.Where does the conversation take place?

      A.At a concert.

     B.In a bookshop.

     C.In a restaurant 2What are the speakers going to do?

      A.Have a nice evening togeIher.

      B.Say goodbye tO each other.

      C.Start the summer vacation.

      3.How is the nlanagemenl of{he company now?



     C.Excellent. 4.What CaP-we learn from the conversation? A.The ltlan is unwilling to have a look at the house for sale. B.The houses for sale are of high quality. C.The houses are too expensive for the couple to buy. 5When will the man probably arrive in New York? A.At 3:30 pm.

     B.At 6:13 pm.

     C.At 6:30 pm.

      第二节(共 15 小题:每小题 I.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

     请听下面 5 段对话或独自,选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。请听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 8 题。

     6.What is the woman going tO do this summer?

      A.C-o back to her family.

      B.Spend tWO weeks at the seaside.

      C.Find something spt:cial tO do 7.Why does the woman think the coming summer special?

     A.She will stay with her[amily.

      B.Her parentS will have atwO 一 week holiday.

      C.The man Will have a great suYnnler with her. 8.What do we know about the wolnan’S uncle?

      A.He has a large family in Florida.

      B.He will come tO visit her from Florida.

      C.He has a house at the seaside in Florida.

      请听第 7 段材料,回答第 9 至 11 题 9.When does the conversation nlost probably take place?

      A.Early in the morning.

     B.i.ale in the morning.C.Late in the afternoon. 10.How would the woman prohably go 10 the park?

      A.By car.

     B.By bus

      C On foot 11.Where is the park?

      A.In the same direction as the wonlan’8 home.

     B.In the opposite direction from{he woman’s home.

      C.Near the worllao’s home.

      请听第 8 段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题 12。When should the woman start to work?

      A.At 8:30 am.

     B.Al 8:15 am.C.At 8:00 am. 13.Why is the woman late for work?

      A.She forgot tO set the clock last night.

      B.Her clock broke down.

      C.Her clock was sold. 14.When will the woman probably buy a new clock?

      A.Immediately after work today.

      B.Aher the old one is soht.

      C.AS soon as Mr.Smith is back in the office.

      请听第 9 段材料,回答第 15 至 1 7 题 15.WhaI does the man plan to do ?

      A.Sell photos to the woman.

      B.Have dinner with the wonlDn.

      C.Publish a photo alhum. 16.How is the mal-~feeling al the nloment?

      A.Excited and eager.

     B.beloved and crazy.

     C. proud and nervous 17.When does the man take a photo of the wonlan?

     A.After he puts another roll of hinl in his camera.

      B.Before the woman is ready.

      C.AfteE the woman does her hair carefully:

      请听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题. 18.How long does Don Pain have to work every day?

      A.6 hours.

     B.7 hours.

     C.8 hours. 1 9.According tO Don Pain,as a postman,what is the worst thing?

      A.Having too many items tO deal with every day.

      B.Going to work late in the morning;

      C.Meeting with dogs while delivering letters. 20.What does Don Pain think of his work?

      A.It’s boring.

     B.It’S dangerous.

     C.It’S satisfactory 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)

      第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

      从 A、B、c、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

     21.It’s evident that________little money he earns



     support________family as large as his.




     D./;the 22.The Chinese government predicts________action is taken immediately,as many as 10

     million people could be infected with ttIV/A1DS in China by the year 20 10.


     B.that unless

     C.if not D.that as Iong as 23 . He said specifically that it was necessary that you............+.。——present at the meetmg.


     B.had to

     C.be D.shall 24.He is a foreigner and he is not accustomed _______like that while he i8 tn China. A.treating

     B.to be treated

     C.to being treated

      D.to treat 25.The boy often gets__________due to his obesity.


      B teased about

      C made fun

      D played jokes 26.He knows it iS time that he

      A.quits smoking


     quitted smoking

     C.should quit to smoke


     quitted to smoke

     27.1 can’t________Lily, who is a mystery to me .

