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  • 【结婚誓言经典台词电影】 结婚语录经典语录

    时间:2020-02-11 19:07:27 来源:蒲公英阅读网 本文已影响 蒲公英阅读网手机站

    相关热词搜索:结婚誓言经典台词电影 结婚誓言唯美句子 男女结婚誓言经典台词


      新郎:老婆我想对你说,这一刻是我一生最幸福的时刻。新娘:老公我想对你说,这一刻也是我一生最甜蜜的时刻。新郎:当相知相恋的岁月,从我们身边走过 。 我们的爱/成熟了!

      新娘:当未来向我们深情的呼唤, 我知道,我们将伴着幸福,地—久—天—长!新郎:我爱你,老婆!新娘:我爱你,老公!合:我—爱—你!

      新郎:“在而立之年,我们从不同的城市相会在…, 你从茫茫人海中选择了我,我感到十分的幸运,我虽然不能给你这世界上最富有的财富,但我要让你成为这个世界上最幸福的女人!”



      Ready to Some New Wedding Vows?

      My husband an I will be married 10 years this fall, and I think we’re ready for some new vows.

      We’ve pretty much mastered for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all othters. Instead of repeating those vows and recommitting to what we’ve already accomplished, I want us to make some new promises for this stage of our relationship.

      Here are a few:

      I will trim my nose hair as often as necessary.

      I will not pick my nose or scratch my butt in public.

      I won’t bite my nails if you don’t pick your toes.

      I won't mention your belly if you don’t mention my gray hair.

      I will share the blanket.

      It’s true——after more than a decade together, some of our physical habits have become annoying. It’s hard for me to remember, but there was a time actually lulled me to sleep, rather than keeping me awake.

      It isn’t just physical habits that can grate on each other’s nerves now. Our verbal habits can also be frustrating. For example, my husband is a very funny man. Except when he’s not.

      So, some additional vows:

      I will only tell jokes I know are funny.

      If you stop talking to me while I’m reading, I’ll stop talking to you while you’re watching “Iron Chef.”

      I promise to interrupt you while you’re speaking only in case of an actual emergency (which includes wanting to know where you’ve put the chocolate).

      I won’t sing a song unless I know all the words.

      I’ll try to limit conversations that involve yelling from room to room, except when I’m in the bathroom and need more toilet paper, or when I’m in the bedroom and wonder what’s for dinner, or when I’m in th TV room and you’re playing computer games.

      As we enter our second decade of marriage, we’ll both be in our 40s, instead of our 30s. Some of our chaming idiosyncrasies now look more like character flaws. We’ve both changed, but not necessarily in the ways either of us might have imagined or hoped.

      At the same time, there are agreements we’ve tacitly made, without explicitly acknowledging them. They include:

      I will say “I was wrong, you were right.”

      I will remind you regularly why you married me and why I married you.

      I will keep it together when you’re falling apart and only fall apart when you’re able to hold things together.

      As we grow older, we hope to mature faster than we age. We learn to love, honor and cherish ourselves. And we try to have and hold onto money better.

      As our marriages age, it becomes harder than ever to forsake all other destractions(kids, work, the Internet) and pay attention to our partners, who we expect to see beside us on the other side of the bed, the other side of the table, the other side of our lives. They are our mirrors, but they are not us.

      So, in the next phase of our lives, I will look beyond the flaws and the imperfections and the inadequacies we all feel and celebrate the life my husband and I have created and the love we enjon.

      Till death to us part.

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