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  • 中国模特在维密秀上摔跤ChineseModelFellinVictoriaSecretFashionShow:维密摔跤的模特都有谁

    时间:2019-09-26 10:09:28 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站


    Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show has become one of the most popular fashion


    shows in a year. It catches the world’s attention, the public is so excited to witness the gorgeous supermodels to walk in the runway. But this year, a model fell in the show and it never happened before.

    In such big stage, every model has prepared for a long time, because they want to show their best situation and every second they walk in the runway is limited, so they are not allowed to make mistakes. But even the perfect plan will be out of control sometimes. A Chinese model made the biggest mistake in her career. The moment she fell, she struggled to stand up and then kept finishing walking the rest of stage.

    Even though she had apologized when she was off the stage, many fans criticized her for felling at home, which was such a big shame. A lot of audience questioned about her profession. They believed she did not do her own job in the past days. All these rumors would destroy a person, if she could hold on to it, she could be stronger.
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