      A.1et Out

      B try out

     C pick out

     D figure out 28.John’S guilty


      B embarrassed




     anxious 29.The lawyer required the____________of evidence SO that he

     couht defend the accused.



     C.subscription D.presentation 30. Anyone who smikes cigarettes is, the doctors say, risking__________. A.being lost their heahh C.of losing thei r heahll 31.It

     was_________after drinking that resulted in the treeible accident doing much damage to hiS car

      A.due to his driving

      B losing their health

      C.because he drove

      D to lose theit hralth 32.一 Now,where is my purse?

      一_______!We’II be late for the picnic.

      A.Take your time

     B.Don’t worry

      C Come on

     D Take it easy 33.He raised his gun,pointed it to a deer and_________careful aim ,shot at it.



      C to take

      D taken 34._______the present unemployment

     continue, the society

     would face a more trouble-some situation.




     C Might

      D Could

     35.1 like_________when the teacher says that my work is satisfactory

      A.this;at random

     B.that}in general

      C.it;onthewhole D.one;in particular

      第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)


      阅渎下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36--55 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。


      My mother,through her fine example,gradually made lile feel the desire to help others. She


     me to notice those who others ign0 re.she was compassionate(有同情心的).


      The railroad tracks were within a mile of our

     37.“Beggars”(as they were known) would

     38 knock on the doors in our 39

     in the summer asking for food.They were

     often 40

     .Others simply ignored the knocks.



      Mv monl alwavs went to the d00r 41

      S11e w()uld invite them to 42

     and have

      something tO eat.She would have rile 43 the card table and carry a chair Out onto the

      covered side porch(走廊).There was a nice 44

     into the flower gardens,and itwas cool

     even on the houest days.


      She would 45 a red and whiIe checkered(方格)tablecloth and set the l able as46

      as she did for any guest.She would 47

     cnffee for them.Usually she sent them packed lunch when they were48 in go.Sometinles she would give tbe

     49tO those who asked about Work.

      she listened to those who wanted to talk.She never asked whal led 1hem to be in this


     50.It did not matter.She saw only the

     51.Some t}lought she

     52 not:

     ()ffer this kindness.She would say,“In the Great Depression when nay father was looking

      for work t0 feed us,

     53 people fed him.I am j ust

     54 heir kindness.1 cannot offer

      ttlem nlonev,but I can see they do 1101 leave


     and discouraged.”

      My morn was quite a lady.



     C.guaranteed D.taught 37 A.h。use


     C.hospital D.factory



     C.frequem ly





     C.chihlhood D.town

      40.A.roiled over

     B.turned off

     C.dealt with D.turned away 41 . A . crying

     B . smiling

     C . screaming




     C.stay D.visit

     43.A.Open up

     B.put away

     C.fold up D.1et out 44.A.spot


     C.phenomenon D.view 45.A.design




     46 . A . careful 】


     B . quickly

     C . hurriedly





     I).taste 48.A.w。rried








      D newspaper



     C.situation D.distance 51.A.need


     C.danger D.reputation



     C.could D.would



     C.addicted D.warm--hearted 54.A.repaying






     C.hungry D.packed

     第三部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)

      阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。


      Hsieh.a never--say--die young man,has mastered the technique of painting hy holding

     the paintbrush in his mouth.When he was sixteen,Hsieh had a terrible electrical accident.

     Both of his arms and the lower part of his right leg were cut off.He also lost sight in his

     rigllt eye.But Hsieh didn’t lose heart.He decided to learn art,and took the first difficult

      step toward changing his life.

      “At first.I tried to hoht a pen in my mouth.But I couldn’t control it,”Hsieh said,“Fi—nally,after trying over and over again,I learned tO write my OWn name.” Learning to paint was even more difficuh.At first,every brushstroke he made caused deep cuts in his mouth.It was ext remely painful.But Hsieh didn’t let the pain discourage

     him.“lnstead,I held the painlbrusb even tighter,”Hsieh explained in a firm voice.“l

      knew if I gave up.it would not only be the end of my painting,hut also the end of my struggle for a better life.”No matter what the obstacle(障碍)is,Hsieh always manages tO find the bright side of the situation.

      Hsieh works hard tO inspire others.He is a tireless lecturer,giving about four hundred formal speeches a year!“If a person like me can lead a happy life,”Hsieh explained,“why would regular people feel unhappy?It doesn’t always take tWO arms tO achieve your dreams. A11 it lakes is a warm heart.” 56.What happened tO Hsieh when he was young?

      A.He was struck by electricity.

      B.His left leg was hurt.

      C.He lost heart because of failure.

      D.He was ill for two months. 57.Which of the following is his character?

      A.Realistic thought.

     B.Impressive works.

      C.Unexpected news.D.Belief in SUCCESS.

     58.Which is right?

      A.Hsieh once got the help from the government.

      B.Only such a person like Hsieh can succeed.

      C.He touched himself before he began to paint.

      D.It doesn’t always take tWO arms to realize one’S dream. 59.Which is the best title of the passage?

      A.How to learn painting.

     B.A painter without hands.

      C.A man who was hurt.

      D.How to make oneself well—known. B

      A simple piece of clothesline hangs between some environmentally friendly Americans and their neighbors.

      On one side stand those who see clothes dryers(干衣机)as a waste oi energy and a

     major polluter of the environment.As a result,they are turning to clotheslines as part of the “what—l—can—do environmentalism(环境保护主义).”On the Other side a.re people who are against drying clothes outside,arguing that clotheslines are unpleasant tn look at。They


     Dersuaded Homeowners



     aCCeSS the




     clotheslines,because clothesline drying also tends 10 lower home value in the neighborhood. This has led to a’Right—to--Dry Movement that is calling for laws tO be passed to protect

     people’s right tO use clotheslines.So far,only three states have laws to protect clotheslines. Right—Lo—Dry supporters argue that there should be more.

      Matt Reck,37,is the kind of eco—conscious(有生态意识的)person who feeds his trees

      knew if I gave up.it would not only be the end of my painting,hut also the end of my struggle for a better life.”No matter what the obstacle(障碍)is,Hsieh always manages tO find the bright side of the situation.

      Hsieh works hard tO inspire others.He is a tireless lecturer,giving about four hundred formal speeches a year!“If a person like me can lead a happy life,”Hsieh explained,“why would regular people feel unhappy?It doesn’t always take tWO arms tO achieve your dreams.

     A11 it lakes is a warm heart.” 56.What happened tO Hsieh when he was young?

      A.He was struck by electricity.

      B.His left leg was hurt.

      C.He lost heart because of failure.

      D.He was ill for two months. 57.Which of the following is his character?

      A.Realistic thought.

     B.Impressive works.

      C.Unexpected news.D.Belief in SUCCESS. 58.Which is right?

      A.Hsieh once got the help from the government.

      B.Only such a person like Hsieh can succeed.

      C.He touched himself before he began to paint.

      D.It doesn’t always take tWO arms to realize one’S dream. 59.Which is the best title of the passage?

      A.How to learn painting.

     B.A painter without hands.

      C.A man who was hurt.

      D.How to make oneself well—known. B

      A simple piece of clothesline hangs between some environmentally friendly Americans

     and their neighbors.

      On one side stand those who see clothes dryers(干衣机)as a waste oi energy and a

     major polluter of the environment.As a result,they are turning to clotheslines as part of the “what—l—can—do environmentalism(环境保护主义).”On the Other side a.re people who are against drying clothes outside,arguing that clotheslines are unpleasant tn look at。They


     Dersuaded Homeowners



     aCCeSS the




     clotheslines,because clothesline drying also tends 10 lower home value in the neighborhood. This has led to a’Right—to--Dry Movement that is calling for laws tO be passed to protect

     people’s right tO use clotheslines.So far,only three states have laws to protect clotheslines. Right—Lo—Dry supporters argue that there should be more.

      Matt Reck,37,is the kind of eco—conscious(有生态意识的)person who feeds his trees

      with halhwal er and reuses water drops from his air conditloners to water plants.His family

     also uses a clothesline.But on July 9,2007,the itOA in Wake Forest,Norlh Ca rolina.told him that a dissatisfied neighbour had telephoned them about his clothesline.The Recks paid no attention tO the warning and still dri"ed their clothes on a line in the yard.“Many people say they are environmentally friendly but they don’t take matters in their own hands。”says Reck.The local HoA has decided not tO take any action,unless more neighbors co~le 10 them. North Carolina lawmakers are saying that banning clotheslines is not the right thing to do.But HOAs and housing businesses believe that clothesline drying reminds people of poor neighborhoods.They worry that if buyers think their future neighbors can’t even afford dryers,housing prices will fall.

      Environmentalists say such worries are not necessary,and in view of global warming, that idea needs to change.As they say,“The clothesline is beautiful”.Hanging clothes

     outside should be encouraged.We a11 have to do at least something tO slow down the process of glohal warming. 60.One of the reasons why supporters of clothes dryers are trying tO ban clothesline drying


      A.clothes dryers are more efficient

      B.clothesline drying reduces home value

      C.clothes dryers are energy--saving

      D.clothesline drying is not allowed in nlost U.S.slates 61.Which of the following best describes Matt Reck?

      A.He is a kind~hearted man.

      B.He is an impolite man.

      C.He is an experienced gardener.

      D.He is a man of social responsibility 62.Who are in favor of clothesline drying?

      A.Housing busmesses.


      C.Homeowners Associations. D.Reck’8 dissatisfied neighbors. 63.What is mainly discussed in the text? A.Clothesline drying:a way to save energy and fnnRey B.Clot hesline drying:a lost art rediscovered.

     C.Opposite opinions on clothesline drying. D.Different varieties of clotheslines. C Good_re|1chers

     A language Iraining school at Ya Yun Cun needs tWO full 一1}me teachers and three part

     ~tinle teachers tO teach aduIt S,12 students a class,teaching spoken English and business English。Teaching during the afterniins and evenings. Full — time teach 目 s 25--g0 h 。

     urs /week.10,000-12,000yun/month,part-time teachers can choose how many classes they want tO teach.

     100—150 yuan/hour,according to your experlenee

     Need native English speakers with teaching expertence.

      Please send your resume( 简 历 )and picture to

      eslchina@yahoo ,com,cn.


      CurreWAy,Fisher’s Travel SOSisooking for a writer and researcher with experience in journalism and the ability Io use a computer.It is a part--time position for a project lhal

     will take a n!onttl to complete.Work is conducted at home,and will take a couple of hours per day or less.Full training is given. P1ease refer to www . fisherstravelsos . com for more information On our company journalists and writers interested in the position should directly contact Danielle Chu al danielle.ehu@fisherstravelsos,Come with their details and resumes.

     FulJ—time Waiters

      We are a beautifLll modern WOrld—famous Tiki Bar looking for full—time staff— waiter/waitress.If you are 18 to 25 years old with good looks,a quick wit(才思)and charm,this job is for you.Good command of English and basic restaurant experience is necessary but not required.Please conlact 13370153195 or mail to dacfxa@163bjcom

     Advertising SMes

      You must have a“sales”personality—you need tO love

     knocking on doors,making presentations,closing deals,and keeping your customers happy.You don’t need any special qualifications(资历),and you don’t have to speak English.Ideally you should}lave advertising sales experience,but that’S not a requirement. 1f this sounds like a great fit,please email your resume to jobs@chinadeco

     com.cn. 64.All the following are Necessary if you apply for the job as a researcher EXCPT that________. 72.What is the main purpose of this passage?

      A.TO att ract totJrist s to Pacaya.

      B.TO desertbe the beatitY of Pacay.

      C.TO introduce guided tours tO Pacava.

      D.To explain the power of nat ure al PaCava. 73.Antigua is a city_____________.

      A.where people can enjoy cult ural festivals

      B where the daring Paeaya tour starl s

      C.that gives a close—up view of Pacaya

      D.that is famous for ils tour companies 74.Climhing tO the McKenney Cone.people will________

      A.walk directly 10 the active sun-refit

     B.hear the eontinuous loud noise fi*om ahove

      C.make greaIer efforts than tO other summits D.see a path lined with remains of earlier erupt ions 75.Many tours are timed for people to___________


      A.get doEvn to t he mountain in time when night falls

      B.avoid the smell from the upwind direction of the cOne

      C.enjoy the fantastic eruption against the darkening sky

      D.appreciate the scenery of the 2560 nleter—high iTlountain 第四部分:写作(共 35 分)

      第一节短文改错(共 10 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 lO 分)

      Climbing is my favorite sport.1 am fond it, especially in later autumn.One day early in the morning, my friend and I put our sports shoes and started off. After climbing for half all hour,we got at the top of the mountain.There we have a good view miles around. To the norlh,a big river crossed the city.There were many ships sail husily.A lot of beautiful trees were there,tOO. The sun started tO go down,for it 1,V88 time for us tO go back.In t he way baek,we were laughing and talking all the time.We had a good time that day. 第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)

     假如你们学校“英语爱好者俱乐部”将对“良好饮食习惯”这一话题进行讨沦。请根据下 列提示,用英语写一篇发言稿。内容要点应包括 部分同学的饮食习惯 良好的饮食习惯 个人看法 丌吃早餐 爱吃零食 偏食 饮食过量 饮食多样化 饮食定食定量 重要性:


     发言稿必修包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥; 发言稿开头语结尾已为你写好,丌计入总词数 词数:110 左右; 参考词汇:偏食 be particular about


     零食 snack Dear friends, As we are whal we eat.

     Therefore,it’s ve。y important for Lls to form

     heall hy eatng habits_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

     _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That’s all Thank you!

      英语参考答案 听力材料及参考答案 (Texl 1) W:With light music and beautiful paintings on the wall,it makes me feel comlorrflble here M:Please look at the menu and see what you would like to have. (Text 2) W:Thank you very much for such a beautiful evening. M:1’m glad that you enjoy it Do come again in your summer

     vacation. (Text 3) M:Wow!For how many years haven’t you got a raise now? W:It’s been three years!.rhe company keeps losing money and it cannot afford to give anyone a raise· M:That’s tOO bad! (rext 4) M :

     This a rTlcle is nothing but advertising for housing developers.I don’t think the houses they sell are half as good. W:C。me 0n,David.Why so negadve?We are thinking of buying a house,aren’t we?Just a trip to look atthe place won’t cost us much (Text 5) W:What canI dofor you? M:1 want a ticket to New York.How can l get there as soon as possible. W.This afterr【00n there’s a flight leaving at 3:30.You will probably get there 3 hours later.Is that OK? M

     That’s fine. (Text 6) M:Are you going to do anything exciting this summer,Sandy?

     W:We are.as amatter offact. M:Oh,yeah?Something different from usual? W:Yeah,my uncle says we can stay in his beach house in Florida for two weeks. M:Oh,that’s wonderful! W:Yeah,it’s also really special! M:Special? W.That’s right.Yoll know,my parents and grand pareflts are coming to stay for the whole summer,and I can really feel the atmosphere of the family again. M:()h,that sounds like a great summer. W:Yes.Itwill be. (Text 7) M:Hello,Jane.Why are you standing here in the cold wind? W.1’m waiting for a bus,but the buses are very crowded this time of the day. M:Where are yOH going?This isn’‘your way home.You rllust take a bus from the other side of the street to go home. W:ButI am not going home now.I am goingfor awalk. M:Going for a walk in such cold weather? W:I always like t0 go for a walk before supper. M:I see.Then why are yOU going by bus?Why not go to the

     park on foot"? It’s not very far from here. W:Oh,no.Bill.But it isn’r very interesting to walk through the street

     In fact,it’s very boring.So l al’waystake a No.3 busto gotothe park (’Fext 8)

      W:FIdto,Bob. M:Hello,Roise.Look at the time.It is eight fifteen.You are fifteen minutes late. W:Sorry。I overslept.My clock didn’tgo off this morning. M:Again? W:That’s right,even though I did set the clock last night M:Your clocks never works.Perhaps you should buy a new one. W:Well。if it breaks down again tomorrow,1 will be sure to buy a new one M:Maybe bythenlt will betoolate W:What do you~lefln by saying“tOO late”々 M:By that time you will he fired Mr.Smith,our nevv boss hates people who are late for work.Fortunately.this morning,he has gone to an important appointment Otherwise,nobody could help you.

     W:l’m really lucky this time.Thank you for reminding ITte,anyway.1 will definitely buy a new one M:It’s nothing. (Text 9) M.T\voweeks.1 saidI could doitintwo weeks.andI didlt W:The pictures you’ve taken 8re wonderful.Richard Mr Carlson.the publisher,will love them M:I’m going to show him the photos on Monday morning.I can’t wait! W:1’m very proud of yOU.You really did a beautiful Iob.I know he will love the new photos for you album M:Yeah.I really did do a good iob,didn’t l?Hey.you know,there is still sonle fihn left on his roll,and there’s one person I haven’t photographed for a long time. W:Who? M:You. W:Riehard!I haven’t brushed my hair. M:YOH Iook great! W:It’s not fair.Richard.1’m not even ready. M:Oh,that’s wonderful!That’s wonderful! (Text lO) My name is Don Pain.1 was chosen Postman of the Year in

     1995.I have been a postman for 23 years.I love my work very much and it is a fine life for me.1 work five days a week.Every day 1 work f。r 31x o’clock in the morning to about two o’clock in the afternoon The worst thing is being late in the morning.Wc lmndle 50,000 to 60,000 items a day.I deliver to probably 278 addresses.Some of them are from abroad I anl happy to see the smiles on their faces when 1 give them a letter from home.I think lf there is anything 1 don’t like a

     bout the job,it is the snow and the ice and especially dogs.I have been bitten about half a dozen times.1 have got 3 years hefore I retire.I alil going t。miss the job when l retire. Answers—— 1—5

     C BAA C


     BA CC B

     11—15 B C BA C


     A B C BC 21 25

     A BC CA

     26—30 BDA DB

     3l 35 BCBBC 36—40

     DA C B D

     41—45 BCADB


     A C B DC S1—55

     A B DA C




     BD BC 64—66


     57—7 l A A BA A


     A BDC 76.it 前加 of


     78.put 后加 on 79.at—to 80.have—had 81.crossed—crosses 82.sail—sailing

     83.for—so 84.In—On 85.正确

     One possible version:

      As we all know,we are what w eat Therefore,it’s very important for us to form healthy habits How—ever.bad eating habits are still common among us students Some of u.s often go"to school without breakfast;some Iike o have snacks:some others are particular about food;and still some eat or drink too much.An thesebad habits will surely do harm to our health.

      To keep it.w should have various healthy diets,which generally include proper amounts of fish ,~1ear·vegetables.fruit as well as main food Besides,we’d better have meals regularly.

      In my opinion,we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body.Only in this waycarl we have enough energy to study better.

      That’s a11.Thank you!

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